When the facility provides or contracts for food service, the service must comply with and meet all sanitation and health regulations.
It is mandatory that facility menus meet recognized dietary standards. A facility's menu content and cycle must be reviewed at least biennially by a registered dietitian or nutritionist to ensure compliance with the rules specified in subpart 2 unless there have been no changes to the menu. The review and findings must be documented and kept on file.
If the facility is preparing the meals, the facility must have a certified food manager.
A facility must have policies and procedures to address therapeutic diets that have been ordered by a physician.
A facility must have a written policy and procedure that addresses requests for special diets by residents to accommodate religious dietary laws.
A facility must keep records of one menu rotation and substitutions actually served. Substitutions must be of equal nutritional value.
MS s 241.021
9 SR 1655; 36 SR 635
January 3, 2012
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes