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Source of mandate: Minnesota Statutes, section 3C.06
After each legislative session, the revisor's office publishes the official hardbound set of Laws of Minnesota containing the text of all laws enacted during session. The office compiles a table of local laws, a table to coordinate the session laws with statutes, a table to convert House or Senate file numbers into chapter numbers, and a subject index for inclusion in the publication. Staff attorneys and editors review the text of the enrolled acts for publication and implement the revisor's statutory authority to correct manifest clerical errors only. A computer program developed by the revisor's office checks the integrity of the statutory language in Laws.
Source of mandate: Minnesota Statutes, sections 3C.08 to 3C.12
After each legislative session in even-numbered years, the office compiles and edits the official hardbound edition of Minnesota Statutes.
General and permanent laws added or amended during the session are extracted from the session laws and edited for inclusion in a new edition of the statutes. Repealed statutory text is reported, multiple amendments are integrated, conflicting amendments are reported, and changes to the text directed by revisor's instructions in bills are implemented.
The publication includes section histories, tables, an index, and other editorial aids. The full set of Minnesota Statutes includes a volume of court rules.
The text, histories, editorial notes, indexes, and other editorial aids in each edition are drafted or approved by staff attorneys and editors as part of the revisor's duty of ongoing statutory revision.
After each legislative session in odd-numbered years, the office compiles and edits an official supplement to the statutes.
Source of mandate: Minnesota Statutes, sections 3C.06, 3C.08, and 14.47
The office produces subject indexes to:
The indexes are prepared and reviewed by staff attorneys and editing staff with the assistance of contract indexers.
Source of mandate: Minnesota Statutes, section 14.47
Every odd-numbered year, the office compiles and edits the official hardbound edition of Minnesota Rules. Adopted changes to the permanent administrative rules of state agencies are integrated into each new edition. Additional changes to the text directed by revisor's instructions are implemented. The publication includes histories, tables, an index, and other editorial aids. The text, histories, editorial notes, indexes, and other editorial aids are drafted and approved by staff attorneys and editors as part of the revisor's statutory responsibility. The office compiles and edits a cumulative official supplement to the rules in even-numbered years.
Source of mandate: Minnesota Statutes, section 3C.08, subdivision 1
In accordance with statute, the office compiles and publishes Minnesota Court Rules in a separate volume that accompanies Minnesota Statutes. Changes or additions to the court rules are integrated into the full volume in even-numbered years. In odd-numbered years, a supplement is compiled and published. The update is published as part of the supplement to Minnesota Statutes.
Source of mandate: Minnesota Statutes, sections 3C.06, subdivision 2, and 3C.08, subdivision 1
Laws that pertain to specific political subdivisions are infrequently coded in Minnesota Statutes and need finding aids to make them accessible. The office produces tables of these laws to accompany both the session law publication and the statutes. The tables are researched and compiled by a staff attorney and are not generated by a computer program. Tables 4 to 6 of the session laws list laws passed at a given session that relate to local government units if there is an express statement in the law that local approval is required or is not required. The tables include the dates of local approval and the filing of approval with the secretary of state, if that information is available at the time of publication. Table 1 of Minnesota Statutes lists all laws relating to local units of government, from 1849 to the present, that are not coded in Minnesota Statutes.
Source of mandate: Minnesota Statutes, section 3C.03, subdivision 4
The office writes and publishes a manual of form requirements and drafting advice for use by those who draft bills, resolutions, and amendments. The manual includes sample forms.
Source of mandate: Minnesota Statutes, section 14.07, subdivision 1, clause (2)
The office writes and publishes a manual of form requirements and drafting advice for use by those who draft administrative rules. The manual includes sample forms.
Source of mandate: custom and usage
Since 1987, the office has written and published a guide to help agencies through the process of adopting rules. Rulemaking in Minnesota: A Guide describes each of the three types of rulemaking proceedings, explains agency requirements at each stage of the process, and provides references to applicable laws and rules. The guide is periodically revised as necessary to include changes made to these laws and rules.