The facility administrator shall develop a written emergency plan. The plan must include:
There must be a documented quarterly review of emergency procedures by the person in charge of the facility that includes:
Incidents or special occurrences which endanger the lives or safety of staff or prisoners or the physical plant of the facility must be reported. Reports must include the names of staff members and prisoners involved, the nature of the special occurrence, actions taken, and the date and time of the occurrence. Special occurrences include, but are not limited to:
occurrences of infectious diseases and disposition of the occurrences.
Special occurrences must be reported on forms provided by the department or comparable forms used by the facility.
In the event of an emergency such as serious illness, accident, imminent death, or death, the prisoner's family or others who maintain a close relationship must be notified.
When a prisoner's death occurs:
the date, time, and circumstances of the prisoner's death must be recorded in the prisoner's record;
if the prisoner dies in the facility, the coroner, medical examiner, or sheriff must be notified immediately;
records of a deceased prisoner must be retained for a period of time in accordance with law; and
the facility administrator shall observe all pertinent laws and allow appropriate investigating authorities full access to all facts surrounding the death.
MS s 241.021
17 SR 711
September 27, 2013
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes