Packages and containers used for marketing all dried dairy products for human consumption shall bear a label giving the following information: name of product; statement indicating process by which product was manufactured such as "spray," "vacuum drum," or "roller," statement of net weight; and the name and address of the manufacturer, jobber, or distributor. Each and every barrel or package must bear on the side of the barrel or package near the top in such position that it will not be destroyed when the container is opened, a factory or plant identification number of the manufacturer that has been assigned by the Department of Agriculture. All bags and packages containing dried skimmed milk, dried buttermilk, or dried whey not manufactured for human consumption and not meeting specific standards for human consumption shall be stenciled in bold faced type not less than one inch in height, "For Animal Food."
September 26, 2007
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes