Key: (1) language to be deleted (2) new language
Laws of Minnesota 1990 CHAPTER 401-H.F.No. 2084 An act relating to statutes; revising the text of certain laws to remove redundant and obsolete language, to simplify grammar and syntax, and to improve the style of language without causing changes in the meaning of the laws; amending Minnesota Statutes 1988, chapters 367, as amended; and 368, as amended. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA: REVISOR'S BILL ARTICLE 1 Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 1988, chapter 367, as amended by Laws 1989, chapter 24, sections 1 to 6, is amended to read: 367.01 [DELIVERY TO SUCCESSOR.] Every town officer shall, immediately after qualifying, demandoffrom the officer's predecessor,or other person having control or possessionthereofof them, all books, records, and other property belonging to the office; and. Every person having control or possession of anysuch books, records, orpropertyof them shall, uponsuchthe demand, deliverthe samethem tosuchthe officer. 367.02 [RESIGNATIONS.] The town board, for sufficient cause shown to it, shall accept the resignation of any town officer, in which case. The board shallforthwithpromptly give noticethereofof the resignation to the town clerk. 367.03 [OFFICERS ELECTED AT ANNUAL ELECTION; VACANCIES.] Subdivision 1. [OFFICERS, TERMS.] Except in towns operating under option A,therethree supervisors shall be elected in each townthree supervisorsas provided in this section.WhereWhen a new townhas been or may beis organized and supervisorshave been or may beare electedfor such townat a town meeting prior to the annual town election,suchsupervisorsthey shall serve only until the next annual town election. Atwhichthat election three supervisors shall be elected, one for three years, one for two years, and one for one year, so that the term of one shall expire each year. The number of years for which each is elected shall be indicated on the ballot. Atall otherfollowing annual town elections one supervisor shall be elected for three years tofill the place ofsucceed the one whose term expires at that time. Except in towns operating undereitheroption B or option D, or both,there shall be electedat the annual town electionheldin even-numbered years one town clerk,and at the annual town electionheldin odd-numbered years one town treasurer shall be elected. The clerk and treasurer each shall serve fora term oftwo years and until their successors are elected and qualified. Subd. 2. [VACANCIES.] When a vacancy occurs in a town office, the town board shall fill the vacancy by appointment. The person appointed shall hold office until the next annual town election, when a successor shall be electedto hold officefor the unexpired term. A vacancy in the office of supervisor shall be filled by the remaining supervisors and the town clerk until the next annual town election, when a successor shall be electedto holdfor the unexpired term. When, because of a vacancy, more than one supervisor is to be chosen at the same election, candidates for the offices of supervisor shall file for one of the specific terms being filled. Law enforcement vacancies shall be filled by appointment by the town board. 367.033 [SERVICE ON SCHOOL BOARDS; INCOMPATIBILITY OF OFFICES.] Notwithstanding anystatute orother law to the contrary,anya person may serve on boththea school board, however organized, andthea town board of supervisors concurrently. This section does not apply to members of the town board ofanya town exercising the powers of a statutory city under section 368.01, oranya special law. 367.05 [COMPENSATION; TOWN OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES.] Subdivision 1. The town board shall set the compensation of supervisors, town assessors, the treasurer, clerk, deputy clerk, if one is employed, the road overseer, and other employees of the townin an amount to be determined by the townboard. In additionto the compensation provided pursuant tothis section, supervisors, assessors, treasurers, clerks, deputy clerks, road overseers, and other employees of the town shall be entitled to mileage for the use ofthe person'stheir own automobile at a rate to be determined by the town board foreachmile necessarily travelednecessary travel on official town business. The town board may fix the hours of employment for town employees, and reimburse a town assessor for expenses. 367.10 [TOWN CLERK; BOND; OATH.] Every town clerk, before beginning the duties of the office, shall give bond to the town in an amount to be determined by the town board, conditioned for the faithful discharge of the duties of clerk. The bond shall be filed with the county auditor. 367.11 [DUTIES.] It shall be the duty of the town clerk: (1) to act as clerk of the town board,andtokeep in the clerk's office a true record of all of its proceedings; (2) unless otherwise provided by law, to havethecustody of the records, books, and papers of the town,andtofile and safely keep all papers required by law to be filed in the clerk's office; (3) to record minutes of the proceedings of every town meeting in the book of town records,andtoenter in them at length every order or direction and all rules and regulations made by the town meeting; (4) to file and preserve all accounts audited by the town board or allowed at a town meeting,andtoenter a statement of them in the book of records; (5)to transmit to the court administrator of the districtcourt, immediately after the election of any town constable, awritten notice stating the name of the person elected; the termfor which the person was elected; if elected to fill a vacancy,the name of the last incumbent of the office; and after aconstable is qualified, and, upon the resignation of aconstable, to immediately notify the clerk;(6)to record every request foranya special vote or special town meeting,and properly post the requisite notices of them;(7)(6) to post, as required by law, fair copies of all bylaws made by the town, and make a signed entry in the town records, of the time when and the places where they were posted andkeep an ordinance book in which shall be recordedrecord in full all ordinances passed by the town board in an ordinance book;(8)(7) to furnish to the annual meeting of the town board of audit every statement from the county treasurer of money paid to the town treasurer, and all other information about fiscal affairs of the town in the clerk's possession, and all accounts, claims, and demands against the town filed with the clerk; and(9)(8) to perform any other duties required by law. 367.12 [DEPUTY.] Each town clerk may appoint a deputy, for whose acts the clerk shall be responsible, and who, incase ofthe clerk's absence or disability, shall perform the clerk's duties. 367.13 [LOCATION OF OFFICE.] The clerk ofanya townin this statemay hold office inanya statutory city the territory of whichshall have beenwas,prior to thebefore incorporationthereof, a part ofandincluded within the boundaries ofthe town. 367.14 [NEW TOWN.] When a new town is organized, embracinganypart of an existing town, the clerk of the existing town shall deliver to the clerk of the new town all papers and filesremovablepertaining to the new town that can be moved, and certified copies of all records, papers, and filesnot removable,pertaining to such new town; and the same, beingthat cannot be moved. When deposited in the office of the clerk of the new town, the certified copies shall have the same effect asiforiginalsandthat were originally filedthereinthere. 367.15 [TOWN TREASURER; BOND.] Every town treasurer, before beginning the duties of the office, shall give bond to the town in an amount to be determined by the board, conditioned for the faithful discharge of the duties of treasurer. The bond shall be filed for record with the county auditor. 367.16 [DUTIES.] Itshall beis the duty of the town treasurer: (1) To receive and take charge of allthe moneysmoney belonging to the town, or whichareis required to be paid into its treasury, and to pay it outthe sameonly upon the lawful order ofsuchthe town or its officers, made pursuant to law; (2) To preserve all books, papers, and property pertaining to or filed in the treasurer's office; (3) To keep a true account of allmoneysmoney received as treasurer,and the manner in whichthey areit is disbursed, in a book provided for that purpose, andexhibit suchprovide the account,togetherwith the treasurer's vouchers, to the town board of audit, at its annual meeting, for adjustment; (4) To deliver, on demand, all books and property belonging to the treasurer's office, and allmoneysmoney in the treasurer's hands assuchtreasurer, to a qualified successorinoffice, when qualified; (5) To keep in a suitable book a register of all town orders presented for payment that cannot be paid for want of funds, with the datewhen sopresented, and to endorse upon the back ofall such orderseach the words "not paid for want of funds," with the date of the endorsement, signed by thetowntreasurer; (6) To draw from the county treasurer, from time to time,such moneys as have beenmoney received bysuchthe county treasurer for the town, and receiptthereforfor it; (7) To make and file with the town clerk, within five days preceding the annual town meeting, a statement, in writing, of themoneysmoney received from the county treasurer andfromall other sources, and allmoneysmoney paid out assuchtown treasurer, setting forth. The statement shall show the itemsthereof,of money received and from whomand, on what account and when each was received, and the date of receiving the same;also. The statement shall also show the items of payment and to whomand, for what purposeany moneys have been paid out, withthe amount and date of, when and the amount of eachpaymentthat was made, and the unexpended balance on hand; and (8) To performsuchother dutiesas arerequired by law. 367.17 [NEGLECT OF DUTY.]EveryA town treasurer who refuses or neglects to comply withthe provisions ofsection 367.16shall beis guilty of a gross misdemeanor and, in addition to the punishment prescribedtherefor,shall also forfeit office assuchtreasurer. 367.18 [AUDITED ACCOUNTS; PAYMENT, FORM.] Accounts audited and allowed, and the amount of any account voted to be allowed, at any town meeting, shall be paid by the town treasurer, on the order of the town board, signed by the chair and countersigned by the clerk. Each order shall besodrawn so that when signed by the treasurer in an appropriate place, it becomes a check on the town depository. The order shall be received in payment of town taxes of the town. 367.19 [ORDER OF PAYMENT; INTEREST.] Town orders shall bear interest at the rate provided in section 475.55 from the datewhenpresented to the treasurer for payment, and. They shall be paid in the order in which they are registered, out of the first money that comes into the treasurer's hands for that purpose. 367.22 [LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICIAL'S BOND.] Beforeentering uponbeginning duties, and within ten days after being notified of appointment, every law enforcement official shall give bond to the town, in a sum directed and with sureties approved by the chair of the town board, conditioned for the faithful discharge of official duties. The chair shall endorsesuchapproval on the bond, andcausehave itto befiled with the town clerk, for the benefit of any person aggrieved by the acts or omissions of the law enforcement official, and. Any personsoaggrievedby the acts or omissionsmay maintain an actionthereonon the bond, in the person's own name, against the law enforcement official and the sureties. The town may also maintain an action. 367.23 [BONDS, HOW EXECUTED.] Every bond required of a town officer shall be executed to the town by its nameand,. When no other provision is made, it shall be in a sum fixed by the town board; andor, if none is fixed,thenin the sum of the bond of the last incumbent of the office. Every bond shall be filed with the town clerk within the time prescribed for filing the oath of office, except the bonds of the clerk and the treasurer, which shall be filed with the county auditor.WheneverWhen the town board deemsanya bond insufficient, it may require an additional bond to be made and filed,in a sum,and within a time not less than ten days,to be fixed by it. 367.24 [FEES AND DUTIES OF POUNDMASTERS.] Poundmasters shall be allowed fees in amountsasdetermined by the town board forthe following: (1) Taking animals into the pound and discharging them; (2) Keeping animals in pound; and (3) Selling impounded animals. The poundmaster shall have a lien on impounded animals for fees, which shall be paid beforesuchthe animals are discharged. If not discharged within four days, they shall be advertised by the poundmaster for sale at public auction to the highest bidder, at the place where impounded, upon 15 days' posted notice. At the time and place fixed by the notice the poundmaster shall sell thesameanimals pursuanttheretoto the notice. Out of themoneysmoney received fromsuchthe sale the poundmaster shall deduct fees and charges, and. The poundmaster shall pay the balance to the chair of the town board and, at the same time, deliver to the chair a correct written description of each animal sold and a statement of the amount received forthe sameit. The poundmaster shall take duplicate receiptsthereforfor the animals, one of which shall be filed with the clerk. If the owner ofanyan animalsosold appears within 30 days, the money received by the chair shall be paid to the owner. If not claimed within that time, it shall be paid into the town treasury. 367.25 [OATH OF OFFICE; BOND; FILING; PENALTIES.] Subdivision 1. [REQUIREMENT, FEE.] Every person elected or appointed to a town office, within ten days after receiving a certificate or notice of election or appointment, shall take and subscribe the oath required by law. If taken before the town clerk, the oath shall be administered and certified without fee. Subd. 2. [BOND AND OATH, VIOLATIONS.] Before entering upon duties, the person taking the oath shall filethe sameit with the town clerk. Failure to file the oath and bond within the time required shall be deemed a refusal to serve. Subd. 3. [OATH, VIOLATIONS.]AnyA town officer who enters upon the duties of office before taking the oath required shall forfeit to the town the sum of $50. 367.30 [OPTIONAL PLANS.] Subdivision 1. [OPTION A; FIVE MEMBER TOWN BOARD.]AnyA town may provide for a five member board of supervisors ashereinafterprovided in sections 367.30 to 367.36. Thisoptionshall be referred to asis option A. Subd. 2. [OPTION B; APPOINTMENT OF CLERK AND TREASURER.]AnyA town may provide for the appointment by the town board of its clerk or treasurer, or both, ashereinafterprovidedforin sections 367.30 to 367.36. Thisoption shall be referred to asis option B. Subd. 3. [OPTION C; TOWN ADMINISTRATOR.]AnyA town may provide for the appointment of an administrator ashereinafterprovidedforin sections 367.30 to 367.36. Thisoption shall bereferred to asis option C. Subd. 4. [OPTION D; COMBINATION OF THE OFFICES OF CLERK AND TREASURER.]AnyA town mayprovide for combiningcombine the offices of clerk and treasurer. A town may provide that the combined office bemadeelective or appointive. Thisoptionshall be referred to asis option D. 367.31 [ADOPTION OF SPECIFIC OPTION.] Subdivision 1. [SUBMISSION TO ELECTORS.] Except as providedotherwisein subdivision 2, the town board may, and upon a petition signed by electors equal in number to at least 15 percent of the electors voting at the last previous town election shall, submit to the electors at an annual town election the question of adopting option A, B, C, or D. Subd. 2. [MANDATORY SUBMISSION OF OPTION A IN URBAN TOWNS.] The town board of a town exercising the powers of a statutory city pursuant to section 368.01 orpursuant toa special law granting substantially similar powers shall submit the adoption of option A to the electors at the annual town meeting next following June 3, 1975. The town board of any townhereafter qualifyingthat subsequently qualifies under section 368.01 orreceivingreceives substantially similar powers pursuant to a special law adopted after June 3, 1975, shall submit the adoption of option A to the electors at the annual town election next following the grant of powerspursuant tosection 368.01 or special act. Subd. 3. [NOTICE OF QUESTION.] When the adoption of a specific option is to be voted on at the annual election, the town clerk shall include notice of the question in the notice of the annual election. Subd. 4. [ELECTION; FORM OF BALLOT.] The proposals for adoption of the options shall be stated on the ballot substantially as follows: "Shall option A, providing for a five member town board of supervisors, be adopted for the government of the town?" "Shall option B, providing for the appointment of the clerk and treasurer by the town board, be adopted for the government of the town?" "Shall option C, providing for the appointment of a town administrator by the town board, be adopted for the government of the town?" "Shall option D, providing forthecombiningofthe offices of clerk and treasurer, be adopted for the government of the town?" If a proposal under option B is to appoint only the clerk or only the treasurer, the ballot question shall be varied to read appropriately. The ballot question for a proposal under option D must be varied to show whether the combined office is to be appointive or elective. In any of these cases, the question shall be followed by the words "Yes" and "No" with an appropriate square before each in which an elector may record a choice. Subd. 5. [ADOPTION BY AFFIRMATIVE VOTE.] If a majority of the votes cast on the question of adoption of option A, B, C, or D is in the affirmative, the optionsovoted upon shall be adopted in the town, and once placed in effect,. It shall remain in effect until abandoned by a similar majority at a subsequent annual town election at which the question of abandonment is submitted. Subd. 6. [ABANDONMENT OF OPTIONS; THREE-YEAR LIMITATION.] At any time more than three years after the adoption of an option, the question of its abandonmentof the optionmay be submitted to the electors, in the same mannerasprovided for the submission of the question of adoption, except that in the statement of the question on the ballot, the word "abandoned" shall be substituted for the word "adopted." If a majority of the votes cast on the question is in favor of abandonment, the plan shall be abandoned. Subject to the provisions for transition back to the regular form of town government, the form of town government existing prior to adoption of the abandoned option shall be resumed in the town. Subd. 7. [REPORT BY TOWN CLERK.] When the question of adoption or abandonment of an option is submitted, the town clerk shall promptly file with the county auditor andwiththe secretary of state a certificate stating the date of the election, the question submitted, and the vote on the question. 367.32 [APPLICABLE LAWS AND ORDINANCES; RIGHTS PRESERVED.] Subdivision 1. All lawsof the stateapplicable to a town before adoption of an option andnot inconsistentconsistent with theprovisions relating to theoption shallapply to andgovern the town after adoption of an option. Subd. 2. Any ordinance or resolution in effect at the time of adoption of an option shall continue in effect until amended or repealed, notwithstanding the adoption of the option. Subd. 3. No valid and legally subsisting right or liability and no judicial proceeding shall be affected by a change in the form of town government unless otherwise provided. 367.33 [OPTION A; ELECTION OF ADDITIONAL SUPERVISORS.] Subdivision 1. [ELECTION AT ANNUAL ELECTION OR SPECIAL ELECTION.] Following the adoption of option A in a town, except a town exercising the powers of a statutory city, the town board may call a special town election to be held not less than 30daysnor more than 60 days after the annual town election at which the option is adopted,for the purpose of electingto elect two additional members to the board of supervisors. In lieu ofcallinga special election, the town board may determine to elect the additionaltwomembersof the town boardat the next annual town election. If the town is exercising the powers of a statutory citypursuant tounder section 368.01 orpursuant toa special law granting substantially similar powers, the town board shall call a special election to be held not less than 30daysnor more than 60 days after the annual election at which option A is adoptedfor the purpose of electingto elect the two additional supervisors. Subd. 2. [NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION.] If a special election is calledpursuant tounder subdivision 1, the clerk shallcausegive ten days posted noticethereof to be givenof it, specifyingtheits purposefor which it is to be held. If a newspaper is published in the town, the clerk shallcausegive one week's published notice of the electionto be given. Subd. 3. [AFFIDAVITS OF CANDIDACY.]The provisions ofSection 205.13 shall apply to the filing of affidavits of candidacy, except that if the additional supervisors are to be elected at a special election, the affidavits shall be filed not more than three weeks nor less than ten days before the election, and notice of the first and last dates for filing affidavits of candidacy shall be published at least two weeks before the first day for filing.WhereIf publication schedules do not allow sufficient time to give two weeks notice, at least one weeks notice shall be given. Subd. 4. [TERMS.] If the additional supervisors are elected at a special election, they shall serveonlyuntil the next annual town election, at which the. Additional members shallstand for electionthen be elected, one fora term oftwo years and one fora term ofthree years. The candidate receiving the highest number of votes shall be elected for the longer term. If the additional supervisors are elected at an annual election, one shall serve fora term oftwo years and the other fora term ofthree years with the candidate receiving the highest number of votes being elected for the longer term. Subd. 5. [ABANDONMENT OF OPTION A.] In a townin whichwhere option A is abandoned, the terms of incumbent supervisors shall not be affected, but if one or more supervisors areto beelected at the annual town electionheldon the same day as the annual town election at which the option is abandoned, the election of one supervisor, or two ifthere bemore than one is elected, shall beconsiderednull. Otherwise the offices of the two incumbent supervisors expiring at the annual town election or elections next following the annual election at which the option is abandoned shall not be filled. Thereafter the town board shall be composed of three supervisors unless option A is again adoptedin that town. 367.34 [CONTINUANCE IN OFFICE; ELECTIONS.] Subdivision 1. [OPTION B; INCUMBENT CLERK AND TREASURER.] If option B is adopted atthean election at whichthe office ofa clerk or treasurer isto beelected, the candidate elected to that office shall notassumetake office and that candidate's election shall beconsiderednull. Otherwise when option B is adopted in a town, the incumbent clerk or treasurer shall continue to serve until the expiration of their terms or until an earlier vacancyoccurs. Subd. 2. [ABANDONMENT OF OPTION B.] When option B is abandoned, the offices of clerk or treasurerthat would befilled at that election,shall be filled conditionally at that election, and. The ballot shall indicate that the successful candidateor candidatesshallassumetake office only if the option is abandonedas a result ofat the election. 367.35 [TOWN ADMINISTRATOR.] Subdivision 1. [APPOINTMENT; REMOVAL.] As soon as practicable after adoption of option C in a town, the town board shall appoint an administrator upon the termsand conditionsit deems advisable. The administrator shall be chosen solely on the basis of training, experience, and administrative qualifications and need not be a resident of the town. The town clerk may be designated the administrator if the clerk meets these qualifications. The administrator shall be appointed for an indefinite period and may be removed by the board at any time, but after having served as administrator for one year the administrator may demand written charges and a public hearing on the charges before the board before final removal takes effect. Pending a hearing and removal, the board may suspend the administrator from office, with or without pay. The board may appoint a qualified person to perform the duties of the administrator duringthe administrator'sabsence or disability. Subd. 2. [POWERS AND DUTIES.] The town administrator shall be the administrative head of the town andshallbe responsible for the administration and supervision of the affairs of the town as assigned. The administrator shall, with the approval of the town board, coordinate the various activities of the town. The administrator shall exercise the authority and responsibilities assigned by the town board by ordinance or resolution which may include the following duties: (a) To provide for the execution of all ordinances, resolutions, and orders of the board and all laws of the state required to be enforced through the town board, by the administrator or by officerswho areunder the administrator's direction and supervision; (b) To recommend to the town board the appointment, suspension, and removal of all town personnel whose appointment, suspension, or removal is a function of the town board by law; (c) To provide for town purchases in accordance with statutory procedures; (d) To prepare and submit to the town board a proposed annual budget, including detailed estimates of revenue and expenditures, and enforcethe provisions ofthe budget as adopted by the board; (e) To attend all meetings of the board and recommend measures for adoption as the administrator deems advisable or expedient; (f) To advise the board as to the financial condition and needs of the town; (g) To perform other assigned ministerial, nondiscretionary duties. Subd. 3. [ABOLISHING OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATOR.] If option C is abandoned, the town board shall, as soon as practicablethereafter, abolish the office. Duties and responsibilitiespreviouslyassigned to the administrator shall be assumed by the town board or by the officer having responsibility for the function prior to the appointment of the administrator. 367.36 [COMBINING THE OFFICES OF CLERK AND TREASURER.] Subdivision 1. [INCUMBENT TREASURER; ANNUAL AUDIT.] In a town in which option D is adopted, the incumbent treasurer shall continue in office until the expiration of the term. Thereafter the duties of the treasurerasprescribed by law shall be performed by the clerk who shall be referred to as the clerk-treasurer. If the offices of clerk and treasurer are combined, the town board shall provide for an annual audit of the town's financial affairs by the state auditor or a public accountant in accordance with minimum audit procedures prescribed by the state auditor. Subd. 2. [ABANDONMENT.] If option D is abandoned, the office of treasurer that would be filled at that election shall be filled conditionally at that election, and the ballot shall indicate that the candidate shall assume office only if the option is abandoned as a result of the election. 367.40 [DEFINITIONS.] Subdivision 1. For purposes of this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings given them. Subd. 2. "Peace officer"shall havehas the meaning assignedto itin section 626.84. Subd. 3. "Constable" means any individual employed or appointed by a political subdivision and licensed by the board of peace officer standards and training on or before April 21, 1988, who is charged with the prevention and detecting of crime, the enforcement of thegeneralcriminal laws of the state, and who has full powers of arrest. The termshall applyapplies even though the individual exercises powers and duties on a part-time basis with or without receipt of compensation. Subd. 4. "Deputy constable" means any individual employed or appointed by a political subdivision to fulfill law enforcement duties but who is prohibited from carrying a firearm while exercising powers and duties and who has powers of arrest no greater than those ofanya citizen who is not a peace officer or constable. The termshallalsoincludeincludes individuals voluntarily assisting local police or sheriff departments unless they qualify as constables or peace officers. Subd. 5. [PART-TIME PEACE OFFICER.] "Part-time peace officer" has the meaning assigned to it in section 626.84. 367.401 [LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS; APPOINTMENT; CONSTABLES.] Subdivision 1. [APPOINTMENT.] The town, by majority vote at its annual meeting, may decide to authorize the town board to form a law enforcement agency andtoappoint law enforcement officers.TheseThe positions may be filled by a combination of peace officers or part-time peace officers. The number of part-time peace officers must not exceed three. Subd. 2. [CHIEF LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER.] The board of supervisors shall designate one of its law enforcement officers as the chief law enforcement officer of the agency. Subd. 3. [RESERVE OFFICERS.] A town may appoint reserve officers as defined by section 626.84. Subd. 4. [REQUIREMENTS.]ThoseTowns thathavehad either peace officers or constables, or both, on April 21, 1988,areconsidered tohave met the requirements for forming a law enforcement agency. 367.411 [PEACE OFFICER LICENSE ISSUED TO CONSTABLES.] Subdivision 1. [LICENSE ISSUANCE.] The board of peace officer standards and training shall issue a peace officer license to a person who possesses a constable license, who is employed as a constable on April 21, 1988, and who makes written application to the board. Subd. 2. [ABOLITION OF CONSTABLE POSITION.] The position of constable is abolished and all constable licenses are canceled 30 days after April 21, 1988. 367.42 [DUTIES OF DEPUTY CONSTABLES.] Subdivision 1. Notwithstanding any general or local law or charter to the contrary, any deputy constable employed on or after March 23, 1982, by a town of the state of Minnesota has the following powers and duties: (a) to have the powers of arrest of a private person; (b) to perform the duties of a constable prescribed by law relative to election procedure; (c) to perform the following duties at the direction of thecountysheriff or a peace officer: (i) to inspect communication wire and cable or records ofsuchthe wire and cable pursuant to section 325E.21; (ii) to conduct hotel lien sales pursuant to section 327.76; and (iii) to conduct public auction sales of unclaimed property pursuant to sections 345.04 and 345.05; (d) to provide general administrative or clerical assistance to the town's law enforcement agency. Subd. 3. [CRIMINAL RECORDS CHECK.] No person may be employed as a deputy constable unless the person submits proof from the sheriffthat showsthat the sheriff has checked the criminal records system and that the applicant has not been convicted of a felony within the past ten years. 367.43 [CONTINUATION OF DUTIES AND POWERS.] All investigations, law enforcement matters, and other business involving a person holding the position of constable 30 days after April 21, 1988, may be conducted and completed by that person holding the successor position of peace officer in the same manner and under the same terms and conditions, and with the same effect, as though they involved a person holding the position of constable before April 21, 1988. ARTICLE 2 Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 1988, chapter 368, as amended by Laws 1989, chapter 9, section 5, is amended to read: 368.01 [POWERS OF CERTAIN METROPOLITAN AREA TOWNS.] Subdivision 1. [TOWNS DESCRIBED.]AnyA townhavingthereinthat has platted portionsin which there residewhere 1,200 or more people reside orany towns havinga town that has a platted area within 20 miles of the city hall of a city of the first class having over 200,000 population shall haveandpossessthe powers enumerated in this section.TheIts town boardthereofmay adopt, amend, or repeal ordinances and rules foranythe purposes enumeratedas it deems expedient. Subd. 1a. [CERTAIN OTHER TOWNS.]AnyA town with a population of 1,000 or more that does nototherwisequalifypursuant tounder subdivision 1to exercise the powersenumerated in this section, shall haveand possessthe enumerated powers upon an affirmative vote oftheits electorsof the townat the annual town meeting. The population must be established by the most recent federal decennial census, special census as provided in section 368.015, or population estimate by the state demographer made according to section 116K.04, subdivision 4, whichever has the latest stated date of count or estimate. Subd. 2. [BUILDINGS.] The town boardof supervisors shallhave power tomay construct or acquire structures needed for town purposes,toand control, protect, and insurethepublic buildings, property, and records. Subd. 3. [STREETS; SEWERS; SIDEWALKS; PUBLIC GROUNDS.] The town boardof supervisors shall have power tomay: (1) lay out, open, change, widen or extend streets, alleys, parks, squares, and other public ways and grounds andtograde, pave, repair, control, and maintainthe samethem;to(2) establish and maintain drains, canals, and sewers;to(3) alter, widen or straighten water courses;toand (4) lay, repair, or otherwise improve or discontinue sidewalks, paths and crosswalks. Itshall have powermay by ordinancetoregulate the use of streets and other public grounds,to prevent encumbrances or obstructions, andtorequire the owners or occupants of buildings and the owners of vacant lots to removeanysnow, ice, dirt, or rubbish from the adjacent sidewalksadjacent theretoand. In defaultthereof to cause suchof compliance it may remove the encumbrances, obstructions, or substancesto beremovedand assess the costto be assessedagainst the property as a special assessment. Subd. 4. [PARKS; TREES.] The town boardof supervisorsshall have power tomay provide for, and by ordinance regulate, the setting out and protection of trees, shrubs, and flowers in the town or upon its property. Subd. 5. [CEMETERIES.] The town boardof supervisors shallhave power tomay acquire by purchase, gift, devise, condemnation or otherwise, hold and manage cemetery grounds,toenclose, lay out and ornamentsuch groundsthem and sell and convey lotsthereinin them. It may by ordinance regulate cemeteries and the disposal of dead bodies. Subd. 6. [WATERWORKS.] The town boardof supervisors shallhave power tomay provide and by ordinance regulate the use of wells, cisterns, reservoirs, waterworks and other means of water supply. Subd. 7. [TOURIST CAMPS; PARKING FACILITIES.] The town boardof supervisors shall have power tomay acquire, improve and operate, and by ordinance regulate tourist camps and automobile parking facilities. Subd. 8. [HOSPITALS.] The town boardof supervisors shallhave power tomay provide hospitals. The town board ofanya town operating a municipal hospital may by ordinance establish a hospital board withsuchpowers and dutiesofto manage and operate the hospitalmanagement and operation asthat the town board confersuponon it; and. The town board may, by vote of all its members, abolishanythe hospital boardso established. The hospital board shall consist of five members, each appointed by the town board for a term of five years. Terms of the first members shall besoarranged so that the term of one member expires each year.AnyA vacancy shall be filled for the unexpiredportion of thetermin which it occurs.AnyA member may be removed by the town board for cause after a hearing. Subd. 9. [FIRE PREVENTION.] The town boardof supervisorsshall have power tomay establish a fire department, appoint its officers and members and prescribe their duties, and provide fire apparatus. Itshall have power tomay adoptsuchordinancesas are reasonable and expedientto prevent, control or extinguish fires. Subd. 10. [NAMING AND NUMBERING STREETS.] The town boardof supervisors shall have powermay by ordinancetoname or renamethetown streets and public placesof the townandtonumber or renumbertheits lots and blocksof the town, oranypartthereofof them. It may make and record a consolidated plat of the town. Subd. 11. [TRANSIENT DEALERS.] The town boardofsupervisors shall have powermay by ordinancetorestrain or license and regulate auctioneers, transient merchants and dealers, hawkers, peddlers, solicitors, and canvassers. Subd. 12. [TAXICABS; BAGGAGE WAGONS.] The town boardofsupervisors shall have powermay by ordinancetolicense and regulate baggage wagons, dray drivers, taxicabs, and automobile rental agencies and liveries. Subd. 13. [ANIMALS.] The town boardof supervisors shallhave powermay by ordinancetoregulate the keeping of animals,torestrain their running at large,toauthorize their impounding and sale or summary destruction,and toestablish pounds, andtolicense and regulate riding academies. Subd. 14. [HEALTH.] (a) The town boardof supervisorsshall have powermay by ordinance: (1)toprohibit or regulate slaughterhouses; (2)toprevent the bringing, depositing, or leaving within the town of any unwholesome substance or deposit of solid waste within the town not otherwise authorized by law, to; (3) require the owners or occupants of lands to remove unwholesome substances or the unauthorized deposit of solid waste and, ifit isnot removedto, provide foritstheir removal at the expense of the owner or occupant, which expense shall be a lien upon the property and may be collected as a special assessment;(3) to(4) provide for or regulate the disposal of sewage, garbage, and other refuse; and(4) to(5) provide for the cleaning of, and removal of obstructions from, anywaters in the town andtoprevent their obstruction or pollution. (b) The town board may establish a board of health under section 145A.07, subdivision 2, with all the powers ofsuchboardsa board of health under the general laws. Subd. 15. [NUISANCES.] The town boardof supervisors shallhave powermay by ordinancetodefine nuisances and provide for their prevention or abatement. Subd. 16. [AMUSEMENTS.] The town boardof supervisorsshall have powermay by ordinanceto: (1) prevent or license and regulate the exhibition of circuses, theatrical performances, amusements, or shows of any kind, and the keeping of billiard tables and bowling alleys, to; (2) prohibit gambling and gambling devices,; andto(3) license, regulate or prohibit devices commonly used for gambling purposes. Subd. 18. [REGULATION OF BUILDINGS.] The town boardofsupervisors shall have powermay by ordinancetoregulate the construction of buildings. Subd. 19. [GENERAL WELFARE.] The town boardof supervisorsshall have power tomay provide for the government and good order of the town, the suppression of vice and immorality, the prevention of crime, the protection of public and private property, the benefit of residence, trade, and commerce, and the promotion of health, safety, order, convenience, and the general welfare bysuchordinancesnot inconsistentconsistent with the constitution and laws of the United Statesor ofand this state as itshall deemdeems expedient. Subd. 20. [DEPARTMENTS; BOARDS.] The town boardofsupervisorsmay create departments and advisory boards and appoint town officers, employees, and agentsfor the townas deemed necessary for the proper management and operation of town affairs.The town boardIt may prescribe the duties andfix thecompensation of all officers,bothappointive and elective, employees, and agents,whenif not otherwise prescribed by law.The town boardIt may require any officer or employee to furnish a bond conditioned for the faithful exercise of duties and the proper application of, and payment upon demand of, allmoneysmoney officially received by the officer or employee. Unless otherwise prescribed by law, it shall fix the amount of the bondsshall be fixed by the town board. The bonds furnished by the clerk and treasurer shall be corporate surety bonds.Thetown boardIt may provide for the payment from town funds of the premium on the official bond of any town officer or employeeofthe town.The town boardIt may, except as otherwise provided, remove any appointive officer or employee when in its judgment the public welfare will be promoted by the removal. This provision does not modify the laws relating to veterans preference or to members of a town police or fire civil service commission or public utilities commission. Subd. 21. [ENACTMENT OF ORDINANCES.] Every ordinance shall be enacted by a majority vote of all the members of the town boardexcept whereunless a larger number is required by law. It shall be signed by the chair of the town board, attested by the clerk and published once in a qualified newspaper having general circulation within the town. If the town board determines that publication of the title and a summary of an ordinance would clearly inform the public of the intent and effect of the ordinance, the town board may by a two-thirds vote of its members, or a four-fifths vote in a town having a five-member board, direct that only the title of the ordinance and a summary be published with notice that a printed copy of the ordinance is available for inspection by any person during regular office hours of the town clerk and at any other location which the town board designates. A copy of the entire text of the ordinance shall be posted in the community library, if there is one, or if not, in any other public location which the town board designates. Before the publication of the title and summary the town board shall approve the text of the summary and determine that it clearly informs the public of the intent and effect of the ordinance.ThePublishingofthe title and summary shallbe deemed tofulfill all legal publication requirements as completely as if the entire ordinancehad beenis published. The text of the summary shall be published in a body type no smaller thanbrevier oreight-point type, asdefined in section 331.07. Proof of the publication shall be attached to and filed with the ordinance. Every ordinance shall be recorded in the ordinance book within 20 days after publication of the ordinance or its title and summary. All ordinances shall be suitably entitled and shall be substantially in the style: "The Town Board of Supervisors of ........ ordains:". Subd. 22. [PENALTIES.] The town boardof supervisors shallhave the power tomay declare that the violation of any ordinanceshall beis a penal offense andtoprescribe penaltiesthereforfor it. No penalty shall exceed thatwhich isprovided by law for a misdemeanor, but the costs of prosecution may be added. Subd. 23. [FINANCING PURCHASE OF CERTAIN EQUIPMENT.] The town boardof supervisorsmay issue certificates of indebtedness withinexistingdebt limitsfor the purpose of purchasingto purchase fire or police equipment or ambulance equipment or street construction or maintenance equipment.SuchThe certificates shall be payable in not more than five years andshallbe issued onsuchterms and insuchthe manner as the board may determine. If the amount of the certificates to be issued to financeany sucha purchase exceeds one percent of the net tax capacity of the town, excluding money and credits, they shall not be issued for at least ten days after publication in the official newspaper of a town board resolution determining to issue them; and. If before the end of that time, a petition asking for an election on the proposition signed by voters equal to ten percent of the number of voters at the last regular town election is filed with the clerk,suchthe certificates shall not be issued until the proposition of their issuance has been approved by a majority of the votes cast on the question at a regular or special election. A tax levy shall be made for the payment of the principal and interest onsuchthe certificates as in the case of bonds. Subd. 24. [PARKS; PARKWAYS; RECREATIONAL FACILITIES.]AnyA town may establish, improve, ornament, maintain and manage parks, parkways, and recreational facilities and by ordinance protect and regulate their use. Subd. 25. [VACATION OF STREETS.] The town boardofsupervisorsmay by resolution vacate all or part of any street, alley, public grounds,or public way, or any part thereof,on its own motion or on petition of a majority of the owners of land abuttingonthe street, alley, public grounds, public way, or partthereofto be vacated. When there has been no petition, the resolution may be adopted only by a vote of four-fifths of all members of the board of supervisors. No such vacation shall be made unless it appears in the interest of the public to do so after a hearing preceded by two weeks' published and posted notice. After a resolution of vacation is adopted, the clerk shall prepare a notice of completion of the proceedings which shall contain the name of the town, an identification of the vacation, a statement of the time of completion thereof and a description of the real estate and lands affectedthereby. The notice shall be presented to the county auditor who shall enterthe sameit in the transfer records and note upon the instrument, over the auditor's official signature, the words "entered in the transfer record". The notice shall then be filed with the county recorder.AnyFailure to file the notice shall not invalidateany suchthe vacation proceedings. Subd. 26. [FINES AND PENALTIES.] All fines, forfeitures, and penalties recovered fortheviolation ofanya statute or ordinance to which the town is entitled by law shall be paid into the town treasury. Every court or officer receiving money forthea violation, shall return it under oath in accordance with law, and be entitled to duplicate receipts for the amounts paid. One of the receipts shall be filed with the town clerk. Subd. 27. [RIGHT OF EMINENT DOMAIN.]All townspossessingA town that has special powers under this section mayexercise the right of eminent domain for the purpose ofacquiringacquire private property within or withouttheits limitsthereofby eminent domain for any purpose for which it is authorized by law to take or holdthe sameproperty by purchase or giftand. It mayexercise the right of eminent domain forthe purpose of acquiringalso acquire by eminent domain a right of way for sewerage or drainage purposes and an outlet for sewerage or drainage within or withouttheits limitsthereof. The procedurein the event of condemnationshall be that prescribed by chapter 117. Subd. 29. [SAVINGS CLAUSE.] This section shall not be construed to repeal or rescind the powers of any town providedforby other law. Subd. 30. [NOTICE TO COUNTY AUDITOR AND SECRETARY OF STATE.] The town clerk of each town exercising special powerspursuant tounder this section shall so notify in writing the county auditor of the county in which the town is located and the secretary of state. The written notice shall be filed by the county auditor and the secretary of state as a public record. Subd. 31. [CONTINUING AUTHORITY TO EXERCISE POWERS.] If a town exercises a powerpursuant tounder this section it may continue to exercise the power notwithstanding anysubsequentlater change in population. 368.015 [TOWNS; CENSUS.] A town board may by resolution, in any year, request the United States Bureau of the Census to take a special census of the townfor the purpose of being eligibleto qualify to exercise the powers contained in section 368.01 as providedinby section 368.01, subdivision 1a.AThe town shall bear the costforof thespecialcensusshall be borne by the town. 368.44 [DISSOLUTION OF CERTAIN TOWNS; GROUNDS.] When the voters residing within a duly organized town in any county in this state having more than 85 congressional townships of land and having a net tax capacity of not less than $5,000,000 nor more than $12,000,000 have failed to elect any town officials for more than three years continuously, or the town has failed and omitted to exercise any of the powers and functions of a town, as provided by law, which facts, or any of them, may be found and determined by the resolution of the county board of the county in which the town is located, according to the official records in the office of the auditor of the county, the county board by resolution duly adopted may declare any such town, naming it, duly dissolved and no longer entitled to exercise any of the powers or functions of a town. 368.45 [COPY OF DISSOLUTION RESOLUTION FOR SECRETARY OF STATE.] A certified copy of any such resolution shall forthwith, after the adoption of the same by the county board, be forwarded by the auditor of such county to the secretary of state, who shall, on receipt thereof, make an appropriate record of the dissolution of such town. 368.46 [DISTRIBUTION OF FUNDS.] Any funds belonging to the town remaining in, or hereafter coming into, the treasury of the county in which such town shall be located, shall be disposed of in the following manner: Any road or bridge funds shall be expended by the county board of any such county for road and bridge improvements wholly within the limits of such town; any other funds of such town shall, by the auditor of such county, be used to pay, and the auditor shall pay, all outstanding warrants or judgments against the town; and, if the funds so remaining are not enough to pay such outstanding warrants or judgments, upon petition of the holders thereof, the county auditor shall spread a levy against the taxable property of the town in an amount sufficient to pay the same; any other funds of such town shall, by the county auditor, be credited to the general fund of the county. 368.47 [TOWNS MAY BE DISSOLVED.] (1) When the voters residing within a townin this statehave failed to elect any town officials for more than ten years continuously, or the; (2) when a town has failedand omittedfor a period of ten years to exercise any of the powers and functions of a town, asprovided by law, or; (3) when the net tax capacity ofanya town drops to less than $40,000, or; (4) when the tax delinquency ofany sucha town, exclusive of taxes that are delinquent or unpaidby reason of taxesbeingbecause they are contested in proceedings for the enforcement of taxes, amounts to 50 percent of its net tax capacity,; orwhere(5) when the state or federal government has acquired title to 50 percent of the real estate ofsucha town, which facts, or any of them, may be found and determined by the resolution of the county board of the county in which the town is located, according to the official records in the office of the county auditor, the county board by resolution may declareany suchthe town, naming it,dulydissolved and no longer entitled to exercise any of the powers or functions of a town. Incounties having a population according to the 1930federal census of not more than 16,000 nor less than 15,000 andhaving not more than 77 nor less than 75 full or fractionalcongressional townships, and in counties having a populationaccording to the 1930 federal census of not more than 28,000 norless than 27,000 and having not more than 91 nor less than 90full or fractional congressional townships, and in countieshaving a population according to the 1930 federal census of notmore than 210,000 nor less than 200,000 and having not more than202 nor less than 200 full or fractional congressional townshipsCass, Itasca, and St. Louis counties, beforeany suchthe dissolutionshall becomeis effective the voters of the town shall express their approval or disapprovalof suchdissolution. The town clerkof the townshall, upon a petition signed by a majority of the registered voters of the town, filed with the clerk at least 60 days beforeanya regular or special town electionthereof, give notice at the same time and in the same manner ofsuchthe election that the question of dissolution ofsuchthe town will be submitted for determination atsuchthe election. Atsuchthe electionwhen so petitionedforthe question shall be voted upon by a separate ballot, the terms of which shall be either "for dissolution" or "against dissolution,."whichThe ballot shall be deposited in a separate ballot boxto be providedand the result ofsuchthe votingshall be dulycanvassed, certified, and returned in the same manner and at the same time as other facts and returns of the election. If a majority of the votes cast at the electionshallbeare for dissolution,suchthe town shall be dissolved;and,. If a majority of the votes cast at the electionshall beare against dissolution, the town shall not be dissolved. When a town is dissolved underthe provisions ofsections 368.47 to 368.49 the county shall acquire title to any telephone company oranyother businessbeingconducted bysuchthe townand such. The business shall be operated by the board of county commissioners untilsuch time as a sale thereofit can bemade;provided thatsold. The subscribers or patrons ofsuchbusinessesthe business shall have the first opportunity of purchase. Ifsuch dissolvedthe town has any outstanding indebtedness chargeable tosuchthe business, the county auditorof the county wherein such dissolved town is locatedshall levy a tax against the property situated in the dissolved townforthe purpose of payingto pay the indebtedness as it becomes due. 368.48 [COPY OF RESOLUTIONOF DISSOLUTIONFOR SECRETARY OF STATE.] A certified copy ofany suchthe resolution shall forthwith, aftertheits adoptionof the sameby the county board, be forwarded by the county auditorof the countyto the secretary of state, who shall on receiptthereofmake an appropriate record of the dissolution ofsuchthe town. 368.49 [DISTRIBUTION OF FUNDS.] Subdivision 1. Any town fundsremainingin, orhereaftercoming into, the treasury of the countyin which such town shallbe located, shall be disposed ofin the following manneras follows:AnyRoad or bridge funds shall be expended by the countyboard of any such countyfor road and bridge improvements wholly within the limits ofsuchthe town;and any other fundsofsuch townshall, by the auditor of such county,be credited to the county general fundof the county. Subd. 2.Where any suchIf a dissolvedtownshiptown hasanyunexpended money in its bond and interest funds and there are no bonds or indebtedness outstanding,any such unexpendedthe money shall be spent for road and bridge improvements or other legal expenditures within thesaid townshiptown. 368.85 [FIRE PROTECTION.] Subdivision 1. [SPECIAL FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICTESTABLISHED.]Any organizedA town may, by resolution adopted by the town board and approved by a majority of the electors residing within the territory affected,in the mannerhereinafter provided,establish a special fire protection district withinsuchthe town in the following manner:. The town board shall adopt a resolution particularly describing the territory, district or areawithin such townwhich shall constitute a special fire protection district andwhich shallbe entitled to receive fire protection to be paid for from the taxation of the property withinsuch special fire protectionthe district. Eachspecial fire protectiondistrict shall consist of contiguous and compact territory andshallbesoconstituted so that at least 25 percent of the total net tax capacity of taxable real propertythereinin it consists of property classified as homestead property and buildings or other structures. Subd. 2. [SUBMISSION AT ANNUAL MEETING; NOTICE.]SuchThe resolution shall provide for the submission of the question whethersuchthe special fire protection district shall be established to the voters residing within thelimits of thespecial fire protectionproposed districtso proposed to beestablishedat the nextensuingannual town meeting or atanya special town meeting which the town boardis hereby authorizedtomay call for that purpose. The notice ofsuchthe annualmeetingorof suchspecialtownmeeting shall contain a notice thatsuchthe question will be submitted to the electors residing insuchthe proposedspecial fire protectiondistrictat such meetingand a statement that all cost of fire protection for thespecialdistrict will be borne by a tax on the propertythereinin it.SuchThe meeting shall be held at the usual place of holding town meetingswithin the town. Subd. 3. [MANNER OF VOTING.] Forsuchthe election the town board shall provide a separate ballot box where the electors residing withinsuchthe proposedspecial fireprotectiondistrict shall deposit their ballots. Only electors residingwithinin the proposedspecial fire protectiondistrictwill be entitled tomay voteat such meeting upon suchon the question. Subd. 4. [BALLOT.] The town board shall provide ballotstobe used at such town meeting,whichballotsshallbear the wordsread "Shall the territory described in the resolution adopted by the town board on the ......... day of ............., 19....., constitute a special fire protection district?" The question shall be followed with a line with the word "Yes" and a square after it and another line with the word "No" and a square after it. The voters shall indicate their choice by placing a cross mark in one ofsaidthe squares, and a direction to so indicate their choice shall be printed on the ballot. Subd. 5. [COUNTING AND CANVASSING OF VOTES.] The votes cast atsuchthe special election insaidthe special ballot box shall be counted and canvassed by the town board or by the judges presiding atsuchthe election; and,. Ifsuchthe propositionshall receivereceives a majority of the votes cast by the electors residing withinsuchthe proposedspecial fireprotectiondistrict, that resultwillshall be recorded in the minutes ofsuch townthe meeting, and the territory described insaidthe town board's resolution shallthereafter constitute andthen be a special fire protection districtin said town. Subd. 6. [TAX LEVY.] The town board shall annuallythereafterlevy a tax in an amountasnecessary on the net tax capacity of all property located within thespecial fireprotectiondistrict to provide fire protection forthe districtit. The tax, with a certified copy of the resolution establishing the district, shall be certified by the town board to the county auditor who shall spread the tax against the property located within the district. The tax shall be collected as other taxes. Subd. 7. [DISBURSEMENT OF FUNDS.] Whensuch taxes arethe tax is collected,the sameit shall be paid to the town and disbursed upon the order of the town boardfor the purpose ofprovidingto provide fire protection insuch special fireprotectionthe district. The town board may ordersuch moneysthe money, oranypartthereofof it, to be paid toanya municipality or volunteer fire department which agrees to furnish and has its fire department headquarterssolocated so as to be able to conveniently furnishand which shall agree tofurnishfire protection to the property withinsuchthe district. Subd. 8. [PLURAL DISTRICTS.] More than one special fire protection district may be established inanya town.Suchspecial fire protection districtDistricts shall be designated by consecutive numbers in the order of their establishment. Subd. 9. [DISSOLUTION.] A special fire protection district may be dissolved in the following mannerfollowing:. The town board may submit the question of dissolution ofany such speciala district at any annual town meetingand. Itshallmust submit that question at the next annual town meeting on the signed petition of electors residing insuchthe district equal in number to at least one-half of the number of freeholders insuchthe district according to the tax record in the county auditor's office filed with the town clerk not less than 45 days beforesuchthe annual meeting. Notice that the question will be submitted shall be posted by the town clerk in three public places within the special district not less than two weeks before the annual meeting at which it will be submitted. Only voters residing in thespecialdistrict shall vote on the question of dissolutionand. A separate ballot box shall be provided for votes on the question. The town board shall provide ballots for the question of dissolution which shall be in the same form as provided in subdivision24 except that the questiontherein statedshall be "Shall Special Fire Protection District No. ..... be dissolved?", and. If a majority vote of those voting on the question vote in the affirmative, the district shall be dissolved,. Inwhichthat event the results of the election shall be certified by the chair of the town board to the county auditor, and thereafter. There shall be no further special levy for fire protection insuchthe district, butsuchdissolution shall not relieve the property insuchthe special districtso dissolvedfrom any taxestheretoforeleviedfor special fire protectionunderthe provisions ofthis section before dissolution. ARTICLE 3 Section 1. [EFFECT OF CHANGES.] The legislature intends the changes in the language of the laws amended by this act to be exclusively changes in style. No change is intended to alter or shall be construed by a court or other authority to alter the meaning of a law. If a section is amended by this act and also by another act adopted in 1990 and the amendments cannot be edited together in the next publication of Minnesota Statutes, the amendment by this act shall be without effect. Presented to the governor April 2, 1990 Signed by the governor April 4, 1990, 9:56 p.m.
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes