Bert Black, Patricia Winget, Beth Scheffer, Rebecca Gaspard, Mary H. Lynn, Jodi Pope, Wendy Legge, Kerstin Forsythe Hahn, Denise Collins.
The following materials were handed out:
The meeting of the MARSS Working Group held in the conference room of the Board of Cosmetology was called to order by Kerstin Forsythe Hahn at 2:07 p.m. The working group has agreed that they are following the requirements of the open meeting law.
Motion to approve the Minutes of the meeting held November 16, 2017, by Kerstin Forsythe Hahn.
Carries as amended.
In the funding and brainstorming section, Bert contacted 30 states, not 30 people.
The working group has approved the scope document with one amendment. On the top of the second page Disability will be changed to Disabilities. The document will be an attachment to the report.
Kerstin will touch base with Matthew Porett from MN.IT.
Options | Initial Building | Maintenance |
Legacy Fund | No | Maybe |
Odyssey Fund | Maybe | No |
Charge Per Use/Access | No | Maybe |
Private Sector/Ad Revenue | No | No |
Other: Private Operation | No | No |
Patricia discussed other options with a budget officer. It was said that it would be difficult to find money within the agencies because of other priorities. Bottom line is that it all comes back to tax payers. Options were considered but not recommended. It is suggested that some or all of the initial building will be based from appropriations.
Legacy Fund | Beth |
Odyssey Fund | Kerstin |
Charge per use/access | Jodi |
Private sector/ad revenue | Bert |
Other: private operation | Patricia |
Bert stated that the Office of Minnesota Secretary of State believes the report should include statements of need, reasons for project, and funding. Should report include working group member’s opinions on report? Bert and Denise agreed it should. All other members disagreed. Motion does not pass. The group discussed whether the report should be written in complete neutrality. Jodi, Beth, Rebecca, Wendy, and Mary agree it should. Bert, Patricia, Kerstin, and Denise oppose. Motion passes. Patricia asked to amend the motion and state that they think the system is a good idea. Wendy believed that would be outside the scope of what they have been asked to do.
Should we bring report to the Governor’s Office? If the report is written in complete neutrality, is it necessary to bring to the Governor’s Office? Are minority reports appropriate since the motion passed that the report be written in complete neutrality. The group discussed what the process for approval would be and will discuss it further in the group’s next meeting. The goal is for the group to come to a consensus with the report. Signatures should not be necessary.
Dates have changed for the next meeting from the agenda that was handed out today. Kerstin will set up the new dates and where the group will meet. Kerstin needs the final draft of the blurbs on funding mechanisms by December 21, 2017.
Adjourn: 3:48 p.m.