Key: (1) language to be deleted (2) new language
CHAPTER 515-H.F.No. 2148 An act relating to human services; providing monitoring and evaluation of emergency health services on a pilot project basis; authorizing advisory committees. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA: Section 1. [EMERGENCY SERVICES MONITORING; PILOT STUDY AND REPORT.] Subdivision 1. [ADVISORY COMMITTEES.] By July 1, 1994, the commissioner of human services shall appoint three nine-member advisory committees to evaluate and monitor the emergency adult mental health services in accordance with the pilot study established under subdivision 2. Each committee shall be made up of members who reside in the county the committee is monitoring. The commissioner shall consult with advocates for persons with mental illnesses and with the local advisory councils on mental health before appointing the members of the advisory committees. At least five of the committee members must be chosen from persons who are advocates for persons with mental illness or family members of persons with mental illness, and from persons who have received emergency services under Minnesota Statutes, section 245.469, subdivisions 1 and 2. Members shall not receive per diems but shall be compensated for expenses under Minnesota Statutes, section 15.059. The advisory committees shall report to the commissioner at such times and in the manner that the commissioner directs, except that the advisory committees shall meet no less than four times between July 1, 1994, and July 1, 1995. The advisory committees shall expire January 15, 1996. Subd. 2. [PILOT STUDY.] The pilot study shall be designed to monitor and evaluate three counties in their provision of emergency adult mental health services under Minnesota Statutes, section 245.469. The three counties shall be selected by the commissioner. One of the counties must be a metropolitan county, as defined in Minnesota Statutes, section 473.121, subdivision 4, with a city of the first class. The study must also include a metropolitan county other than Hennepin or Ramsey county, and one county located outside of the metropolitan area. Counties shall be given the opportunity to participate in the pilot study. If there is no county requesting to participate, the counties shall be designated by the commissioner. The purpose of the pilot study will be: (1) to determine whether the emergency services required by Minnesota Statutes, section 245.469, are being provided for persons in each of the selected counties; (2) to evaluate the sufficiency and quality of services for adult persons with mental illness who are in crisis; and (3) to assess the effectiveness of consumer advocates in monitoring the availability of emergency mental health services. The commissioner shall submit a report on the study, with findings of the effectiveness of the current emergency mental health services and recommendations to improve the emergency services, to the legislature by January 15, 1996. Presented to the governor April 22, 1994 Signed by the governor April 25, 1994, 1:15 p.m.
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes