For a biennial plan to be complete, the requirements of subparts 2 to 11 must be fulfilled.
The biennial plan must include the regional arts council's mission statement which must describe the overall philosophy and aims of the organization concerning local and regional arts development.
The biennial plan must be based on a needs assessment carried out in a manner which ensured input from the arts community and the arts involved public. The components of the needs assessment shall be determined by the regional arts council and may consist of any combination of constituent meetings, focus groups, program evaluations, mail, email, online, or telephone surveys, individual interviews, or other evaluative tools. The assessment shall be conducted to assess and prioritize constituent needs, to evaluate appropriate community and regional resources to meet those needs, and to determine the practicality of continuing existing programming activities, service and grants assistance programs, or the feasibility of developing new programs, services, or grants by the regional arts council. The needs assessment shall be updated at intervals determined and announced by the regional arts council, but no less frequently than once every four years. The results shall be included in the biennial plan.
The biennial plan must include a description of the biennial planning process used by the council including a list of the steps included in the development of the biennial plan and the participants involved in the biennial planning process. Before the biennial plan is submitted to the board at least one public meeting must be held for the purpose of gathering reaction to the biennial plan.
The biennial plan must include a work plan which contains a description of services, programs, and grants available from the council and the goals and objectives of these activities as related to the needs assessment.
The biennial plan must include program information which describes grants and other forms of assistance available, the review criteria for evaluating grant requests, and eligibility requirements.
The biennial plan must include:
an identification of the arts experience and background requirements for regional arts council board and arts advisory council membership;
a description of the rotation system which will ensure replacement of regional arts council board and arts advisory council members on a regular basis;
the names and affiliations of all regional arts council board, advisory council members and staff; and
a description of the regional arts council board and advisory committee nominations process. The description of the nominations process shall include a statement of the council's commitment and methods used to identify, recruit, and appoint board and council members to provide representation from all counties.
When a council is part of a regional development commission the biennial plan must include a memorandum describing the policies and procedures under which grants will be made including a statement that the regional development commission agrees to fund only organizations or projects which have been recommended by its arts advisory council and that the recommendations will be based on the regional arts advisory committee's review of the application's artistic merit, the applicant's ability, and the need for the project or program.
If a council is using a fiscal agent because its 501(c)(3) application has been filed but not yet approved, the biennial plan must include a letter of agreement between the council and its fiscal agent stating that the fiscal agent has no jurisdiction over the council's review and awarding of arts grants.
The biennial plan must include a budget which must be a total projected budget identifying all local, regional, state, and federal sources of public and private support. The budget must include the amount of the legislative arts allocation that the council will receive based on the allocation formula.
The biennial plan must include a detailed description of the council's grant making process including the review process, the terms of the grant contract with grant recipients, the time needed and process followed in paying grant recipients, the responsibilities of grantees, and the grant monitoring process.
Each council must hold at least one public meeting to solicit reaction to its preliminary biennial plan before it is approved and submitted to the board. The plan must be available for review at the council's office and on its website a minimum of three days before the meeting. At the meeting, the substance of the plan shall be presented to the general public in a manner that is clear and understandable and the audience given an opportunity to respond to the presentation. The meeting shall be scheduled to allow for revisions of the plan prior to its final submission. A written record or taped recording of the public meeting must be kept in the council's office and available for public review for one year.
MS s 129D.04
21 SR 5; 41 SR 87
January 30, 2024
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes