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All rules contained herein, except to the extent exceptions are stated, shall apply to each holding facility, lockup, jail, and adult corrections center.
All construction shall comply with regulations required by the State Building Code, adopted by the state of Minnesota and standards stated herein applicable to the facility's classification and security classification of prisoners confined.
Wherever specific mention of a construction condition or specification is not made, the requirements of the State Building Code, the fire marshal, the Minnesota Department of Health, the Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry, and any other federal or state regulating agency with lawful authority to define construction requirements shall apply.
Where mention is not made of measurements, gauges, quality, volume, intensity, or some other such characteristic with respect to security areas or products, such specifications shall be equal to or exceed those required by established security product manufacturers in the field of jail and prison hardware and equipment.
Where mention is made of measurements, gauges, quality, volume, intensity, or some other such characteristic, gauges, quality, volume, intensity, or whatever other characteristic equal to or exceeding the specifications presented herein shall be acceptable. Where such equivalent products are to be used, a letter certifying that such products are equal to or exceed the specifications noted herein, shall be filed with the architect, owner, and Department of Corrections by the manufacturer of such product prior to department approval of any new construction. Whenever an article or material is defined by describing a proprietary product or by using the name of the manufacturer, the term, "or architect/engineer approved equivalent" if not inserted, shall be implied.
Lockups, jails, and adult corrections centers shall be designed to accommodate maximum, medium, and minimum security prisoners and shall provide maximum, medium, and minimum security living accommodations. Holding facilities shall minimally provide medium security living accommodations for prisoners. They are not required to provide maximum or minimum security accommodations. Adult corrections facilities designed and approved by the department to accept only one classification of prisoner (maximum, medium, or minimum) may have the capability of providing security of that classification only.
MS s 401.03
November 8, 2004
The design shall not cause conflicts in the necessary functions of activities. No activity shall be terminated or delayed by cause created because of another necessary activity.
Staff work stations and control rooms shall be situated to provide the greatest degree of observation of traffic flow and supervised internal activities as possible. A staff work station or control room shall be located on the same floor of the building as prisoner living areas for usage by custodial staff whose primary duties are the day-to-day supervision of prisoners of a local facility. Where staff are employed as combination jailer/dispatchers, such staff work station or control room shall be located on the same floor of the building as prisoner living areas. Dispatcher work stations or control rooms need not be located on the same floor as prisoner living areas when such staff are not responsible for the supervision of prisoners.
Staff work stations and control rooms which supervise security activities shall be separated from the public and the prisoners by security barriers, and shall be protected from direct observation from the outside of the facility.
The design shall provide for separation of prisoners and the public; the prisoners and the staff; prisoners of one classification and another; prisoners and unauthorized areas of the facility.
There shall be provisions to conduct all maximum security prisoner functions within the security perimeter of the facility. There shall be a minimum of two physical barriers between maximum security prisoners and freedom during unsupervised activities.
Storage areas shall be sufficient to provide adequate space for separation and security of keys, weapons, drugs and medications, tools, evidence, recovered stolen property, mattresses, linens and bedding, housekeeping equipment and supplies, clothing, prisoners' property, canteen and hygiene items, and records. Secure weapon depositories separate and distinct from armories shall be provided outside the security areas for the temporary safekeeping of officers' weapons.
The design shall provide for service deliveries to be accomplished without interfering or interacting with the security of the facility.
Electrical auditory two-way communications shall be provided between control stations and prisoner areas of the facility.
Padlocks shall not be used in place of a security lock on any door, window, or cabinet within the security perimeter of the facility.
No prisoner traffic corridor shall be less than five feet in width in security areas.
Illumination levels shall meet current recommendations of the Illumination Engineers Society.
The design of the facility shall provide for communication to be accomplished with the required levels of confidentiality.
Visiting provisions shall be designed to provide flexibility in the degree of security required to accommodate both noncontact visiting as well as privileged visiting in the situations that require and justify this level of interaction. Visiting space shall be provided so that at least one-tenth of the facility's capacity can be accommodated at any time. At least 25 square feet per prisoner visiting station shall be provided.
Each entrance of a facility shall be constructed to permit the control room or secure reception area observation and identification of the person(s) seeking admission prior to their gaining access to a security area.
Provision shall be made for the maintenance of a noise level averaging no higher than 65 to 70 decibels in the daytime and 40 to 45 decibels at night for the prisoner living areas. Attention shall be given to restrict noise levels in one area of the facility from interfering with activities in another area.
All exposed surfaces of the facility's physical plant, equipment, or furnishings utilized therein shall be of materials and construction which provide for cleanability of surfaces without unreasonable effort.
Each prisoner living area shall be provided with a minimum of six cubic feet of storage space per prisoner.
All hot water to prisoner showers and washbasins shall be tempered to 105 degrees Fahrenheit to 120 degrees Fahrenheit.
All facilities shall be designed and provided with necessary equipment to maintain temperatures in prisoner living areas between 65 and 71 degrees Fahrenheit during winter months and between 66 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit during summer months.
Nonskid, nonslip flooring shall be provided on all stairways, ramps, and shower floors.
Smoke and heat detection equipment shall be provided in all facilities.
The use of closed-circuit television equipment shall be approved by the department on an individual case basis upon review of the facility design concept and staffing plan. Closed-circuit television equipment shall not be approved for usage in situations where the department has determined that the usage of same is inconsistent with proper security practices, the legal rights of prisoners, or is being used in lieu of adequate staff resources.
All cells or detention rooms shall have a minimum ceiling height of eight feet. All dormitories designed for a capacity of ten or more prisoners shall have a minimum ceiling height of nine feet.
All eating areas outside of cells or detention rooms shall be visually apart from toilet and shower facilities.
Minimum security areas of the facility shall be adequately separated from other areas of the facility with more stringent security classifications.
Isolation areas shall be located so that all prisoners, regardless of classification or sex, may have access without violating privacy and security requirements.
Jails and adult corrections facilities shall provide space designed to conduct constructive programmed activities that can include outsiders in areas other than the living areas of the facility without compromising the security and control of the facility's operation.
Lockups shall provide at least one multipurpose room that may be used for such purposes as religious services, small group counseling, etc.
Maximum security cells are designed with the intended use being only for adult males classified as dangerous. However, justifiable exceptions will be accepted for all prisoners whose use of such a facility is necessary.
Each facility shall have an auxiliary source of power which is capable of providing light, heat, and communication during a power failure.
MS s 401.03
November 8, 2004
Administrative, clerical, maintenance, and service personnel shall be provided with office and storage space to meet established and projected needs which shall be separate and apart from the inner security areas and prisoner-occupied areas of the facility.
Public areas shall be situated so as not to interfere with all necessary functions of the facility and shall provide for the comfort and convenience of the public including sufficient seating, toilets, lavatories, drinking fountains, and telephones.
Public areas of the facility shall provide a controlled access to the building and to all security areas of the building.
MS s 401.03
November 8, 2004
Intake and receiving areas shall be located in an area protected from the public, but separate from the areas occupied by the other prisoners of the facility.
Each receiving area of a facility shall provide for privacy of searching, showering, and processing of an admission as well as a secure holding area properly equipped for the convenience of the detainee for up to six hours of detention. There shall be provisions for storage for clothing issued and property received.
MS s 401.03
November 8, 2004
The design of the facility shall provide for proper segregation of prisoners.
Male and female areas shall be so situated as to preclude the need for staff and/or prisoners of the opposite sex from routinely trafficking in each others' areas.
Prisoners' rights to privacy from degrading, unauthorized observation shall be protected without compromising the security and control of the facility.
No living area shall have a floor line more than three feet below the adjacent ground level.
All ventilation and heating vents shall be located so as not to create an air flow directly on a bed or eating area.
Basic provisions for each cell or detention room shall include a toilet, sink, abuse-resistant mirror, drinking faucet, desk or table, seating bench or chair, wall closet or shelf, bed or bunk, and light with abuse-resistant lens covering.
Each residential area shall provide a shower facility of a minimum of 36 inches by 36 inches for each 15 prisoners, adjacent to the living area. Shower facilities are prohibited in cells and detention rooms.
Each room or cell in lockups, jails, and adult corrections centers shall be adjacent to an enclosed exercise area or connected by corridor having direct access which provides a minimum of 40 square feet per prisoner for numbers under four, an overall average of 36 square feet per prisoner for numbers over four, but in no event, an area less than 75 square feet. Holding facilities are not required to provide such exercise areas.
Each exercise area shall be equipped with a fixed table and benches providing a minimum of three square feet per prisoner for at least 50 percent of the prisoner capacity of the area served by such exercise area, a telephone jack, an audio sound monitor, at least one controlled electrical outlet, and if separate from direct access to rooms having toilets, a toilet, sink, drinking faucet, and modesty panel.
Each lockup, jail, and adult corrections center shall provide an area for the examination, treatment, and convalescent care of prisoners, situated separate and apart from other living areas, but within the security perimeter of the facility. Holding facilities are not required to provide such an area.
All living areas other than dormitories (three or more beds) shall be single occupancy. Dormitory capacity shall be limited to no more than 25 percent of the total capacity of the facility.
Adult corrections centers shall provide outdoor recreational space for prisoners compatible with the security classification of prisoners confined.
MS s 401.03
November 8, 2004
Each maximum security cell, medium security cell, or detention room shall provide for at least 70 square feet of floor space within the cell or detention room.
Minimum security rooms shall provide a minimum of 50 square feet of floor space per prisoner when unrestricted access to exercise, dayroom, or program areas is permitted. Seventy square feet of floor space is required when such access is not permitted.
Dormitories shall provide three or more beds and a minimum of 60 square feet of floor space per prisoner within the dormitory exclusive of toilet and shower areas. Dormitories shall not be used in maximum security areas.
Each maximum security cell shall be located at least 44 inches away from an outside wall, separated from the wall with an inspection corridor.
A 44-inch inspection corridor providing visibility of medium security living areas shall be provided. Such corridor need not be between the exterior wall and prisoners.
No area occupied by a maximum security prisoner which is unsupervised directly by staff shall have direct access to an outside window or door.
No area occupied by medium or minimum security prisoners which is unsupervised directly by staff shall have direct access to an outside door.
Maximum security cells or dayrooms and exercise areas shall have access to natural light through the 44-inch inspection corridor required under subpart 2.
Medium security cells or detention rooms and minimum security rooms shall be located either on an outside wall which provides a window for natural lighting or on a dayroom area which provides this condition.
Medium and minimum security dormitories shall be located on an outside wall which provides windows for natural lighting.
Each entrance to a maximum or medium security prisoner living area shall be provided with a sally port large enough to accommodate a stretcher with both gates or doors closed.
Maximum security cells shall be constructed to permit maintenance of plumbing, heating, and light fixtures from outside the prisoner area.
Heat registers, thermostats, electrical outlets, and plumbing pipes shall be located out of the reach of maximum security prisoners.
Heat registers may be located in medium and minimum security areas but shall be protected by security screen. Electrical outlets may be located in medium and minimum security areas but shall have a shutoff switch outside the prisoner area. Thermostats shall be located outside of medium and minimum security areas with heat sensors provided in prisoner areas as necessary. Plumbing pipes shall not be exposed to medium security prisoners.
Each sewer line shall be equipped with at least a two-inch cleanout plug located within 18 inches of each toilet and a shutoff valve on each water line located outside the prisoner area.
Plumbing fixtures used in maximum or medium security areas shall be either aluminum or stainless steel security fixtures.
All materials accessible to prisoners used in the construction of maximum security shall be capable of withstanding serious damage for a period of two hours, using that which is normally available within that area.
All materials accessible to prisoners used in the construction of medium security shall be capable of withstanding serious damage for a period of one hour, using that which is normally available within that area.
The design and furnishings of minimum security areas shall be developed with normalcy in mind, but in keeping with the design, purpose, classification, and use of the remainder of the facility.
Maximum security cell doors shall be equipped with locking devices that provide the capability to lock all doors either collectively or separately from outside the prisoner area.
Medium and minimum security cell, detention room, or dormitory doors may be equipped with locking devices that provide the capability to lock all doors either collectively or separately from outside the prisoner area.
Vent openings shall be no larger than seven inches of the diameter of a circle or 5-1/2 inches of a side of a rectangular opening.
Grillage bars shall consist of tool resistant steel, a minimum of seven-eighths inch in diameter, spaced no more than six inches on center vertically with lateral bar supports 3/16 inch thick at least every 18 inches. Grillage shall not be used in minimum security areas.
All glass shall consist of polycarbonite and tempered glass combination materials, or bullet and heat resistant glass, which in either case shall be no less than one-half inch thick and greater as proportionately correlated in thickness with the overall size of the opening and the use. Architects shall verify state building code glass requirements in fire-resistive construction.
All concrete walls, floors, ceilings shall be prepared in accordance with the Manual of Standard Practice, Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute. All concrete shall be reinforced with intermediate grade steel meeting requirements of deformed billet-steel bars three-eighths inch in diameter for reinforced concrete ASTM A 615, Grade 60.
Mesh reinforcing shall be welded wire fabric reinforcing ASTM A 185 steel wire of size indicated and spot welded at intersections.
Placement of concrete shall be in accordance with ACI 304. Portland cement ASTM C 150 Type I shall be used for general concrete work. Fine aggregate ASTM C 33 100 percent passing of no. 4 sieve coarse aggregate ASTM C 33 three-fourths inch. Concrete mix design, 3,500 psi for general use, three inches maximum slump.
Maximum security walls shall consist of one of the following:
poured concrete six inches thick with vertical and horizontal steel rod reinforcement, vertical rods six inches on center, horizontal rods as per subpart 15;
concrete block eight inches thick with cells filled full height with mortar or concrete; vertical steel rod reinforcement in each block cell; horizontal steel reinforcement between each course; with hardening compound used to treat joint mortar;
security walls consisting of a hollow metal, 14 gauge, steel core, interlocking wall system equal to or surpassing the following panel performance data:
Under a static load of 10,000 pounds, placed at quarter points, maximum deflection at center of panel shall not exceed .50 inches with a rebound to .065 inches after load removal. The wall panel shall be subjected to a racking or twist test placing a 5,000 pound load on one unsupported corner of the panel, with the other end of the panel held in a fixed position and with the third corner having a vertical support. The maximum permitted deflection of the unsupported corner shall not exceed 1.65 inches with a rebound to .180 inches after load removal. Wall panels shall be adequately insulated so as to deaden metallic ring if wall panels are struck by prisoners.
Medium security walls shall consist of one of the following:
poured concrete six inches thick with vertical and horizontal steel rod reinforcement, vertical rods six inches on center, horizontal rods as per subpart 15;
concrete block eight inches thick with cells filled full height with mortar or concrete; vertical steel rod reinforcement in each block cell; horizontal steel reinforcement between each course; with hardening compound used to treat joint mortar;
poured concrete four inches thick with vertical and horizontal steel rod reinforcement, vertical rods six inches on center, horizontal rods as per subpart 15. Concrete shall be faced with two inches of structural glazed tile;
security walls consisting of a hollow metal, 14 gauge, steel core, interlocking wall system equal to or surpassing the following panel performance data:
Under a static load of 10,000 pounds, placed at quarter points, maximum deflection at center of panel shall not exceed .50 inches with a rebound to .065 inches after load removal. The wall panel shall be subjected to a racking or twist test placing a 5,000 pound load on one unsupported corner of the panel, with the other end of the panel held in a fixed position and with the third corner having a vertical support. The maximum permitted deflection of the unsupported corner shall not exceed 1.65 inches with a rebound to .180 inches after load removal. Wall panels shall be adequately insulated so as to deaden metallic ring if wall panels are struck by prisoners.
Maximum security ceiling construction shall consist of one of the following:
an 18 gauge, steel core ceiling panel system which will withstand a rack or twist test of 1,800 pounds on one unsupported corner of the ceiling panel, without weld failures or buckling of any portion of the panel. The opposite end of the panel shall be held in a fixed position and the third corner shall have a vertical support during the test. Insulate in the same manner as wall panels.
Medium security ceiling construction shall consist of one of the following:
same as above with secondary ceiling suspended to consist of no less than nine gauge expanded metal covered with one inch of concrete and plaster treated with hardening compound;
an 18 gauge, steel core ceiling panel system which will withstand a rack or twist test of 1,800 pounds on one unsupported corner of the ceiling panel, without weld failures or buckling of any portion of the panel. The opposite end of the panel shall be held in a fixed position and the third corner shall have a vertical support during the test. Insulate in the same manner as wall panels.
Maximum and medium security floors shall consist of one of the following:
poured, reinforced concrete, six inches thick, using minimum of nine gauge expanded metal, or three-eighths inch steel rod six inches on center;
prestressed concrete sections laid side by side with minimum of 2-1/2 inches concrete or terrazzo slab using nine gauge expanded metal;
medium security floors may consist of quarry tile with a full setting bed method of installation;
a slab on grade shall be a minimum of four inches reinforced concrete with 6 X 6 to 10/10 welded wire mesh (ten gauge wire six inches o.c. each way). Quarry tile, resinous terrazzo, or an equivalent floor finish shall be applied.
Maximum and medium security doors shall consist of one of the following:
Grillage type, consisting of tool resistant steel bars, seven-eighths inch diameter, spaced no more than six inches on center vertically with lateral bar supports at least every 18 inches; equipped with security hinges, food pass (5 inches by 12 inches minimum), a dead bolt security lock.
Hollow metal door, 14 gauge steel minimum, equipped with security hinges, a lockable food pass (5 inches by 12 inches minimum), view panel and speak through, a manual or electrical security dead lock. Face sheets of hollow metal doors shall be of 14 gauge steel minimum and an all steel core shall be used which will provide the following performance data:
A static load of 14,000 pounds should be applied at quarter points on the door panel, with less than three-fourths inch deflection and without any failure of the door panel or welds after the load has been removed. The door panels should be subjected to a rack or twist test by placing 7,500 pounds on one unsupported corner of the 14 gauge hollow metal door panel, with the other end of the door clamped in a lock position, and the third corner of the door supported with a vertical member. No permissible failure can occur in the door panel nor any of the welds during or after the 7,500 pounds is removed.
Grillage doors less than six feet eight inches minimum height, 30 inches width shall be approved by the department prior to construction. No grillage door shall be approved less than six feet high by two feet one inch wide, set three inches above finish floor, six feet three inches minimum opening height. All openings shall comply with state building code height and width requirements.
Maximum and medium security window construction shall consist of one of the following:
solid metal frame windows no wider than 5-1/2 inches (no movable parts) to be used only in conjunction with a mechanical air exchange and temperature control system; or
louvered or awning type windows, encased in security frames, containing rolled steel bars between panes not wider than six inches on center and covered on the inside by security screen (no less than 18 gauge or greater than one-fourth inch mesh openings) and mosquito screen on the outside.
All hardware used in maximum security areas shall be designed for maximum security use. All hardware in maximum and medium security areas shall be attached, using security type or tamper-proof fasteners that face away from the prisoner area. All electrically operated hardware shall provide for manually operated key override in an emergency. Electric hinges shall be equipped with concealed wires so that electric parts are not exposed after hinge is installed. All vent guards shall be constructed of tool-resistant steel, or the opening guarded by observable tool-resistant steel bars, meeting grillage specifications. Pipe chase doors or access panels shall consist of not less than one-eighth inch steel plate, locked with a security dead lock, or be of construction materials comparable to maximum security hollow metal steel doors. All hardware used in medium security areas shall be designed for medium security use.
Medium security dormitories shall be equipped with one fixed bed per prisoner; one ceiling or wall light per two beds, covered with an abuse resistant lens; one toilet and modesty panel for each eight prisoners; one sink and abuse resistant mirror for each eight prisoners; one shower, minimum 36 inches by 36 inches, for each 15 prisoners; one abuse resistant eating table with seating benches that provide a minimum of three square feet of space per prisoner with capacity for each prisoner up to six, but no less than six in dormitories larger than capacity for six and no less than 60 per cent of the total capacity level, whichever is greater; one fixed dresser or wall locker per prisoner.
Minimum security rooms shall be equipped with a bed, desk or table, clothes closet, mirror, ceiling or wall light, and chair. Minimum security rooms shall be located separate and apart from other areas of the facility requiring higher degrees of security, but within the overall security perimeter of the facility.
Dayroom areas of at least 40 square feet per one-half of the total minimum security capacity, but no less than 120 square feet shall be provided adjacent to the sleeping area and shall be equipped for a T.V., and with telephone jack, table, seating facilities, electrical outlets. All power supplies shall be controlled by staff from outside the prisoner area.
One toilet and modesty panel, sink, and mirror shall be provided for each eight prisoners and one shower, minimum 36 inches by 36 inches, shall be provided for each 15 prisoners, when not provided in the individual rooms.
Doors are not required to be equipped with dead lock or dead latching mechanisms.
Minimum security dormitories shall be equipped with the following items per prisoner: bed or bunk, wall locker or wall shelf and clothes hooks, mirror, dresser, chair, eating tables and chairs shall be provided to accommodate one-half the total capacity of the dormitory. Additional furnishings may be permitted such as divider panels, T.V. set, radio, lounge chair, and any other article which is normally used in residential living, but would not constitute a disproportionate security threat to the remainder of the facility.
Minimum security dormitories shall be located separate and apart from other areas of the facility requiring higher degrees of security, but within the overall security perimeter of the facility.
One toilet and modesty panel, sink, and mirror shall be provided for each eight prisoners and one shower, minimum 36 inches by 36 inches, shall be provided for each 15 prisoners. Such facilities may be adjacent to or apart from the dormitory proper, but must be within the immediate vicinity. Facilities may be gang type or individual when more than one is required. All privacy requirements found elsewhere in these standards apply.
Visiting shall be provided outside and apart from the dormitory area. When dayrooms are not provided, a room shall be provided for the visiting of minimum security prisoners. Such room may be the same as that provided other prisoners for privileged visiting, i.e., with attorneys, clergy, etc., providing it does not cause serious conflict in the maintenance of security for the remainder of the facility.
Doors are not required to be equipped with dead lock or dead latching mechanisms.
MS s 401.03
November 8, 2004
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes