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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

22 Documents Found in Legislative Session 94 (2025-2026)
for Chief Authors of "Koznick"

Body Bill
Law Bill
Short Description
House HF2675 1 03/24/2025 Text icon Koznick Metropolitan Council prohibited from issuing certificates of participation in certain situations, and host counties required to fund specified aspects of guideways.
House HF2503 1 03/17/2025 Text icon Koznick Driver's license suspension requirements for criminal vehicular operation and criminal vehicular homicide offenses amended.
House HF2438 1 03/17/2025 Text icon Koznick Transportation budget bill; Department of Transportation, Department of Public Safety, and Metropolitan Council activities funding provided; and money appropriated.
House HF1695 4 03/11/2025 Text icon Koznick Civil Air Patrol funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1694 1 02/27/2025 Text icon Koznick Interstate Highway 35 and Scott County State-Aid Highway 2 interchange funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF1693 6 03/13/2025 Text icon Koznick Technical and clarifying changes related to county state-aid highway fund apportionment made.
House HF1692 2 03/10/2025 Text icon Koznick Minneapolis; portion of an appropriation for the Stone Arch Bridge cancelled.
House HF1691 6 03/13/2025 Text icon Koznick Transportation; technical clarifying changes made.
House HF1690 1 02/27/2025 Text icon Koznick Technical changes related to the motorcycle safety account made.
House HF1351 1 02/24/2025 Text icon Koznick Transportation; certain technical clarifying changes made.
House HF1349 2 02/26/2025 Text icon Koznick Dakota County; Interstate 35 and County State-Aid Highway 50 interchange reconstruction funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF1347 2 02/26/2025 Text icon Koznick Metropolitan cities inflow and infiltration grants funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF1329 3 03/03/2025 Text icon Koznick Metropolitan Council appointment process and member qualifications modified.
House HF0952 5 03/13/2025 Text icon Koznick Sales and use tax exemption for land clearing equipment modified.
House HF0749 3 02/27/2025 Text icon Koznick Northstar Commuter Rail line performance requirements and conditional termination established.
House HF0748 4 03/13/2025 Text icon Koznick Project assessment criteria and mitigation activities for vehicle miles traveled requirements amended, and transportation policy goals and greenhouse gas emission targets modified.
House HF0510 3 03/20/2025 Text icon Koznick Made in Minnesota program funding provided for small business growth acceleration, report required, and money appropriated.
House HF0269 5 03/05/2025 Text icon Koznick Commissioner of transportation and the Metropolitan Council required to request approval to discontinue Northstar passenger rail operations, and report required.
House HF0268 1 02/10/2025 Text icon Koznick Certain limitations on use of interest or investment income from transportation revenue established.
House HF0261 7 03/11/2025 Text icon Koznick Grant funding provided for equine-experiential mental health therapy to first responders suffering from trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder, report required, and money appropriated.
House HF0247 7 03/26/2025 Text icon Koznick Nonoxygenated motor sports racing gasoline sales and storage requirements modified.
House HF0050 2 02/17/2025 Text icon Koznick Lakeville; marked Interstate Highway 35 bridge interchange project funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
Minnesota Office of the Revisor of Statutes, Centennial Office Building, 3rd Floor, 658 Cedar Street, St. Paul, MN 55155