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Office of the Revisor of Statutes

1346.5501 SECTION 501 (IFGC) GENERAL.

Subpart 1.

Section 501.7.

IFGC Section 501.7 is amended to read as follows:

501.7 Connection to fireplace. Connection of any appliance to chimney flues serving fireplaces is prohibited. Refer to IFGC Section 602 for Decorative Appliances for Installation in Fireplaces and IFGC Section 603 for Log Lighters.

Subp. 2.

Section 501.8.

IFGC section 501.8 is amended to read as follows:

501.8 Appliances not required to be vented. The following appliances shall not be required to be vented.

1. Ranges.

2. Built-in domestic cooking units listed and marked for optional venting.

3. Hot plates and laundry stoves.

4. Type 1 clothes dryers (Type 1 clothes dryers shall be exhausted in accordance with the requirements of IFGC sections 613 and 614).

5. A single booster-type automatic instantaneous water heater, where designed and used solely for the sanitizing rinse requirements of a dishwashing machine, provided that the heater is installed in a commercial kitchen having a mechanical exhaust system. Where installed in this manner, the draft hood, if required, shall be in place and unaltered and the draft hood outlet shall be not less than 36 inches (914 mm) vertically and 6 inches (152 mm) horizontally from any surface other than the heater.

6. Refrigerators.

7. Counter appliances.

8. Direct-fired make-up air heaters.

9. Specialized equipment of limited input such as laboratory burners and gas lights.

Automatically operated equipment vented with a hood or exhaust system shall comply with IFGC section 503.3.4. Where the appliances and equipment listed in items 5 to 9 are installed so that the aggregate input rating exceeds 20 Btu/hr per cubic foot (207 watts per m3) of volume of the room or space in which such appliances and equipment are installed, one or more shall be provided with venting systems or other approved means for conveying the vent gases to the outdoor atmosphere so that the aggregate input rating of the remaining unvented appliances and equipment does not exceed the 20 Btu/hr per cubic foot (207 watts per m3) figure. Where the room or space in which the equipment or appliance is installed is directly connected to another room or space by a doorway, archway, or other opening of comparable size that cannot be closed, the volume of such adjacent room or space shall be permitted to be included in the calculations.

Subp. 3.

Section 501.12.

IFGC Section 501.12 is amended to read as follows:

501.12 Residential and low-heat appliances flue lining systems. An approved metallic liner shall be installed in masonry chimneys used to vent gas appliances. The liner shall comply with one of the following:

1. Aluminum (1100 or 3003 alloy or equivalent) not less than 0.032 inches thick to 8 inches diameter.

2. Stainless steel (304 or 430 alloy or equivalent) not less than 26 gauge (0.018 inches thick) to 8 inches diameter or not less than 24 gauge (0.024 inches thick) 8 inches diameter and larger.

3. Listed vent systems.

Exception: Metallic liners are not required when each appliance connected into the masonry chimney has a minimum input rating greater than 400,000 Btu/hr.

501.12.1 Terminations. Metallic liners shall terminate in accordance with the requirements for gas vents in IFGC Section 503.6.6.

Statutory Authority:

MS s 16B.59; 16B.61; 16B.64; 326B.02; 326B.101; 326B.106; 326B.13


29 SR 299; L 2007 c 140 art 4 s 61; art 13 s 4; 34 SR 537; 39 SR 690

Published Electronically:

January 28, 2015

Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes