IECC section C402.2.1 is amended by adding a new subsection C402.2.1.2 to read as follows:
C402.2.1.2 Insulation requirements for roof replacement. For roof replacement on an existing building where the insulation is entirely above the deck and where the roof slope is less than two units vertical in 12 units horizontal, the insulation shall conform to the energy conservation requirements specified in Tables C402.1.3 and C402.1.4.
Exception: Where the required R-value cannot be provided because of the thickness limitations that occur with the existing rooftop conditions, including heating, ventilation and air-conditioning equipment, low door or glazing heights, parapet heights, or proper roof flashing heights, the maximum thickness of insulation compatible with the available space and existing rooftop conditions shall be installed, as approved by the building official. In no case shall the R-value of the roof insulation be reduced or the U-factor of the roof assembly be increased as part of the roof replacement.
39 SR 1616; 44 SR 763
April 1, 2020
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes