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Office of the Revisor of Statutes

1525.2480 TEST RECORDS.

Purchasers shall provide producers with a statement of the protein content of the milk with or in each settlement statement.

The purchaser shall disqualify abnormal milk for testing on a protein basis when whole milk is found to be abnormal pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, sections 31.101, subdivision 12, and 32D.02, subdivision 8, and the purchaser's records shall indicate the results of the confirmatory tests. Only confirmatory tests approved pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, sections 31.101, subdivision 12, and 32D.02, subdivision 8, shall be used in determining the ineligibility of whole milk tested on a protein basis.

Statutory Authority:

MS s 31.10; 31.101; 31.11; 32.394; 32.415


26 SR 627

Published Electronically:

January 3, 2018

Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes