The intent of the MX Mixed Use District is to foster vital commercial streets that serve the needs of surrounding neighborhoods and the Capitol campus, and to encourage pedestrian-oriented and transit-supportive development along these corridors.
Building and Parking Example
Building Height Measurement Example
Examples of Typical Buildings in the MX District
The following minimum setbacks apply to building placement in the MX district:
Principal Building | Minimum Setback |
Front yard | See frontage map |
Corner side yard | Zero feet interior |
Side yard | 10 feet adjacent to residential use |
Rear yard | Zero feet |
Buildings accessory to nonresidential uses must meet the same setback requirements as principal buildings.
Buildings accessory to residential uses must meet the setback requirements of the RM district.
These building types, described in part 2400.2500 are considered appropriate for the MX district. Other building types are acceptable upon approval by the zoning administrator, provided that they meet the lot, height, and frontage requirements and design standards of this chapter.
Building Type | Minimum Lot Width |
Civic building | 60 feet |
Commercial block building | 35 feet |
Podium building | 60 feet |
Parking building | 60 feet |
Liner building | 60 feet |
Single-family detached | 35 feet |
Two-family twin | 25 feet |
Two-family duplex | 35 feet |
Townhouse | 20 feet |
Small apartment (3-4 units) | 40 feet |
Large apartment (5 plus units) | 50 feet |
Carriage house | Not applicable |
Residential use parking may be located within an attached or detached garage, on a driveway leading to a garage, outside the front yard setback, or on a paved area meeting the following standards:
the parking is located in a side or rear yard behind the rear plane of the principal building on the lot;
the parking is set back a minimum of three feet from side and rear lot lines, including alleys; and
Nonresidential or mixed use structured parking is encouraged.
Surface parking must be located behind the rear plane of the principal building on the lot or within a side yard provided that no more than 70 feet of lot frontage along the primary abutting street is occupied by parking or driveways.
Lot area and coverage requirements in the MX district are as follows:
Building Type | Minimum Lot Size |
Nonresidential or mixed use | None |
Single-family detached | 5,000 square feet |
Two-family (per unit) | 3,000 square feet |
Townhouse (per unit) | 2,400 square feet |
Multifamily (per unit) | 1,200 square feet |
Maximum impervious coverage | 85 percent of lot area |
MS s 15B.06
34 SR 900
April 28, 2023
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes