IECC section R303.1 is amended to read as follows:
R303.1 Identification. Materials, systems, and equipment shall be identified in a manner that will allow a determination of compliance with the applicable provisions of this code. Materials used shall be: (1) listed for the intended use; (2) installed in accordance with the manufacturer's installation instructions; and (3) installed by an installer who is certified by a manufacturer to install that specific product, if such certification exists. (Subsections R303.1.1, R303.1.1.1, R303.1.2, R303.1.3, and R303.1.4 still apply.)
IECC section R303.1 is amended by adding a subsection to read as follows:
R303.1.5 Minnesota thermal insulation standards. Thermal insulation shall comply with Minnesota Rules, chapter 7640, Minnesota Thermal Insulation Standards, adopted by the Department of Commerce.
39 SR 232
February 16, 2015
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes