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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

62 Documents Found in Legislative Session 94 (2025-2026)
for Authors of "Nash"

Body Bill
Law Bill
Short Description
House HF2890 1 03/27/2025 Text icon Nash Gambling; fund loss requests by organizations provided.
House HF2875 1 03/26/2025 Text icon Nash Crime of damage or theft to telecommunications equipment extended to broadband and cable services.
House HF2824 1 03/26/2025 Text icon Nash Continuous open season for taking largemouth and smallmouth bass provided.
House HF2809 2 03/27/2025 Text icon Hudson Crime of residential protesting established.
House HF2792 2 03/27/2025 Text icon Niska Certain legal fees and expenses relating to Minnesota Chamber of Commerce v. Choi funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF2720 1 03/24/2025 Text icon Klevorn Budget reserve percentage reporting date modified.
House HF2636 1 03/24/2025 Text icon Niska Attorney general annual report on activities of the office required.
House HF2561 1 03/20/2025 Text icon Bahner Authority to offer applied doctoral degrees at state universities expanded.
House HF2554 2 03/24/2025 Text icon Witte Burnsville; Elmstrand Finseth Ruge Heroes Memorial Bridge designated.
House HF2515 1 03/20/2025 Text icon Klevorn Legislature; definition of joint offices modified.
House HF2514 3 03/27/2025 Text icon Klevorn Joint legislative studies governing provision modified.
House HF2397 1 03/17/2025 Text icon Nash Commissioner of administration required to provide a central point of contact for comments about the misuse of other unlawful uses of funds in state grant programs.
House HF2396 1 03/17/2025 Text icon Nash Statute governing the payment of certain claims against the state modified.
House HF2231 4 03/26/2025 Text icon Harder Requirements for publishing notice in a qualified newspaper modified, and online publication of public notices when no qualified newspaper is available authorized.
House HF2219 2 03/13/2025 Text icon Scott Traditional and gestational surrogacy arrangements regulated, and crime of operating a for-profit surrogacy agency created.
House HF2113 1 03/10/2025 Text icon Robbins Small employers exempted from requirement to provide paid leave.
House HF2105 3 03/13/2025 Text icon Nash Definitions related to lobbying amended, and certain lobbyist communications made exempt from disclosure requirements.
House HF2104 1 03/10/2025 Text icon Nash Prohibition on cannabis advertising on billboards eliminated.
House HF2013 3 03/17/2025 Text icon Nash Residential development regulations limited.
House HF1910 1 03/05/2025 Text icon Klevorn Vice-chair of Legislative Coordinating Commission provided to alternate between the senate and house of representatives every two years.
House HF1902 1 03/05/2025 Text icon Nash Housing Finance Agency required to promote information on the rights and obligations of landlords and residential tenants.
House HF1754 1 03/03/2025 Text icon Nash Reduction in appropriations for positions that have been unfilled for at least 12 months required.
House HF1753 1 03/03/2025 Text icon Nash Sale of premium cigar from a movable place of business permitted in certain circumstances.
House HF1590 2 03/03/2025 Text icon West Mandatory minimum sentences established for malicious punishment of a child.
House HF1475 2 02/26/2025 Text icon Gordon Metropolitan Council abolished, duties transferred to commissioners of administration and natural resources, transportation and transit-related functions transferred to Department of Transportation, metropolitan area sanitary sewer district created, and money appropriated.
House HF1442 1 02/24/2025 Text icon Nash Elected officials and business entities permitted to access student or parent data.
House HF1441 1 02/24/2025 Text icon Nash Commemorative program relating to the Vietnam War funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1440 1 02/24/2025 Text icon Nash Funding provided to commemorate the anniversary of the fall of Saigon, report required, and money appropriated.
House HF1367 3 03/24/2025 Text icon Pinto Judicial review of child maltreatment occurring outside of Minnesota allowed, and local welfare agency responsibility for assessing or investigating alleged maltreatment occurring outside of state provided.
House HF1346 11 03/17/2025 Text icon Nash Training requirements modified for mandatory reporters.
House HF1341 3 03/20/2025 Text icon Engen Law Enforcement Appreciation Day established, law enforcement explorer program in schools provided, peace officer training funding provided, pathway to policing reimbursement grants funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1234 5 03/17/2025 Text icon Scott Payment transparency required in public contracts.
House HF1151 1 02/19/2025 Text icon Nash Compensation council provisions changed.
House HF1104 1 02/19/2025 Text icon Robbins Retail delivery fee modified.
House HF1062 6 03/13/2025 Text icon Nash Driver and Vehicle Systems Oversight Committee repealed.
House HF1061 2 02/19/2025 Text icon Nash MNsure Legislative Oversight Commission eliminated.
House HF1060 6 03/13/2025 Text icon Nash Legislative Commission on Minnesota Sports Facilities eliminated.
House HF1059 1 02/17/2025 Text icon Nash Legislative COVID-19 Response Commission eliminated.
House HF1025 6 03/17/2025 Text icon McDonald Historic state flag recognized, right of all persons to display the historic state flag recognized, standards provided for its display on state property, and standards provided for its display on other public property.
House HF0937 1 02/17/2025 Text icon Nash Certain commissions established by law made purely advisory.
House HF0936 1 02/17/2025 Text icon Nash Cost-benefit analysis required for proposed administrative rules, adoption of certain rules prohibited, and notice to legislature upon adoption of exempt rules required.
House HF0935 1 02/17/2025 Text icon Nash Criminal history background checks permitted for nonresident tenant organizers.
House HF0934 1 02/17/2025 Text icon Nash Waconia; local road improvements related to Trunk Highway 5 reconstruction funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0933 1 02/17/2025 Text icon Nash Municipal powers to require planned unit developments limited, and planned unit development agreements regulated.
House HF0932 1 02/17/2025 Text icon Nash Level III predatory offenders required to be subject to electronic surveillance while under community correctional supervision, and money appropriated.
House HF0931 3 03/03/2025 Text icon Nash Requirements related to certain mailings containing an absentee ballot application or sample ballot sent by or on behalf of a committee or other private organization provided.
House HF0930 1 02/17/2025 Text icon Nash Sales and use tax; definition of prepared food modified.
House HF0929 1 02/17/2025 Text icon Nash Contractor recovery fund modified to include private residential pools.
House HF0928 1 02/17/2025 Text icon Nash Laketown Township; wastewater infrastructure funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0927 1 02/17/2025 Text icon Nash Legislative Commission on Housing Affordability eliminated.
House HF0926 1 02/17/2025 Text icon Nash Sales of certain cigars exempted from the excise taxes imposed on tobacco products and premium cigars.
House HF0925 1 02/17/2025 Text icon Nash Carver County; Lake Waconia Regional Park funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0924 3 03/03/2025 Text icon Nash Certain retired peace officers authorized to possess firearms in the Capitol complex.
House HF0893 2 03/06/2025 Text icon Knudsen Law on use of force in defense of home and person clarified, self-defense and defense of home laws codified and extended, common law duty to retreat eliminated in certain cases, boundaries of dwelling expanded, presumption created, and rights extended to others defending against entry.
House HF0636 1 02/13/2025 Text icon Altendorf Right to carry without a permit provided, and optional permit to carry provided.
House HF0276 4 03/10/2025 Text icon Nash Fishing license fees reduced for persons 65 years of age and older, and money transferred.
House HF0139 1 02/10/2025 Text icon O'Driscoll Public employees police and fire retirement plan; state patrol retirement plan; postretirement adjustments increased, and waiting period for a postretirement adjustment decreased for the public employees police and fire retirement plan.
House HF0026 5 03/14/2025 Text icon Roach Governor's power to declare emergency repealed, legislative emergency declaration and extension process established, governor's authority to adopt orders and expedited rules during an emergency repealed, citizen rights protected, and technical corrections made.
House HF0019 8 03/20/2025 Text icon Kresha Education savings accounts established, and rules required.
House HF0011 15 03/10/2025 Text icon Baker Minnesota Paid Leave Law implementation delayed by one year.
House HF0003 16 03/10/2025 Text icon Nash Legislative auditor required to submit a report to the legislature related to an agency's implementation of legislative auditor recommendations, and money appropriated.
House HF0001 10 03/05/2025 Text icon Anderson, P. E. Office of Inspector General established, powers and duties provided, enhanced grant oversight provided, retaliation prohibited, existing executive Offices of Inspector General transferred or repealed, fraud detection and prevention provided, conforming changes made, reports required, and money appropriated.
Minnesota Office of the Revisor of Statutes, Centennial Office Building, 3rd Floor, 658 Cedar Street, St. Paul, MN 55155