In addition to the requirements in Minnesota Rules, part 1323.0030, the administrative provisions in this part apply.
This code applies to commercial buildings, building sites, and the associated systems and equipment.
Additions, alterations, renovations, or repairs to an existing building, building system, or portion thereof shall conform to this code as they relate to new construction without requiring the unaltered portion(s) of the existing building or building system to comply with this code. Additions, alterations, renovations, or repairs shall not create an unsafe or hazardous condition or overload existing building systems. An addition shall be deemed to comply with this code if the addition alone complies or if the existing building and addition comply with this code as a single building.
Exceptions: The following conditions are not required to comply with this code if the energy use of the building is not increased:
1. Storm windows installed over existing fenestration.
2. Glass-only replacements in an existing sash and frame.
3. Existing ceiling, wall, or floor cavities exposed during construction, provided that these cavities are filled with insulation.
4. Construction where the existing roof, wall, or floor cavity is not exposed.
5. Reroofing for roofs not covered by section C402.2.1.2, where neither the sheathing nor the insulation is exposed. Roofs without insulation in the cavity and where the sheathing or insulation is exposed during reroofing shall be insulated either above or below the sheathing.
6. Replacement of existing doors that separate conditioned space from the exterior shall not require the installation of a vestibule or revolving door, provided, however, that an existing vestibule that separates a conditioned space from the exterior shall not be removed.
7. Alterations that replace less than 50 percent of the luminaires in a space, provided that such alterations do not increase the installed interior lighting power.
8. Alterations that replace only the bulb and ballast within the existing luminaires in a space, provided that the alteration does not increase the installed interior lighting power.
Spaces undergoing a change in occupancy that would result in an increase in demand for either fossil fuel or electrical energy shall comply with this code. Where the use in a space changes from one use in Table C405.3.2(1) or (2) to another use in Table C405.3.2(1) or (2), the installed lighting wattage shall comply with Section C405.3.2.
Any nonconditioned space that is altered to become conditioned space shall be required to be brought into full compliance with this code.
Residential buildings shall meet the provisions of IECC - Residential Provisions (RE), as amended by Minnesota Rules, chapter 1322. Commercial buildings shall meet the provisions of IECC - Commercial Provisions (CE), as amended by this chapter.
Where a building includes both residential and commercial occupancies, each occupancy shall be separately considered and meet the applicable provisions of IECC - Commercial Provisions or IECC - Residential Provisions.
The building official is authorized to approve specific computer software, worksheets, compliance manuals, and other similar materials that meet the intent of this code.
Construction documents shall be drawn to scale on suitable material. Electronic media documents are permitted to be submitted when approved by the building official. Construction documents shall indicate the location, nature, and extent of the work proposed, and show in detail pertinent data and features of the building, systems, and equipment as governed in this code. The details shall include the following as applicable:
duct sealing, duct sizing, duct and pipe insulation and location, terminal air or water design flow rates;
locations of daylight zones on plans and provisions for functional testing of lighting controls;
air sealing details clearly delineating the air barrier location and showing continuity between roof, wall, foundation, around frames and sleeves, and at other similar openings; and
additional details as required by the building official to determine whether the work proposed will conform to this code.
39 SR 1616; 44 SR 763
April 1, 2020
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes