An applicant or license holder must offer services scheduled at accessible times that are appropriate to the resident's age or level of functioning to support achieving the goals and outcomes in the resident's treatment plan. The license holder must offer the services and achieve the outcomes in items A to I.
The license holder must offer individual and group psychotherapy that is designed to achieve the outcomes and meet the specific requirements of the resident's individual treatment plan and, when possible, help the resident reintegrate into the resident's family, the community, and a less restrictive setting than residential treatment. The person providing individual and group psychotherapy must, at a minimum, qualify as a mental health practitioner who is supervised by a mental health professional.
The license holder must offer crisis assistance services designed to help the resident and family members recognize factors that precipitate a psychiatric crisis, anticipate behaviors and symptoms, and know the resources to use when crisis is imminent or occurs. The person providing crisis assistance services must, at a minimum, qualify as a mental health practitioner and must be supervised by a mental health professional.
The license holder must offer medication education designed to have the resident and family understand:
the role of psychotropic medication in the resident's treatment and the effect the medication may have on the resident's physical and mental health; and
the physical, emotional, or behavioral changes resulting from the resident's use, misuse, or refusal to use psychotropic medications prescribed. The person who provides medication education must be a medically licensed person, or supervised by, a medically licensed person.
The license holder must offer instruction in independent living skills designed to strengthen a resident's ability to function in a less restrictive environment than a residential treatment center. The services must support the resident in carrying out the tasks of daily living, encourage the development of self-esteem, and promote self-sufficiency. The person providing independent living skills services must either qualify as a mental health practitioner or as a staff person with direct contact who is supervised by a mental health practitioner.
The license holder must offer recreation, leisure, and play activities designed to achieve the outcomes in subitems (1) and (2):
the resident and family learn how to plan and participate in recreation and leisure activities. The person providing these services must, at a minimum, qualify as a staff person with direct contact under the supervision of a mental health practitioner or a recreational therapist.
The license holder must offer social and interpersonal skills development designed to achieve the outcomes in subitems (1) and (2):
the resident communicates and interacts appropriately with peers and adults.
The person providing these services must, at a minimum, qualify as a staff person with direct contact under the supervision of a mental health practitioner.
The license holder must offer vocational skills development services designed to prepare the resident for the world of work by exploring the importance of such areas as use of time, acting responsibly, and working within the goal of an organization. The person providing these services must, at a minimum, qualify as a mental health practitioner or must be a staff person with direct contact supervised by a mental health practitioner. The license holder may make vocational skills development services available to the resident through the school district either on the facility campus or at a site provided by the school district.
The license holder must offer assistance in parenting skills designed to achieve the outcome of parents using therapeutic parenting techniques that address management of specific behaviors or learning issues directly related to or resulting from the resident's emotional disturbance. The person providing parenting skills services must be supervised by a mental health practitioner.
The license holder must offer family support services designed to achieve the outcomes in subitems (1) to (3):
family members have broader family support, family goals, and improved family coping skills; and
the resident is reintegrated into the resident's family and community.
The license holder must provide the services in this item at times, including evenings and weekends, that are mutually agreed upon by the resident's family and facility staff. The person providing family support services must, at a minimum, qualify as a mental health practitioner.
28 SR 211
August 5, 2008
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes