The intent of the MXD Mixed Use Downtown District is to ensure that the portion of the Capitol area that extends into downtown St. Paul maintains its visual relationship to the Capitol campus while fostering a vital mix of uses that support both the Capitol campus and the downtown.
Building and Parking Placement Example
Building Height Measurement Example
Examples of Typical Buildings in the MXD District
The following minimum setbacks apply to building placement in the MXD district:
Primary Building Zone Setbacks | |
Front yard | See frontage map |
Corner side yard | Zero feet |
Interior side yard | Ten feet if adjacent to residential use |
Rear yard | Zero feet |
These building types, described in part 2400.2500, are considered appropriate for the MXD district. Other building types are acceptable upon approval by the zoning administrator, provided that they meet the lot, height, and frontage requirements and design standards of this chapter.
Building Type | Minimum Lot Width |
Commercial block building | 35 feet |
Podium building | 60 feet |
Parking building | 60 feet |
Liner building | 60 feet |
Large apartment (5 plus units) | 50 feet |
Off-street parking is not required. Surface parking is prohibited.
Structured parking must be underground or fully enclosed by other permitted uses at ground level, with the exception of necessary entrances and exits.
Lot area and coverage requirements in the MXD district are as follows:
Building Type | Minimum Lot Size |
All buildings | None |
Maximum impervious coverage | 100 percent of lot area |
MS s 15B.06
34 SR 900
January 15, 2010
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes