For the purposes of this chapter, the following terms have the meanings given them.
"Chief judge" means the chief administrative law judge of the Office of Administrative Hearings.
"Commissioner" means the commissioner of the Department of Labor and Industry.
"Division" means the Workers' Compensation Division of the Department of Labor and Industry.
"Expedited hearing" means a hearing that is required to be heard within a shorter time period than an ordinary hearing under the act.
"Insurer" means the workers' compensation insurer for the employer and includes self-insured employers. For the purposes of this chapter only, "insurer" also includes the special compensation fund where the employer was uninsured on the date of injury.
"Intervenor" means a party under Minnesota Statutes, section 176.361, who has an interest in a pending workers' compensation proceeding such that the person or entity may either gain or lose by an order or decision in the case, and the person or entity has filed a motion to intervene under part 1415.1250 and Minnesota Statutes, section 176.361.
"Petition" means a claim filed by or on behalf of an injured or deceased employee, employer, insurer, or special compensation fund which initiates a contested workers' compensation case requiring resolution by the Office of Administrative Hearings.
"Petitioner" means the injured employee, an heir or dependent of a deceased employee or a party filing on their behalf, an employer or insurer, or the special compensation fund.
"Potential intervenor" means a person or an entity under Minnesota Statutes, section 176.361, who has an interest in a workers' compensation proceeding such that the person or entity may either gain or lose by an order or decision in the case, and the person or entity has not filed a motion to intervene under part 1415.1250 or Minnesota Statutes, section 176.361.
29 SR 1446
January 30, 2024
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes