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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

65 Documents Found in Legislative Session 94 (2025-2026)
for Authors of "Gomez"

Body Bill
Law Bill
Short Description
House HF2906 1 03/27/2025 Text icon Smith Psilocybin therapeutic use program established; protections for registered patients, designated cultivators, registered facilitators, and health care practitioners established; rulemaking authorized; civil actions authorized; fees established; advisory council established; and money appropriated.
House HF2904 1 03/27/2025 Text icon Reyer Public employees insurance program regulated, participation by certain school employers required, and money appropriated.
House HF2768 1 03/24/2025 Text icon Gomez individual income taxes, corporate franchise taxes, sales and use taxes, and other various taxes and tax-related provisions modified; various policy and technical changes made; income tax credits and subtractions modified; and enforcement, return, and audit provisions modified.
House HF2730 1 03/24/2025 Text icon Gomez Local government debt financing modified.
House HF2729 1 03/24/2025 Text icon Gomez Expanded corporate tax compliance initiative funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF2707 1 03/24/2025 Text icon Keeler Sexually exploited youth safe harbor shelter and housing funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF2705 1 03/24/2025 Text icon Coulter Clothing exemption modified to include only clothing $150 or less per item.
House HF2699 1 03/24/2025 Text icon Smith Psilocybin cultivation, possession, transportation, and personal use by individuals 21 years of age or older authorized; protections established; public education and harm reduction programs established; Psychedelic Medicine Board established; criminal penalties provided; rulemaking authorized; civil actions authorized; and money appropriated.
House HF2690 2 03/26/2025 Text icon Liebling Medical assistance dental provisions modified.
House HF2687 2 03/26/2025 Text icon Agbaje Single-family home ownership restricted for corporate entities, increased deed tax rates on conveyances of single-family homes provided to corporate owners, state portion of revenues dedicated from the increased deed tax rates for the workforce and affordable homeownership program, and statewide landlord database created.
House HF2591 1 03/20/2025 Text icon Gomez Fifth tier of individual income tax at a rate sufficient to offset lost federal Medicaid funds established.
House HF2499 2 03/27/2025 Text icon Lee, K. Renter's credit expanded to provide parity with the homestead credit refund.
House HF2475 1 03/17/2025 Text icon Tabke Homestead credit refund co-pays reduced.
House HF2474 3 03/26/2025 Text icon Tabke Absentee voting provisions modified.
House HF2468 1 03/17/2025 Text icon Nelson Mental health in the construction industry funding provided to promote initiatives, and money appropriated.
House HF2452 2 03/20/2025 Text icon Greenman Artificial intelligence use to dynamically set product prices prohibited.
House HF2437 1 03/17/2025 Text icon Davids Individual income taxes, corporate franchise taxes, property taxes, local government aids, sales and use taxes, and other taxes and tax-related provisions modified; certificate of rents paid provisions modified; cannabis tax provisions modified; and money appropriated.
House HF2289 2 03/17/2025 Text icon Johnson, P. Hospitals required to provide registered nurse staffing at levels consistent with nationally accepted standards, staffing levels reporting required, retaliation prohibited, civil penalties imposed, and money appropriated.
House HF2274 1 03/13/2025 Text icon Gomez Individual income and corporate franchise taxes, property taxes, local government aids, sales and use taxes, tax increment financing, special local taxes, and other various taxes and tax-related provisions modified; various tax refunds and credits modified; reports required; and money appropriated.
House HF2257 2 03/27/2025 Text icon Gomez Property tax; provisions related to public charity institution exemptions modified.
House HF2220 1 03/12/2025 Text icon Stier Assessment of fees or other charges when state employees park at facilities owned or operated by the state prohibited.
House HF2195 2 03/17/2025 Text icon Hollins Equal rights under the law provided and discrimination based on the listed characteristics prohibited, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF2148 4 03/26/2025 Text icon Agbaje Locally controlled housing fund established, report required, and money appropriated.
House HF2147 3 03/26/2025 Text icon Schultz Requirements for use of hot water pools on certain rental properties established.
House HF2141 1 03/10/2025 Text icon Momanyi-Hiltsley Organization of Liberians grant funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF2068 3 03/17/2025 Text icon Keeler Homeless Youth Act grants funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF2057 5 03/27/2025 Text icon Nadeau Assessment on hospitals imposed, directed payments to hospitals in the medical assistance program required, and reports required.
House HF1958 3 03/20/2025 Text icon Her Income tax rates and brackets modified.
House HF1933 3 03/13/2025 Text icon Her Individual income tax; student loan credit amount increased and credit made refundable.
House HF1932 2 03/10/2025 Text icon Gomez Taxpayer assistance grants and tax credit outreach grants funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1930 1 03/05/2025 Text icon Lee, K. Reprisals for refusing to communicate with public or local officials prohibited.
House HF1812 1 03/03/2025 Text icon Reyer Health care guaranteed to be available and affordable for every Minnesotan; Minnesota Health Plan, Minnesota Health Board, Minnesota Health Fund, Office of Health Quality and Planning, ombudsman for patient advocacy, and auditor general for the Minnesota Health Plane established; Affordable Care Act 1332 waiver requested; and money appropriated.
House HF1776 2 03/05/2025 Text icon Jones Funding provided for capital improvements to bring public right-of-way facilities in compliance with ADA requirements, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF1685 2 03/03/2025 Text icon Kraft Commissioner of Minnesota IT Services directed to integrate the transit assistance program into the Minnesota benefits web portal, and money appropriated.
House HF1649 1 02/27/2025 Text icon Greenman Corporate franchise and unitary taxation; foreign corporations required to be treated as unitary with a shareholder.
House HF1640 2 03/03/2025 Text icon Xiong Funding provided to preserve the oral histories of Hmong veterans of the Secret War in Laos, and money appropriated.
House HF1639 1 02/27/2025 Text icon Xiong New American workforce training funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1579 3 03/13/2025 Text icon Noor Housing support supplementary services rates provided for certain facilities.
House HF1559 1 02/26/2025 Text icon Hussein Community festival grant program funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1426 8 03/26/2025 Text icon McDonald Stewardship program for circuit boards, batteries, and electrical products established; mercury in batteries prohibited; rulemaking authorized; and money appropriated.
House HF1340 2 02/26/2025 Text icon Lee, F. Use of housing infrastructure bonds allowed on adaptive reuse to develop supportive housing and permanent housing for households at or below 50 percent of the area median income.
House HF1265 2 03/26/2025 Text icon Keeler American Indian cultural programming services revised.
House HF1203 3 02/27/2025 Text icon Gomez Sales and use tax exemption for firearm storage units modified, and exemption provided for firearm safety devices.
House HF1197 3 03/20/2025 Text icon Feist Environmental review and issuance of nonferrous sulfide ore mining permits, licenses, or leases to bad actors prohibited.
House HF1183 1 02/19/2025 Text icon Greenman Specific uncodified provision in federal law that relates to provisions of the Internal Revenue Code made inapplicable.
House HF1168 6 03/20/2025 Text icon Bahner Commissioner of revenue required to establish an online system to claim the political contribution refund, political contribution refund program modified to allow for electronic information transfer between the Campaign Finance and Public Disclosure Board and the Department of Revenue, data classified, and money appropriated.
House HF1126 2 03/06/2025 Text icon Sencer-Mura Property tax exemption established for certain property owned by an Indian Tribe.
House HF1106 2 03/27/2025 Text icon Agbaje Tax Expenditure Review Commission requirements modified, and legislative requirements for new or renewed tax expenditures repealed.
House HF1006 2 02/27/2025 Text icon Norris Property tax abatement for land bank property allowed.
House HF0501 1 02/13/2025 Text icon Finke Equal rights under the law provided and discrimination based on the listed characteristics prohibited, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF0488 2 02/19/2025 Text icon Klevorn Medically necessary dental procedures that are a result of a cancer treatment required to be covered by health plans.
House HF0479 1 02/13/2025 Text icon Klevorn State grant provisions modified, and maximum tuition and fees set for students.
House HF0384 1 02/13/2025 Text icon Mahamoud Minneapolis; affordable housing funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0383 2 02/20/2025 Text icon Mahamoud Minneapolis; water distribution facility funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0308 1 02/10/2025 Text icon Hanson, J. Illegal cannabis and controlled substance tax repealed, and related technical changes made.
House HF0265 2 02/17/2025 Text icon Hanson, J. Public safety program for responding to mental health crisis emergency calls required, and civil cause of action provided.
House HF0264 2 02/17/2025 Text icon Hanson, J. Improved medical care in licensed correctional facilities provided.
House HF0262 1 02/10/2025 Text icon Hanson, J. Subminimum wages prohibited for persons with disabilities, MnCHOICES system enhancements funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0244 3 02/17/2025 Text icon Jones Minneapolis; child and family services facility expansion and renovation funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0208 1 02/10/2025 Text icon Pérez-Vega Minnesota Latino Museum funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0162 2 02/13/2025 Text icon Greenman Department of Revenue required to make certain corporate franchise tax information available on a website.
House HF0161 3 02/26/2025 Text icon Elkins Cities authorized to create land-value taxation districts.
House HF0116 1 02/10/2025 Text icon Pérez-Vega Funding provided to expand arts programming that celebrates Latino cultural heritage, and money appropriated.
House HF0037 1 02/10/2025 Text icon Greenman Free, fair, and equal elections provided; and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF0030 3 02/19/2025 Text icon Gomez Commissioner of revenue required to establish a system for direct free filing of individual income tax returns.
Minnesota Office of the Revisor of Statutes, Centennial Office Building, 3rd Floor, 658 Cedar Street, St. Paul, MN 55155