The license holder must have written policies that identify program outcomes and promote the resident's development as a physically and mentally healthy person. The program services offered by the license holder must be consistent with the resident's case plan.
The license holder must ensure measurement of the outcomes of the license holder's services intended to promote the resident's development as physically and mentally healthy persons. The measurement must note the degree to which the license holder's services provided to the resident or the resident's family have been successful in achieving the intended outcome of the services offered to the resident and the resident's family. The license holder must measure the success in achieving the outcomes identified in the license holder's policy statement required by subpart 1. The commissioner of human services or corrections may require license holders to measure specific factors related to the outcomes in subpart 1.
The license holder must annually evaluate strengths and weaknesses of the program using at least the performance indicators in subitems (1) to (7):
The license holder must use the program evaluation reports and findings in subpart 3 as a basis to make improvements in its programs.
The license holder must comply and cooperate with independent program audits conducted by the commissioner of human services or corrections and comply with the findings of the audit. The license holder must document the facility's compliance with its operational policies and procedures. The license holder must retain demographic information on a resident and must document the extent of the resident's program completion on a form designated by the commissioner of human services or corrections.
Each facility must have a board of directors or advisory committee that represents the interests, concerns, and needs of the residents and community being served by the facility. The board of directors or advisory committee must meet at least annually. The license holder must meet at least annually with community leaders representing the area where the facility is located to advise the community leaders about the nature of the program, the types of residents served, the results of the services the program provided to residents, the number of residents served in the past 12 months, and the number of residents likely to be served in the next 12 months.
28 SR 211
August 5, 2008
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes