IECC section R202 is modified by amending the following definitions to read as follows:
ACCESSIBLE. Signifies access that requires the removal of an access panel or similar removable obstruction.
APPROVED. "Approved" means approval by the building official, pursuant to the State Building Code, by reason of: inspection, investigation, or testing; accepted principles; computer simulations; research reports; or testing performed by either a licensed engineer or by a locally or nationally recognized testing laboratory.
IECC section R202 is modified by adding the following definitions to read as follows:
ACCESSIBLE, READILY. Signifies access without the necessity for removing a panel or similar obstruction.
AIR CIRCULATION, FORCED. A means of providing space conditioning using movement of air through ducts or plenums by mechanical means.
AIR, EXHAUST. Air discharged from any space to the outside by the residential ventilation system.
AIR, OUTDOOR. The air that is taken from the external atmosphere, and therefore not previously circulated through the HVAC system or the conditioned space.
AIR-CONDITIONING SYSTEM. A system that consists of heat exchangers, blowers, filters, and supply, exhaust, and return-air systems, and includes any apparatus installed in connection with the system.
BALANCED SYSTEM. A ventilation system in which the air intake is within ten percent of the exhaust output.
CODE. For purposes of this chapter, "this code" or "the code" means the Minnesota Residential Energy Code, Minnesota Rules, chapter 1322.
CUBIC FEET PER MINUTE (CFM). The quantity of air moved in one minute. A measurement typically applied to ventilation equipment.
ENERGY RECOVERY VENTILATOR (ERV). A device or combination of devices applied to transfer energy and moisture from the exhaust air stream for use within the dwelling.
FURNACE. A vented heating appliance designed or arranged to discharge heated air into a conditioned space or through a duct or ducts.
HEAT RECOVERY VENTILATOR (HRV). A device or combination of devices applied to transfer energy from the exhaust air stream for use within the dwelling.
MANUFACTURER'S INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS. Printed instructions included with equipment, the provision of which is one of the conditions for listing and labeling.
MECHANICAL VENTILATION. The mechanical process of supplying conditioned or unconditioned air to, or removing it from, any space.
39 SR 232
February 16, 2015
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes