In order to preserve the State Capitol Building as the dominant structure in the Capitol area, no building shall be constructed to a height greater than the maximum height permitted in the height district, as shown on the map in subpart 6. The maximum height is stated as elevation above sea level, in contrast to St. Paul datum. Conversion is accomplished by adding 694.1 feet to the St. Paul datum in order to determine elevation above sea level. The maximum heights are as described in subparts 2 to 5.
Maximum height in height district 1 is established as 944.0 feet above sea level. This elevation corresponds to the height of the Capitol Building exclusive of the dome; generally, this would allow a building height of four to six stories in the Capitol area.
Within height district 1 in the east Capitol area, building height is further restricted as specified in items A to D.
Subdistrict 1a: An area between Robert Street and East Central Park Street, and its geometric extension, from the southeast side of Aurora Avenue to a line extending from the southeast side of 14th Street. Maximum height is 900.1 feet above sea level, 206 feet above St. Paul datum.
Subdistrict 1b: An area between Jackson Street and East Central Park Street, and its geometric extension, from the northwest side of 13th Street, and its geometric extension, to a line 250 feet north of University Avenue, drawn east to west between Jackson Street and Robert Street, then turning south along Robert Street to its intersection with University Avenue, then west on University Avenue for 350 feet, and again south to meet the line extending from East Central Park Street. Subdistrict 1a is excluded from the area described in this item. Maximum height is 888.1 feet above sea level, 194 feet above St. Paul datum.
Subdistrict 1c: An area between Jackson Street and East Central Park Street from the northwest side of 13th Street, and its geometric extension, to the southeast side of Columbus Avenue, and its geometric extension, and that area between Cedar Street and Minnesota Street, and Columbus Avenue and 12th Street. Maximum height is 876.1 feet above sea level, 182 feet above St. Paul datum.
Subdistrict 1d: An area between Jackson Street and Minnesota Street from the southeast side of Columbus Avenue, and its geometric extension, to the southeast side of 12th Street. Maximum height is 864.1 feet above sea level, 170 feet above St. Paul datum. Should the part of Minnesota Street in this subdistrict be vacated, the building height restriction in its right-of-way shall be an elevation of 831.1 feet, 137 feet above St. Paul datum.
Maximum height in height district 2 is established as 966.0 feet above sea level. Boundaries are as described in the map in subpart 6.
No building shall be constructed in height district 3a:
with a floor area ratio greater than 5.0. Boundaries for this district are described in the map in subpart 6.
No building shall be constructed in height district 3b with a floor area ratio greater than 5.0. Boundaries for this district are described in the map in subpart 6.
MS s 15B.06
34 SR 900
April 28, 2023
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes