The following information shall be given to prospective students along with any materials designed to solicit their enrollment: minimum requirements for licensing in the fields in which the school offers instruction, tuition and all fees, the enrollment contract, refund policy, and student regulations. Prior to enrollment, written materials regarding refund policies must be discussed with and acknowledged as being understood by anyone enrolling in a cosmetology school. All written materials used to solicit prospective students shall comply with part 2110.0110. Copies of all solicitation materials shall be retained by the school for a period of five years from the last date of use.
MS s 45.023; 154.45; 154.47; 154.48; 155A.05; 155A.08; 155A.09; 155A.26; 155A.29; 155A.30
11 SR 389; 13 SR 1056; 22 SR 594; L 2005 c 27 s 9; L 2009 c 78 art 6 s 26
August 20, 2009
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes