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Office of the Revisor of Statutes

1500.0201 DEFINITIONS.

Subpart 1.


The definitions in this part apply to parts 1500.0101 to 1500.1501.

Subp. 2.


"Bond" means an obligation for which one is bound that is executed and filed with the commissioner of agriculture in the name of the state of Minnesota requiring that the wholesale produce dealer must live up to the contracts and obey the laws and rules covering wholesale produce dealers.

Subp. 3.


"Commissioner" means the commissioner of agriculture or a designee.

Subp. 4.


"Pool" means a fund containing contributions by farmers and wholesale produce dealers to reimburse farmers for produce committed for but not harvested.

Subp. 5.


"Principal" means a person who empowers another to act on his or her behalf.

Subp. 6.


"Purchase" means the acquisition of produce by a wholesale produce dealer in exchange for payment. It is immaterial whether the purchaser or the seller has title to the produce.

Statutory Authority:

MS s 27.14


16 SR 2441

Published Electronically:

February 5, 2007

Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes