Analytical data of client soil samples must be reported in elemental form as follows:
nitrate-nitrogen, sulfate-sulfur, and chloride in pounds per acre or parts per million for the appropriate sampling depth;
If a certified laboratory provides soil fertility recommendations, the University of Minnesota soil fertility recommendations or that of another land grant university in a contiguous state must be provided in addition to other recommendations, and the source of the recommendations must be identified on the soil analysis and soil fertility recommendation report form. Land grant university soil fertility recommendations must be on the same soil analysis and soil fertility recommendation report form with other soil fertility recommendations as stated by the certified laboratory. If the soil analysis and soil fertility recommendation report form consists of more than one page, the first page of the report form must conspicuously state that "University of Minnesota Soil Fertility Recommendations or That of a Land Grant University in a Contiguous State Have Been Provided With This Report." A certified laboratory shall not provide soil fertility recommendations if a request from a client is made that only soil analysis information be provided on the soil analysis and soil fertility recommendation report form.
Certified laboratories that provide land grant university soil fertility recommendations must provide these recommendations from only one land grant university to the greatest extent possible. Land grant university soil fertility recommendations must conform to all conditions, requirements, and guidelines established for that state. Soil fertility recommendations of a land grant university from a state contiguous with Minnesota may be substituted if University of Minnesota soil fertility recommendations do not exist or if the selected soil fertility recommendations are more appropriate based on soil or climatic conditions. The origin of land grant university soil fertility recommendations from a state contiguous with Minnesota must be conspicuously stated on the soil analysis and soil fertility recommendation report form. If the certified laboratory makes a soil fertility recommendation in which no University of Minnesota or other suitable land grant university soil fertility recommendation from a contiguous state exist, the laboratory must state on the soil analysis and soil fertility recommendation report form that no land grant university soil fertility recommendations are available. Certified laboratories must update land grant university soil fertility recommendations on an annual basis.
Certified laboratories must be certified for any analytical method used to analyze soil for which a soil fertility recommendation is made. If a certified laboratory is not certified for a particular analytical method, this must be noted on the soil analysis and soil fertility recommendation report form. If more than one approved analytical method exists in the North Central Regional Publication 221, the analytical method used must be identified along with the soil fertility recommendation.
If soil analysis and soil fertility recommendation report forms are transferred and provided through computer, computer program, electronic, mail, or telephone networks from a certified laboratory, all requirements of parts 1512.0010 to 1512.0085 must be met. A printed copy of a soil analysis and soil fertility recommendation report form must be provided to the client of the certified laboratory.
MS s 18C.141
19 SR 218
September 10, 2007
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes