No more than three colors may be used for the sign letters and no more than two colors for the sign background and border. A wall sign must complement the building color.
Signs on multiple-use buildings must be coordinated in the use of colors, materials, and shapes.
Lettering styles must be legible and relate to the character of the property's use. Each sign may contain no more than four lettering styles.
Ground and pylon signs must have plantings at and around the base that serve to (1) screen the sign base or any lighting installed at ground level; and (2) tie the signage to the principal use by using plantings that are similar to those used on the rest of the site.
External illumination of signs is permitted by incandescent or fluorescent light, but must emit a continuous white light that prevents direct shining onto the ground or adjacent buildings.
Internally lit signs are permitted if illumination is confined to individual letters or symbols. Backlit "box" signs are prohibited. Internally illuminated canopy signs may be allowed with board approval.
MS s 15B.06
34 SR 900
January 15, 2010
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes