Correctional facilities that want to use restrictive procedures may use restrictive procedures according to the program's statement of intended use if the license holder is certified to use restrictive procedures according to part 2960.0710.
The certification holder must report critical incidents and the disposition of the critical incidents to the Department of Corrections. Critical incidents that involve or endanger the lives or safety of facility staff or residents must be reported in writing to the certifying authority within ten days on forms approved by the certifying authority.
The license holder must have security policies and procedures that include the topics in items A to K:
one-half hour interval security inspection routines when residents are not under direct supervision;
The license holder must report information and statistics about program services, outcomes, and data about residents in the license holder's facility to the commissioner of corrections according to Minnesota Statutes, section 241.021, subdivision 1, paragraph (a).
28 SR 211
August 5, 2008
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes