All signs must conform to applicable provisions of the building code of the city of St. Paul as well as the structural design standards of the State Building Code in chapters 1300 to 1370.
Signs must not resemble any traffic control sign or signal so as to be confused with it. Signs must not interfere with the visibility of any traffic control sign or signal.
Signs that are unsafe or in disrepair must be repaired or removed. Unsafe signs must be repaired or removed within 24 hours after notification. Signs in disrepair must be repaired or removed within 15 days after notification.
"Disrepair" means a condition in which the sign has deteriorated to the point where at least one-fourth of the surface area of the name, identification, description, display, illustration, or other symbol is no longer clearly recognizable at a distance of 20 feet; where paint is peeling, chipping, or flaking from the structure surface; where the sign has developed significant rust, corrosion, rotting, or other deterioration in the physical appearance, or is so faded that it is not clearly recognizable at a distance of 20 feet; or where an illuminated electrical sign is no longer in proper working order.
Removal, in the case of painted wall signs, means a complete repainting of the background on which the sign was painted, or a sandblasting of the surface to reveal an exterior finish compatible with surrounding surfaces, so that no part of the sign is still visible.
Any sign that advertises, identifies, or pertains to an activity no longer in existence must be removed by the owner of the property within 30 days from the time the activity ceases existence. This part does not apply to seasonal activities during the regular periods in which they are closed.
MS s 15B.06
34 SR 900
January 15, 2010
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes