Key: (1) language to be deleted (2) new language
CHAPTER 126-S.F.No. 338 An act relating to agriculture; changing limitations on ownership of agricultural land by corporations, limited liability companies, pension or investment funds, and limited partnerships; amending Minnesota Statutes 1996, section 500.24, subdivisions 2, 3, 3a, 3b, and 4. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA: Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 1996, section 500.24, subdivision 2, is amended to read: Subd. 2. [DEFINITIONS.]For the purposes of this section,the terms definedThe definitions in this subdivisionhave themeanings here given them:apply to this section. (a) "Farming" means the production of (1) agricultural products; (2) livestock or livestock products; (3) milk or milk products; or (4) fruit or other horticultural products. It does not include the processing, refining, or packaging of said products, nor the provision of spraying or harvesting services by a processor or distributor of farm products. It does not include the production of timber or forest productsor, the production of poultry or poultry products, or the feeding and caring for livestock that are delivered to a corporation for slaughter or processing for up to 20 days before slaughter or processing. (b) "Family farm" means an unincorporated farming unit owned by one or more persons residing on the farm or actively engaging in farming. (c) "Family farm corporation" means a corporation founded for the purpose of farming and the ownership of agricultural land in which the majority of the voting stock is held by and the majority of the stockholders are persons or the spouses of persons related to each other within the third degree of kindred according to the rules of the civil law, and at least one of said related persons is residing on or actively operating the farm, and none of whose stockholders are corporations; provided that a family farm corporation shall not cease to qualify as such hereunder by reason of any devise or bequest of shares of voting stock. (d) "Authorized farm corporation" means a corporation meeting the following standardsunder clause (1) or (2): (1)(i) itsit has no more than five shareholdersdo notexceed five in number;(ii)(2) all its shareholders, other than any estate, are natural persons;(iii)(3) it does not have more than one class of shares;and(iv)(4) itsrevenuesrevenue from rent, royalties, dividends, interest, and annuities does not exceed 20 percent of its gross receipts;and(v)(5) shareholders holding 51 percent or more of the interest in the corporationmust be residingreside on the farm or are actively engaging in farming;(vi) the authorized farm corporation(6) it does not, directly or indirectly,ownsown or otherwisehashave an interest, whether legal, beneficial, or otherwise,in any title tonomore than 1,500 acres ofreal estate used for farming orcapable of being used for farming in this stateagricultural land; and(vii) a shareholder of the authorized farm corporation isnot a shareholder(7) none of its shareholders are shareholders in other authorized farm corporations that directly or indirectly in combination with theauthorized farmcorporation ownnotmore than 1,500 acres ofreal estate used for farming orcapable of being used for farming in this state; oragricultural land.(2)(i) the corporation(e) "Authorized livestock farm corporation" means a corporation formed for the production of livestock and meeting the following standards: (1) it is engaged in the production of livestock other than dairy cattle;and not engaged in farming activities otherwiseprohibited under this section;(ii)(2) all its shareholders, other thananany estate, are natural persons orafamily farmcorporationcorporations;(iii)(3) it does not have more than one class of shares;(iv)(4) its revenue from rent, royalties, dividends, interest, and annuities does not exceed 20 percent of its gross receipts;(v)(5) shareholders holding 75 percent or more of the controland, financial, and capital investment in the corporationmust beare farmers residing in Minnesota and at least 51 percent of the required percentage of farmersmust beare actively engaged in livestock production;(vi) the authorized farm corporation(6) it does not, directly or indirectly,ownsown or otherwisehashave an interest, whether legal, beneficial, or otherwise,in any title tonomore than 1,500 acres ofreal estate used for farming orcapable of being used for farming in this stateagricultural land; and(vii) a shareholder of the authorized farm corporation isnot a shareholder(7) none of its shareholders are shareholders in other authorized farm corporations that directly or indirectly in combination with theauthorized farmcorporation ownnotmore than 1,500 acres ofreal estate used for farming orcapable of being used for farming in this state; and(viii) the corporation was formed for the production oflivestock other than dairy cattle by natural persons or familyfarm corporations that provide 75 percent or more of the capitalinvestmentagricultural land.(e)(f) "Agricultural land" meanslandreal estate used for farming or capable of being used for farming in this state.(f)(g) "Pension or investment fund" means a pension or employee welfare benefit fund, however organized, a mutual fund, a life insurance company separate account, a common trust of a bank or other trustee established for the investment and reinvestment of money contributed to it, a real estate investment trust, or an investment company as defined in United States Code, title 15, section 80a-3."Pension or investmentfund" does not include a benevolent trust established by theowners of a family farm, authorized farm corporation or familyfarm corporation.(g)(h) "Farm homestead" means a house including adjoining buildings that has been used as part of a farming operation or is part of the agricultural land used for a farming operation.(h)(i) "Family farm partnership" means a limited partnership formed for the purpose of farming and the ownership of agricultural land in which the majority of the interests in the partnership is held by and the majority of the partners are persons or the spouses of persons related to each other within the third degree of kindred according to the rules of the civil law,andat least one of the related persons is residing on or actively operating the farm, and none of the partners are corporations. A family farm partnership does not cease to qualify as a family farm partnership because of a devise or bequest of interest in the partnership.(i)(j) "Authorized farm partnership" means a limited partnership meeting the following standards: (1) it has been issued a certificate from the secretary of state or is registered with the county recorder and farming and ownership of agricultural land is stated as a purpose or character of the business; (2)itsno more than five partnersdo not exceed five innumber; (3) all its partners, other thananany estate, are natural persons; (4) itsrevenuesrevenue from rent, royalties, dividends, interest, and annuities do not exceed 20 percent of its gross receipts; (5) its general partners hold at least 51 percent of the interest in the land assets of the partnership and reside on the farm or are actively engaging in farming not more than 1,500 acres as a general partner in an authorized limited partnership; (6) its limited partners do not participate in the business of the limited partnership including operating, managing, or directing management of farming operations; (7)the authorized farm partnershipit does not, directly or indirectly,does notown or otherwise have an interest,whether legal, beneficial, or otherwise,inaany title to more than 1,500 acres ofreal estate used for farming or capable ofbeing used for farming in this stateagricultural land; and (8)a limited partner of the authorized farm partnership isnot anone of its limited partners are limitedpartnerpartners in other authorized farm partnerships that directly or indirectly in combination with theauthorized farmpartnership ownnotmore than 1,500 acres ofreal estate used for farming orcapable of being used for farming in this stateagricultural land.(j)(k) "Farmer" means a natural person who regularly participates in physical labor or operations management in thefarmer'sperson's farming operation and files "Schedule F" as part of the person's annual Form 1040 filing with the United States Internal Revenue Service.(k)(l) "Actively engaged in livestock production" meansthat a person performsperforming day-to-day physical labor or day-to-day operations management that significantly contributes to livestock production and the functioning of a livestock operation. (m) "Research or experimental farm" means a corporation, limited partnership, or pension or investment fund that owns or operates agricultural land for research or experimental purposes, provided that any commercial sales from the operation are incidental to the research or experimental objectives of the corporation. A corporation, limited partnership, or pension or investment fund seeking initial approval by the commissioner to operate agricultural land for research or experimental purposes must first submit to the commissioner a prospectus or proposal of the intended method of operation containing information required by the commissioner including a copy of any operational contract with individual participants. (n) "Breeding stock farm" means a corporation or limited partnership that owns land for the purpose of raising breeding stock, including embryos, for resale to farmers or for the purpose of growing seed, wild rice, nursery plants, or sod. An entity that is organized to raise livestock other than dairy cattle under this paragraph that does not qualify as an authorized farm corporation must: (1) sell all castrated animals to be fed out or finished to farming operations that are neither directly nor indirectly owned by the business entity operating the breeding stock operation; and (2) report its total production and sales annually to the commissioner. (o) "Aquatic farm" means a corporation or limited partnership that owns or leases agricultural land as a necessary part of an aquatic farm as defined in section 17.47, subdivision 3. (p) "Religious farm" means a corporation formed primarily for religious purposes whose sole income is derived from agriculture. (q) "Utility corporation" means a corporation regulated under Minnesota Statutes 1974, chapter 216B, that owns agricultural land for purposes described in that chapter, or an electric generation or transmission cooperative that owns agricultural land for use in its business if the land is not used for farming except under lease to a family farm unit, a family farm corporation, or a family farm partnership. (r) "Benevolent trust" means a pension fund or family trust established by the owners of a family farm, authorized farm corporation, authorized livestock farm corporation, or family farm corporation that holds an interest in title to agricultural land on which one or more of those owners or shareholders have resided or have been actively engaged in farming as required by paragraph (b), (c), (d), or (e). (s) "Development organization" means a corporation, limited partnership, or pension or investment fund that owns agricultural land for which the corporation, limited partnership, or pension or investment fund has documented plans to use and subsequently uses the land within six years from the date of purchase for a specific nonfarming purpose, or if the land is zoned nonagricultural, or if the land is located within an incorporated area. A corporation, limited partnership, or pension or investment fund may hold agricultural land in the amount necessary for its nonfarm business operation; provided, however, that pending the development of agricultural land for nonfarm purposes, the land may not be used for farming except under lease to a family farm unit, a family farm corporation, an authorized farm corporation, an authorized livestock farm corporation, a family farm partnership, or an authorized farm partnership, or except when controlled through ownership, options, leaseholds, or other agreements by a corporation that has entered into an agreement with the United States under the New Community Act of 1968 (Title IV of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968, United States Code, title 42, sections 3901 to 3914) as amended, or a subsidiary or assign of such a corporation. (t) "Exempt land" means agricultural land owned or leased by a corporation as of May 20, 1973, agricultural land owned or leased by a pension or investment fund as of May 12, 1981, or agricultural land owned or leased by a limited partnership as of May 1, 1988, including the normal expansion of that ownership at a rate not to exceed 20 percent of the amount of land owned as of May 20, 1973, for a corporation; May 12, 1981, for a pension or investment fund; or May 1, 1988, for a limited partnership, measured in acres, in any five-year period, and including additional ownership reasonably necessary to meet the requirements of pollution control rules. A corporation, limited partnership, or pension or investment fund that is eligible to own or lease agricultural land under this section prior to May 1997 may continue to own or lease agricultural land subject to the same conditions and limitations as previously allowed. (u) "Gifted land" means agricultural land acquired as a gift, either by grant or devise, by an educational, religious, or charitable nonprofit corporation, limited partnership, or pension or investment fund if all land so acquired is disposed of within ten years after acquiring the title. (v) "Repossessed land" means agricultural land acquired by a corporation, limited partnership, or pension or investment fund by process of law in the collection of debts, or by any procedure for the enforcement of a lien or claim on the land, whether created by mortgage or otherwise if all land so acquired is disposed of within five years after acquiring the title. The five-year limitation is a covenant running with the title to the land against any grantee, assignee, or successor of the pension or investment fund, corporation, or limited partnership. The land so acquired must not be used for farming during the five-year period, except under a lease to a family farm unit, a family farm corporation, an authorized farm corporation, an authorized livestock farm corporation, a family farm partnership, or an authorized farm partnership. Notwithstanding the five-year divestiture requirement under this paragraph, a financial institution may continue to own the agricultural land if the agricultural land is leased to the immediately preceding former owner, but must dispose of the agricultural land within ten years of acquiring the title. Livestock acquired by a pension or investment fund, corporation, or limited partnership in the collection of debts, or by a procedure for the enforcement of lien or claim on the livestock whether created by security agreement or otherwise after August 1, 1994, must be sold or disposed of within one full production cycle for the type of livestock acquired or 18 months after the livestock is acquired, whichever is later. (w) "Commissioner" means the commissioner of agriculture. Sec. 2. Minnesota Statutes 1996, section 500.24, subdivision 3, is amended to read: Subd. 3. [FARMING AND OWNERSHIP OF AGRICULTURAL LAND BY CORPORATIONS RESTRICTED.] No corporation, limited liability company, pension or investment fund, or limited partnership shall engage in farming; nor shall any corporation, limited liability company, pension or investment fund, or limited partnership, directly or indirectly, own, acquire, or otherwise obtainanany interest,whether legal, beneficial or otherwise,in any title to real estate used for farming or capable of beingused for farming in this state. Livestock that are deliveredfor slaughter or processing may be fed and cared for by acorporation up to 20 days prior to slaughter or processing.Provided, however, that the restrictions in this subdivision donot apply to corporations or partnerships in clause (b) and donot apply to corporations, limited partnerships, and pension orinvestment funds that record its name and the particularexception under clauses (a) to (s) under which the agriculturalland is owned or farmed, have a conservation plan prepared forthe agricultural land, report as required under subdivision 4,and satisfy one of the following conditions under clauses (a) to(s):in agricultural land other than a bona fide encumbrance taken for purposes of security. This subdivision does not apply to general partnerships. This subdivision does not apply to any agricultural land, corporation, limited partnership, or pension or investment fund that meet any of the definitions in subdivision 2, paragraphs (b) to (e), (i), (j), and (m) to (v), has a conservation plan prepared for the agricultural land, and reports as required under subdivision 4.(a) a bona fide encumbrance taken for purposes of security;(b) a family farm corporation, an authorized farmcorporation, a family farm partnership, or an authorized farmpartnership as defined in subdivision 2 or a generalpartnership;(c) agricultural land and land capable of being used forfarming owned by a corporation as of May 20, 1973, or a pensionor investment fund as of May 12, 1981, including the normalexpansion of such ownership at a rate not to exceed 20 percentof the amount of land owned as of May 20, 1973, or, in the caseof a pension or investment fund, as of May 12, 1981, measured inacres, in any five-year period, and including additionalownership reasonably necessary to meet the requirements ofpollution control rules;(d) agricultural land operated for research or experimentalpurposes with the approval of the commissioner of agriculture,provided that any commercial sales from the operation must beincidental to the research or experimental objectives of thecorporation. A corporation, limited partnership, or pension orinvestment fund seeking to operate agricultural land forresearch or experimental purposes must submit to thecommissioner a prospectus or proposal of the intended method ofoperation, containing information required by the commissionerincluding a copy of any operational contract with individualparticipants, prior to initial approval of an operation. Acorporation, limited partnership, or pension or investment fundoperating agricultural land for research or experimentalpurposes prior to May 1, 1988, must comply with all requirementsof this clause except the requirement for initial approval ofthe project;(e) agricultural land operated by a corporation or limitedpartnership for the purpose of raising breeding stock, includingembryos, for resale to farmers or operated for the purpose ofgrowing seed, wild rice, nursery plants or sod. An entity thatis organized to raise livestock other than dairy cattle underthis clause that does not meet the definition requirement for anauthorized farm corporation must:(1) sell all castrated animals to be fed out or finished tofarming operations that are neither directly nor indirectlyowned by the business entity operating the breeding stockoperation; and(2) report its total production and sales annually to thecommissioner of agriculture;(f) agricultural land and land capable of being used forfarming leased by a corporation or limited partnership in anamount, measured in acres, not to exceed the acreage under leaseto such corporation as of May 20, 1973, or to the limitedpartnership as of May 1, 1988, and the additional acreagerequired for normal expansion at a rate not to exceed 20 percentof the amount of land leased as of May 20, 1973, for acorporation or May 1, 1988, for a limited partnership in anyfive-year period, and the additional acreage reasonablynecessary to meet the requirements of pollution control rules;(g) agricultural land when acquired as a gift (either bygrant or a devise) by an educational, religious, or charitablenonprofit corporation or by a pension or investment fund orlimited partnership; provided that all lands so acquired by apension or investment fund, and all lands so acquired by acorporation or limited partnership which are not operated forresearch or experimental purposes, or are not operated for thepurpose of raising breeding stock for resale to farmers oroperated for the purpose of growing seed, wild rice, nurseryplants or sod must be disposed of within ten years afteracquiring title thereto;(h) agricultural land acquired by a pension or investmentfund or a corporation other than a family farm corporation orauthorized farm corporation, as defined in subdivision 2, or alimited partnership other than a family farm partnership orauthorized farm partnership as defined in subdivision 2, forwhich the corporation or limited partnership has documentedplans to use and subsequently uses the land within six yearsfrom the date of purchase for a specific nonfarming purpose, orif the land is zoned nonagricultural, or if the land is locatedwithin an incorporated area. A pension or investment fund or acorporation or limited partnership may hold such agriculturalland in such acreage as may be necessary to its nonfarm businessoperation; provided, however, that pending the development ofagricultural land for nonfarm purposes, such land may not beused for farming except under lease to a family farm unit, afamily farm corporation, an authorized farm corporation, afamily farm partnership, or an authorized farm partnership, orexcept when controlled through ownership, options, leaseholds,or other agreements by a corporation which has entered into anagreement with the United States of America pursuant to the NewCommunity Act of 1968 (Title IV of the Housing and UrbanDevelopment Act of 1968, United States Code, title 42, sections3901 to 3914) as amended, or a subsidiary or assign of such acorporation;(i) agricultural lands acquired by a pension or investmentfund or a corporation or limited partnership by process of lawin the collection of debts, or by any procedure for theenforcement of a lien or claim thereon, whether created bymortgage or otherwise; provided, however, that all lands soacquired be disposed of within ten years after acquiring thetitle if acquired before May 1, 1988, and five years afteracquiring the title if acquired on or after May 1, 1988,acquiring the title thereto, and further provided that the landso acquired shall not be used for farming during the ten-year orfive-year period except under a lease to a family farm unit, afamily farm corporation, an authorized farm corporation, afamily farm partnership, or an authorized farm partnership. Theaforementioned ten-year or five-year limitation period shall bedeemed a covenant running with the title to the land against anygrantee, assignee, or successor of the pension or investmentfund, corporation, or limited partnership. Notwithstanding thefive-year divestiture requirement under this clause, a financialinstitution may continue to own the agricultural land if theagricultural land is leased to the immediately preceding formerowner, but must divest of the agricultural land within theten-year period. Livestock acquired by a pension or investmentfund, corporation, or limited partnership in the collection ofdebts, or by a procedure for the enforcement of lien or claim onthe livestock whether created by security agreement or otherwiseafter August 1, 1994, must be sold or disposed of within onefull production cycle for the type of livestock acquired or 18months after the livestock is acquired, whichever is later;(j) agricultural land acquired by a corporation regulatedunder the provisions of Minnesota Statutes 1974, chapter 216B,for purposes described in that chapter or by an electricgeneration or transmission cooperative for use in its business,provided, however, that such land may not be used for farmingexcept under lease to a family farm unit, a family farmcorporation, or a family farm partnership;(k) agricultural land, either leased or owned, totaling nomore than 2,700 acres, acquired after May 20, 1973, for thepurpose of replacing or expanding asparagus growing operations,provided that such corporation had established 2,000 acres ofasparagus production;(l) all agricultural land or land capable of being used forfarming which was owned or leased by an authorized farmcorporation as defined in Minnesota Statutes 1974, section500.24, subdivision 1, clause (d), but which does not qualify asan authorized farm corporation as defined in subdivision 2,clause (d);(m) a corporation formed primarily for religious purposeswhose sole income is derived from agriculture;(n) agricultural land owned or leased by a corporationprior to August 1, 1975, which was exempted from the restrictionof this subdivision under the provisions of Laws 1973, chapter427, including normal expansion of such ownership or leaseholdinterest to be exercised at a rate not to exceed 20 percent ofthe amount of land owned or leased on August 1, 1975, in anyfive-year period and the additional ownership reasonablynecessary to meet requirements of pollution control rules;(o) agricultural land owned or leased by a corporationprior to August 1, 1978, including normal expansion of suchownership or leasehold interest, to be exercised at a rate notto exceed 20 percent of the amount of land owned or leased onAugust 1, 1978, and the additional ownership reasonablynecessary to meet requirements of pollution control rules,provided that nothing herein shall reduce any exemptioncontained under the provisions of Laws 1975, chapter 324,section 1, subdivision 2;(p) an interest in the title to agricultural land acquiredby a pension fund or family trust established by the owners of afamily farm, authorized farm corporation or family farmcorporation, but limited to the farm on which one or more ofthose owners or shareholders have resided or have been activelyengaged in farming as required by subdivision 2, clause (b),(c), or (d);(q) agricultural land owned by a nursing home located in acity with a population, according to the state demographer's1985 estimate, between 900 and 1,000, in a county with apopulation, according to the state demographer's 1985 estimate,between 18,000 and 19,000, if the land was given to the nursinghome as a gift with the expectation that it would not be soldduring the donor's lifetime. This exemption is available untilJuly 1, 1995;(r) the acreage of agricultural land and land capable ofbeing used for farming owned and recorded by an authorized farmcorporation as defined in Minnesota Statutes 1986, section500.24, subdivision 2, paragraph (d), or a limited partnershipas of May 1, 1988, including the normal expansion of theownership at a rate not to exceed 20 percent of the land ownedand recorded as of May 1, 1988, measured in acres, in anyfive-year period, and including additional ownership reasonablynecessary to meet the requirements of pollution control rules;(s) agricultural land owned or leased as a necessary partof an aquatic farm as defined in section 17.47, subdivision 3.Sec. 3. Minnesota Statutes 1996, section 500.24, subdivision 3a, is amended to read: Subd. 3a. [LEASE AGREEMENT; CONSERVATION PRACTICE PROTECTION CLAUSE.] A corporation, pension or investment fund, or limited partnership, other than a family farm corporation, an authorized farm corporation, an authorized livestock farm corporation, a family farm partnership, or an authorized farm partnership, when leasing farm land to a family farm unit, a family farm corporation, an authorized farm corporation, an authorized livestock farm corporation, a family farm partnership, or an authorized farm partnership under provisions of subdivision3, clause (i)2, paragraph (v), must include within the lease agreement a provision prohibiting intentional damage or destruction to a conservation practice on the agricultural land. Sec. 4. Minnesota Statutes 1996, section 500.24, subdivision 3b, is amended to read: Subd. 3b. [PROTECTION OF CONSERVATION PRACTICES.]IfA corporation, pension or investment fund, or limited partnership, other than a family farm corporation, an authorized farm corporation, an authorized livestock farm corporation, a family farm partnership, or authorized farm partnership, which, during the period of time it holds agricultural land under subdivision3, clause (i)2, paragraph (v), intentionally destroys a conservation practice as defined in section 103F.401, subdivision 3, to which the state has made a financial contribution,the corporation, pension or investment fund, orlimited partnershipmust pay the commissionerof agriculture, for deposit in the general fund, an amount equal to the state's total contributions to that conservation practice plus interest from the time of investment in the conservation practice. Interest must be calculated at an annual percentage rate of 12 percent. Sec. 5. Minnesota Statutes 1996, section 500.24, subdivision 4, is amended to read: Subd. 4. [REPORTS.] (a) The chief executive officer of every pension or investment fund, corporation, or limited partnership, except a family farm corporation or a family farmlimited partnership,that holds any interest in agricultural land or land used for the breeding, feeding, pasturing, growing, or raising of livestock, dairy or poultry, or products thereof, or land used for the production of agricultural crops or fruit or other horticultural products, other than a bona fide encumbrance taken for purposes of security, or which is engaged in farming or proposing to commence farming in this state after May 20, 1973, shall file with the commissionerof agriculturea report containing the following information and documents: (1) the name of the pension or investment fund, corporation, or limited partnership and its place of incorporation, certification, or registration; (2) the address of the pension or investment plan headquarters or of the registered office of the corporation in this state, the name and address of its registered agent in this state and, in the case of a foreign corporation or limited partnership, the address of its principal office in its place of incorporation, certification, or registration; (3) the acreage and location listed by quarter-quarter section, township, and county of each lot or parcel of agricultural land or land used for the keeping or feeding of poultry in this state owned or leased by the pension or investment fund, limited partnership, or corporationand usedfor the growing of crops or the keeping or feeding of poultry orlivestock; (4) the names and addresses of the officers, administrators, directors, or trustees of the pension or investment fund, or of the officers, shareholders owning more than ten percent of the stock, including the percent of stock owned by each such shareholder, and the members of the board of directors of the corporation, and the general and limited partners and the percentage of interest in the partnership by each partner; (5) the farm products which the pension or investment fund, limited partnership, or corporation produces or intends to produce on its agricultural land; (6) with the first report, a copy of the title to the property where the farming operations are or will occur indicating the particular exception claimed under subdivision 3,clauses (a) to (r); and (7) with the first or second report, a copy of the conservation plan proposed by the soil and water conservation district, and with subsequent reports a statement of whether the conservation plan was implemented. The report of a corporation seeking to qualify hereunder as a family farm corporation, an authorized farm corporation, an authorized livestock farm corporation, a family farm partnership, or authorized farm partnership shall contain the following additional information: the number of shares or the partnership interests owned by persons residing on the farm or actively engaged in farming, or their relatives within the third degree of kindred according to the rules of the civil law or their spouses; the name, address, and number of shares owned by each shareholder or partnership interests owned by each partner; and a statement as to percentage of gross receipts of the corporation derived from rent, royalties, dividends, interest, and annuities. No pension or investment fund, limited partnership, or corporation shall commence farming in this state until the commissionerof agriculturehas inspected the report and certified that its proposed operations comply with the provisions of this section. (b) Every pension or investment fund, limited partnership, or corporation as described inclauseparagraph (a) shall, prior to April 15 of each year, file with the commissionerofagriculturea report containing the information required inclauseparagraph (a), based on its operations in the preceding calendar year and its status at the end of the year. A pension or investment fund, limited partnership, or corporation that does not file the report by April 15 must pay a $500 civil penalty. The penalty is a lien on the land being farmed under subdivision 3 until the penalty is paid. (c) The commissioneror the commissioner's authorizedrepresentativemayenter into a written agreement with a personrequired to file a report under this subdivision who, for good cause shown,has failedissue a written waiver or reduction of the civil penalty for failure to make a timely filing of the annual report required by this subdivision.An agreement mustbe construed as a "no contest" pleading and may encompass areduction or waiver of the civil penalty for late filing.Theagreementwaiver or reduction is final and conclusive with respect to the civil penalty, and may not be reopened or modified by an officer, employee, or agent of the state, except upon a showing of fraud or malfeasance or misrepresentation of a material fact.The matter agreed upon in the agreement may notbe reopened or modified by an officer, employee, or agent of thestate.The report required under paragraph (b) must be completed prior to a reduction or waiver under this paragraph.The commissioner may enter into an agreement underthis paragraph only once for each person required to file underthis subdivision.The commissioner may enter into an agreement under this paragraph only once for each corporation or partnership. (d) Failure to file a required report,or the willful filing of false information, shall constituteis a gross misdemeanor. Sec. 6. [RENUMBERING INSTRUCTION.] The revisor of statutes shall renumber Minnesota Statutes, section 500.24, subdivisions 6, 7, and 8 to be subdivisions 1, 2, and 3 of a new section 500.245 with the section heading "RIGHT OF FIRST REFUSAL FOR AGRICULTURAL LAND" and correct all references to those subdivisions in Minnesota Statutes and Minnesota Rules. Sec. 7. [EFFECTIVE DATE.] Sections 1 to 6 are effective the day after final enactment. Presented to the governor May 8, 1997 Signed by the governor May 9, 1997, 8:12 a.m.
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes