For the purpose of meeting this part, "supervision" means documented interactive consultation, which, subject to the limitations in subpart 4, items B and C, may be conducted in person, by telephone, by audio or audiovisual electronic device, or by real-time, two-way interactive audio and visual communications between an approved supervisor and a supervisee. The supervision must be adequate to ensure the quality and competence of the activities supervised. Supervisory consultation must include discussions on the nature and content of the practice of the supervisee, including but not limited to a review of a representative sample of counseling services in the supervisee's practice.
"Postdegree professional practice" means required postdegree paid or volunteer work experience and training that involves the professional oversight by an approved supervisor and satisfies the supervision requirements in subpart 4.
For the purpose of this part, the supervision must be provided by a supervisor, approved by the board, who must:
be a licensed professional counselor, licensed professional clinical counselor, licensed psychologist, or other qualified supervisor as determined by the board;
have received a minimum of 45 hours of formal training in providing counseling supervision, which may include graduate coursework, continuing education courses, workshops, or a combination thereof. A supervisor approved by the board prior to July 5, 2005, is considered to have met the requirements of this subpart.
Licensed professional counselors must obtain supervision by an approved supervisor for 2,000 hours of post-degree professional practice. Licensed professional clinical counselors must obtain supervision by an approved supervisor for 4,000 hours of post-degree professional practice. This part does not prohibit licensees from participating in other supervisory relationships for purposes other than meeting the requirements of this part.
The content of supervision must include:
professional counseling or professional clinical counseling knowledge, skills, values, and ethics with specific application to the practice issues faced by the supervisee;
the standards of practice and ethical conduct, with particular emphasis given to the supervisee's role and appropriate responsibilities, professional boundaries, and power dynamics; and
the supervisee's permissible scope of practice, as provided under Minnesota Statutes, section 148B.50, subdivision 5, or 148B.5301, subdivision 5.
Professional counselors must obtain a total of 100 hours of supervision over the course of the 2,000 hours of postdegree supervised professional practice and professional clinical counselors must obtain a total of 200 hours of supervision over the course of the 4,000 hours of postdegree supervised professional practice. Supervision must be obtained at a rate of at least four hours but no more than eight hours of supervision for every 160 hours of professional practice. At least 75 percent of the required supervision hours must be received in person or through real-time, two-way interactive audio and visual communication, and the board must allow an applicant to satisfy this supervision requirement with all required hours of supervision received through real-time, two-way interactive audio and visual communication. The remaining 25 percent of the required hours may be received by telephone or by audio or audiovisual electronic device. At least 50 percent of the required hours of supervision must be received on an individual basis. The remaining percentage may be received in a group setting. For purposes of this item, "individual basis" means one supervisee per supervisor and "group setting" means two or more supervisees per supervisor.
Supervision must be completed in no less than 12 consecutive months and no more than 36 consecutive months for licensed professional counselors and no less than 24 consecutive months and no more than 72 consecutive months for licensed professional clinical counselors.
Except as provided in Minnesota Statutes, section 148B.53, subdivision 1, paragraph (c), the supervised practice must be completed under an approved supervision plan. Applicants must submit, on a form specified by the board, a written plan for meeting the supervision requirements. If the board determines that the supervision plan submitted meets the applicable supervision requirements, then the supervisee's completion of the supervised practice, as verified under this part, applies toward the supervised professional counseling or professional clinical counseling practice requirement provided that there was no substantial change from the approved supervision plan.
Applicants who are licensed psychologists under Minnesota Statutes, section 148.907, at the time of application for licensure as professional counselors are considered to have met the 2,000 hours of supervised professional practice. Such applicants must submit true and correct copies of notarized supervision verifications submitted to the Board of Psychology according to part 7200.0600.
The board must not accept the verification of supervised practice, or approve a supervision plan, if the board determines that the supervisor does not meet the requirements of subpart 3.
Upon completion of the 2,000 hours of supervised professional practice for professional counseling or the 4,000 hours of supervised professional practice for professional clinical counseling, the supervisor must verify, on a form specified by the board, that the supervisee has completed the supervision plan. The supervised practice required under this part is unacceptable if the supervisor attests that the supervisee's performance, competence, or adherence to the standards of practice and ethical conduct has been unsatisfactory.
A licensee must submit a new supervision plan for board approval within 30 days if any of the following occur:
the scope or content of the counseling practice changes substantially during the course of the supervision; or
Failure to submit changes to the supervision plan as required by item I results in hours accrued during this time period not counting toward the supervised practice requirement.
An applicant may receive complete or partial credit for supervised professional practice experience occurring postdegree but before licensure if the supervised professional practice meets the requirements of this subpart. Verification must be on a form specified by the board and must be submitted in lieu of the supervision plan required in item E.
29 SR 1605; 47 SR 960
July 12, 2023
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes