Each school is subject to inspection at any time the board deems it necessary to affirm compliance. All school staff, including the owner, designated school manager (DSM), instructors, and unlicensed support staff must cooperate with the inspection. The school must allow a board inspector to inspect the school on the inspector's arrival at the school.
The board must notify schools with a written inspection report when any violation is found during a board inspection. The school licensee and the DSM must take immediate action to address each violation and within ten business days bring the school and all licensees into compliance with this chapter, chapter 2105, and Minnesota Statutes, chapter 155A.
If an order to comply is issued by the board inspector, the school and the DSM must report to the board via mail or email within ten business days of the order's issuance using a form provided by the board. The report must:
for each violation that was not immediately corrected or not corrected within ten days, provide a written explanation of the reasons for the delay, the specific steps the licensee will take to correct the violation, and the projected date the outstanding violation will be corrected. The board shall grant extensions requested in writing when the health and safety of the students and the public is not at immediate risk, and when the delay is warranted based on the information provided by the school.
The board must provide each school with the inspection results and a detailed inspection report on the inspection findings. Within ten business days of the issuance date on the results and report, the school and DSM must conspicuously post the inspection results in the entryway to the school clinic or at the reception desk and place the detailed inspection report in the reception area. The inspection results and inspection report must be visibly available in the reception area of the school for the public's review. The inspection results must remain posted and the inspection results must remain available in the reception area until replaced by new inspection results and a new detailed inspection report.
Violations of Minnesota Statutes, chapter 155A, and violations of this chapter and chapter 2105, including those listed in item B, cited on a board inspection are subject to:
Board staff must issue penalties prescribed in Minnesota Statutes, section 155A.25, for violations in subitems (1) to (3) cited during a board inspection of a school except as provided for in subpart 5. Licensees must pay penalties in full before any license is renewed or issued.
A school is subject to penalty for violations cited during an inspection for:
each active license of an instructor, designated school manager, or school not conspicuously displayed;
A DSM is subject to penalty for violations cited during a school inspection for:
each active license of an instructor, designated school manager, or school not conspicuously displayed;
41 SR 305; 43 SR 347
January 30, 2024
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes