[Repealed, 39 SR 1616]
ASHRAE 90.1 section 3.2 is amended by modifying the following definition to read as follows:
COMPUTER ROOM. "Computer room" means a room whose primary function is to house equipment for the processing and storage of electronic data and that has a design electronic data equipment power density of greater than 20 watts per square foot (20 watts per 0.092 m2) of conditioned floor area or a connected design electronic data equipment load of greater than 10 kW.
ASHRAE 90.1 section 3.2 is amended by adding the following definitions:
APPROVED. "Approved" means approval by the building official, pursuant to the Minnesota State Building Code, by reason of:
1. inspection, investigation, or testing;
2. accepted principles;
3. computer simulations;
4. research reports; or
5. testing performed by either a licensed engineer or by a locally or nationally recognized testing laboratory.
COMMERCIAL PARKING FACILITY. "Commercial parking facility" means a building or structure intended for containment of motor vehicles where the parking is related to or associated with commerce, defined as the activity of buying and selling goods and services, which may include the parking itself.
STANDARD. "This standard" means the Minnesota Commercial Energy Code, Minnesota Rules, chapter 1323.
47 SR 983
December 7, 2023
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes