A written individual treatment plan for each client must be completed within 30 days of the client's entrance into the program. The individual treatment plan and the interventions designated to achieve its goals must be based on the initial treatment recommendations developed in the intake assessment with additional information from the client and, when possible, the client's family or legal guardian. Input may also be obtained from the program staff, appropriate representatives from outside social service and criminal justice agencies, and other appropriate resources. One qualified sex offender treatment staff person must be responsible for the integration and completion of the written plan, which is signed and dated and placed in the client's file.
The individual treatment plan must be explained and a copy provided to the client and, if appropriate, the client's family or legal guardian. The program must seek a written acknowledgment that the client and, if appropriate, the client's family or legal guardian have received and understand the individual treatment plan. The individual treatment plan and documentation related to it must be kept at the program in the client's case file. A copy of the client's individual treatment plan must be made available to the supervising agent, if requested, when it is completed.
The individual treatment plan must include at least the following information:
the sex offender treatment goals and specific time-limited objectives to be addressed by the client;
measurable outcomes for each time-limited treatment objective that specify the therapeutic experiences and interventions most necessary to assist the client to achieve the objectives;
the impact of any concurrent psychological or psychiatric disorders on the client's ability to participate in treatment and to achieve treatment goals and objectives;
a list of the services required by the client and the entity who will provide the required services;
MS s 241.67
23 SR 2001
October 8, 2007
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes