The requirements of this part apply to the terms and renewal of a license or limited-license permit of an applicant other than a limited faculty or resident dentist. The requirements for the terms and renewal of licensure as a limited faculty or resident dentist are specified in part 3100.1750.
An initial license or permit issued by the board is valid from the date issued until the last day of the licensee's birth month in either the following even-numbered year for an even-numbered birthdate year or the following odd-numbered year for an odd-numbered birthdate year, or terminated according to the procedures in this part.
A properly renewed license or permit issued by the board is valid from the first day of the month following expiration for 24 months until renewed or terminated according to the procedures in this part.
A dentist, dental hygienist, licensed dental assistant, or dental assistant with a permit under part 3100.8500, subpart 3, shall submit an application for biennial renewal of a license or permit together with the necessary fee no later than the last day of the licensee's birth month which is the application deadline. An application for renewal is deemed timely if received by the board or postmarked no later than the last day of the licensee's birth month. The application form must provide a place for the renewal applicant's signature certifying compliance with the applicable professional development requirements including maintaining a consecutive and current CPR certification and information including the applicant's office address or addresses, the license number, whether the licensee has been engaged in the active practice of dentistry during the two years preceding the period for which renewal is sought as a licensee, and if so, whether within or without the state, and any other information that may be reasonably requested by the board.
The procedures in this subpart shall be followed by the board for all licensees who have failed to submit the biennial renewal application according to subpart 2 and applicable fees, except as provided in subpart 5.
Any time after the application deadline, the board will send, to the last address on file with the board, a notice to a licensee who has not made application for the renewal of a license or permit. The notice will state that licensee has failed to make application for renewal; the amount of the renewal and late fees; that licensee may voluntarily terminate the license or permit by notifying the board; and that failure to respond to the notice by the date specified, which date must be at least 33 days after the notice is sent out by the board, either by submitting the renewal application and applicable fees, or by notifying the board that licensee has voluntarily terminated the license or permit will result in the expiration of the license or permit and termination of the right to practice.
If the application for renewal, including the applicant's signature certifying compliance with the applicable professional development requirements, and the applicable biennial and late fees or notice of voluntary termination is not received by the board by the date specified in the notice, the license or permit will expire and the licensee's right to practice will terminate as of the date specified in the notice. The expiration and termination will not be considered a disciplinary action against the licensee.
A license which has expired according to this part may be reinstated according to part 3100.1850.
The board, in lieu of the process in subpart 3, may initiate a contested case hearing to revoke or suspend a license or permit for failure to submit the fees or provide the applicant's signature certifying compliance with the applicable professional development requirements on the renewal application, at the same time that it initiates disciplinary proceedings against the licensee for other grounds specified in Minnesota Statutes, section 150A.08, subdivision 1, and parts 3100.6100 to 3100.7200 and 3100.8100.
10 SR 1612; 17 SR 1279; 20 SR 2623; 29 SR 306; 31 SR 1238; 35 SR 459; 36 SR 738; 37 SR 1849
July 8, 2013
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes