Any insurer, self-insurer, or policyholder may use the test for actuarial equivalence as a guide. To obtain certification of any plan of health benefits as qualified, it must be submitted to the commissioner.
The following must be sent to the commissioner:
A certification that the plan is qualified as either a plan 1, 2, or 3, or is nonqualified, by using the test of actuarial equivalence in part 2740.9949. The certification must be by a principal or officer, or by a member of the Academy of Actuaries.
If the plan is not a qualified plan by using the test of actuarial equivalence, and the insurer or self-insurer desires to have it certified as a qualified plan, a statement of the specific reasons for the desired qualification.
If the documents required by subpart 2 are filed and the plan is a qualified plan by using the test of actuarial equivalence in part 2740.9949, then the plan will be deemed certified as filed. If the documents required by subpart 2 are filed and the plan is not a qualified plan by using the test of actuarial equivalence in part 2740.9949, then the plan will be qualified upon certification by the commissioner.
MS s 62E.09
10 SR 474
October 8, 2007
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes