Persons seeking renewal of certificates with an active status pursuant to the act shall file with their applications a signed statement indicating they have met the requirements for participation in a program of continuous learning as set forth in this chapter and indicate the number of hours claimed for each of the three preceding years ending on June 30. The licensee shall report the hours claimed, separately identifying those programs meeting the registry requirements under part 1105.3100, subpart 1, and those programs not meeting the registry requirement under part 1105.3100, subpart 2. Responsibility for documenting the acceptability of the program and the validity of the credits rests with the licensee who must retain the documentation for five years following completion of each learning activity. Further, the documentation of participation in the program of learning must consist of a certificate of attendance that contains the registry number of the program sponsor if the registry participation meets the requirements of this chapter and must consist of the following items for those programs that do not meet the registry requirements of this chapter:
a certificate of attendance from the program sponsor containing the name and contact information of the sponsor, the title and description of the content of the program, the date of the program, the location of the program, and the number of CPE hours for which the licensee attended;
a statement by the licensee describing how the program contributes to the licensee's professional knowledge and competence.
The board shall verify on a test basis, through inspection of documentation supplied by the licensee, information regarding hours of CPE attendance in order to determine compliance with the continuing professional education requirements of this chapter. In cases where the board determines that the hour information supplied by the licensee is not supported by the documentation supplied by the licensee or the hours do not meet the requirements of this chapter, the board may grant an additional period of time in which the deficiencies can be cured or the board may take disciplinary action. Licenses determined not in compliance shall be assessed the late processing fee required in part 1105.3000, item G. Fraudulent reporting is a basis for disciplinary action.
Beginning in calendar year 2011, licensees holding an active certificate on June 30 shall report to the board by July 31 of each year the continuing professional education hours earned during the one- and three-year CPE period ended on June 30. The report shall be made as required by the board and no report under this item shall be required of a licensee in the final year of the renewal cycle specified in part 1105.2550.
27 SR 1425; 30 SR 422; 33 SR 476
September 18, 2008
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes