Except as provided in subparts 4 and 5, no person shall be employed as a city, county, or local assessor without being licensed as qualified by the board.
Except as provided in subparts 4 and 5, no person shall be employed to work under the supervision of a licensed assessor to assist in making exemption, classification, or valuation decisions without being licensed as qualified by the board.
Assessors' licenses are issued on a fiscal year basis beginning July 1 of each year and expiring June 30 of the succeeding year.
There are four established levels of licensure for designated assessing positions. In determining the appropriate level of licensure, the board shall, on a ten-year cycle, review and consider the following criteria in addition to other data the board deems relevant:
input of the appropriate county assessor.
A complete listing of the specific level of licensure needed for each city and township in Minnesota has been prepared. The latest edition of this listing, entitled "List of Assessor License Levels for Minnesota Taxing Jurisdictions," Minnesota Board of Assessors, existing as of December 1 each year, is annually incorporated by reference into this part. The list is available at no cost from the board. The list is subject to change.
A county assessor may request that the board review the licensing level for a specific taxing jurisdiction within the assessor's county. The request must be in writing and should state the specific reasons the county assessor is requesting the review.
County and city assessors must be licensed as of the date of employment, and must obtain licensure at the level required for the position within two years from the date of employment. The commissioner of revenue shall not approve the appointment of a county or city assessor to the remainder of a four-year term if that person has not obtained licensure at the required level within two years of the person's probationary appointment as county or city assessor.
A local assessor must be licensed at the date of employment, except that a city, other than a city of the first class, or township requiring an assessor with a license level greater than that of a certified Minnesota assessor may hire a person with a license one level lower than the required level, and this person has one year from the date of hire to attain the required license. A local assessor who fails to obtain the required license within the one-year period must be dismissed.
Every person employed by an assessor to assist in making exemption, classification, or valuation decisions who is not yet licensed is required to register with the board within 30 days of hire, and must become licensed at the level required for that position within three years from the date of employment. A person employed to assist an assessor in making exemption, classification, or valuation decisions who does not obtain the required license within the time allowed must be dismissed.
Before a license will be issued to a person who has not been licensed for a period of five years or more, that person must:
have successfully completed a board-approved Minnesota assessment laws and procedures course within the previous five years;
supply documentation of having completed all required continuing education requirements for the most recent four-year period.
A person seeking reinstatement as an accredited Minnesota assessor or senior accredited Minnesota assessor must have successfully completed the current year's Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice seven-hour update course.
An applicant for renewal must pay a reinstatement fee in addition to the license fee if the application for renewal is received after June 30.
13 SR 2751; 16 SR 135; 26 SR 1334; 35 SR 2012; 43 SR 1145
April 8, 2019
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes