A licensee or certificate holder shall avoid any act that may diminish public confidence in the profession and shall, at all times, conduct himself or herself, in all relations with clients and the public, so as to maintain its reputation for professional integrity.
A licensee or certificate holder shall be objective and truthful in all professional documents, including but not limited to plans, reports, statements, or testimony. The licensee or certificate holder shall consider relevant and pertinent information in such documents or testimony and express professional opinions publicly only when they are founded upon an adequate knowledge of the facts and a competent evaluation of the subject matter.
In connection with the work for which the licensee or certificate holder is claiming credit, the licensee or certificate holder shall accurately represent the licensee's or certificate holder's qualifications, education, and scope of responsibility for the work. The licensee or certificate holder shall also accurately represent the qualifications, education, and scope of responsibility of any employer, employees, or associates.
A licensee or certificate holder shall not make a false statement or fail to disclose a material fact requested in connection with an application for certification, licensure, or renewal in this state or any other state.
A licensee or certificate holder shall not endorse an application for certification or licensure of another person known by the licensee or certificate holder to be unqualified in respect to character, education, experience, or other relevant factor.
A licensee or certificate holder possessing knowledge of an applicant's qualifications for examination, licensure, or certification shall cooperate with the applicant and the board by responding regarding those qualifications when requested to do so. A licensee or certificate holder shall provide verification of employment and experience earned by an applicant under supervision if there is reasonable assurance that the facts to be verified are accurate. A licensee or certificate holder shall not knowingly sign a verification document that contains false or misleading information.
A licensee or certificate holder possessing knowledge of any acts prohibited by this chapter, chapter 1800, or Minnesota Statutes, sections 326.02 to 326.15, by a licensee, certificate holder, or unlicensed individual shall report such knowledge to the board.
Upon questioning by the board or its representative during an official inquiry into an alleged act, a licensee or certificate holder shall disclose any knowledge the licensee or certificate holder may have in the matter.
A licensee or certificate holder shall not:
engage in conduct that adversely reflects on the licensee's fitness to practice the profession; or
permit the licensee's or certificate holder's name or seal to be affixed to plans, specifications, or other documents that were not prepared by or under the direct supervision of the licensee or certificate holder.
MS s 326.06
17 SR 1279; 44 SR 485
October 23, 2019
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes