While a warehouse receipt is outstanding, no other warehouse receipt may be issued for any part of the grain represented by the original warehouse receipt except that, in case of a lost, stolen, or destroyed warehouse receipt, the depositor is entitled to a new warehouse receipt, plainly designated to be a duplicate or substitute for the one missing or destroyed indicating the dates of issuance of the original and the replacement warehouse receipts. Before issuing a duplicate warehouse receipt the warehouse operator shall require the depositor to make and file an affidavit stating that the depositor is lawfully entitled to possession of the original receipt and that the depositor has not negotiated or assigned it, the circumstances in which it was lost or destroyed, and that, if lost, a diligent effort has been made to find it. The warehouse operator may require the depositor to post a bond in an amount not more than double the value at the time the bond is given of the grain represented by the missing or destroyed warehouse receipt. The bond must be conditioned to indemnify the warehouse operator against any loss which might be sustained because of the issuance of a duplicate receipt, must be in a form approved by the commissioner, and must be executed by a corporate surety licensed to operate in Minnesota. A valid duplicate or substitute warehouse receipt has all the rights of the document in lieu of which it was issued.
12 SR 2392
July 24, 2008
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes