The purpose of parts 1303.2400 to 1303.2402 is to establish minimum requirements for passive radon control systems that apply to all new residential structures listed in items A to H:
The requirements in parts 1303.2400 to 1303.2402 shall apply to any structure identified in subpart 1, items A to H, if the structure is designed with any of the features identified in items A to F:
attached or tuck-under garages, unless the floor, wall, and ceiling assemblies separating the garage from the dwellings are sealed; and
any building configuration that allows radon gas to enter the residential dwelling.
1. Crawl spaces outside the conditioned space of the residential dwelling, when the crawl space is ventilated directly to the outside atmosphere according to IRC sections R408.1 and R408.2; IBC sections 1203.3 and 1203.3.1; Code of Federal Regulations, section 3285.505; and Minnesota Rules, chapter 1350.
2. Hotels and motels.
3. Additions to existing dwellings that do not currently have a radon control system incorporated into the existing dwelling.
When the nonresidential occupancy is in contact with the earth, all assemblies that separate the occupancies must be sealed to prevent the movement of air and airborne gases between the nonresidential and residential occupancies. When the residential occupancy is in contact with the earth and adjacent to a nonresidential occupancy, the residential occupancy shall incorporate a radon control system and all assemblies that separate the nonresidential and residential occupancy shall be sealed to prevent the movement of air or airborne gases.
39 SR 232
February 16, 2015
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes