The shade or hue of the color of "color added" oranges shall not exceed the average representative natural color which such varietal oranges would have when naturally fully colored. Each color added orange shall have stamped on the skin thereof the words "color added" in dark ink in such manner that the words "color added" shall be clear and distinct and readily legible. All packing boxes and containers containing fruit so colored shall bear thereon in a conspicuous manner in bold face type not less than three-fourths inch in height the words "color added." Such words shall be printed on or from a part of the main label affixed to or stamped on such packing boxes or containers or shall be stamped on the same end or side of such packing boxes or containers that such main label is affixed or stamped thereon.
MS s 31.101
September 23, 2013
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes