The intent of this part is to ensure that buildings relate to the public realm and to adjacent buildings in a manner consistent with the statutory purposes of the board as stated in Minnesota Statutes, section 15B.01, and the goals of the comprehensive plan.
The frontage map in subpart 3 establishes frontage types that are independent of use and height districts. "Frontage," as used in this chapter, means both the setback between the building façade and the front lot line and to the height and disposition of the building façade. In the case of buildings that abut more than one street, frontage requirements apply within each setback from a street as shown in subpart 3.
Capitol mall frontage type requires a building a minimum of three stories in height, set back a minimum of 30 feet and a maximum of 40 feet from the lot line. This frontage type is intended to achieve the highest standard of architectural quality for buildings fronting the Capitol mall, as shown in the standards in part 2400.2405.
In the Capitol view frontage type, buildings must be set back a maximum of five feet from the lot line for at least 75 percent of their length. Buildings must be a minimum of two stories in height. In order to preserve significant views of the Capitol Building from University Avenue, any portion of the façade above two stories in height must be stepped back at least 30 feet behind the front plane of the building façade.
In the civic frontage type, buildings must be set back a minimum of five feet and a maximum of 15 feet from the front lot line for at least 85 percent of their length and must be a minimum of three stories in height. Where a new building is adjacent to existing buildings, it must maintain the average setback of those buildings.
In the flexible frontage type, setback from the front lot line depends on building type and location. Residential buildings must be set back a minimum of 15 feet and a maximum of 25 feet, or the average of the block face, if developed. Nonresidential or mixed-use buildings must be set back between zero and 25 feet from the front lot line, but must not exceed the average block face setback. Buildings at corner locations must be located within five feet of the front lot line on either street for a distance of 30 feet from the corner.
In the residential frontage type, residential buildings must be set back a minimum of 15 feet and a maximum of 25 feet, or the average of the block face, where built out. Nonresidential buildings, where present, must be set back between zero and 25 feet from the front lot line, but must not exceed the average block face setback.
MS s 15B.06
34 SR 900
April 28, 2023
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes