Key: (1) language to be deleted (2) new language
Laws of Minnesota 1990 CHAPTER 376-H.F.No. 2212 An act relating to education; revising, updating, and making substantive changes in the laws on the county extension service; amending Minnesota Statutes 1988, sections 38.33; 38.34; 38.35; 38.36; 38.37; and 38.38; proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 38. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA: Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 1988, section 38.33, is amended to read: 38.33 [PURPOSECOORDINATION TO MAINTAIN COUNTY EXTENSION WORK.]The purpose ofSections 38.33 to 38.38is tocoordinate the work of the federal, state, and county government, the state,the several counties of the state,and thedivision ofagriculturalMinnesota extension service of the University of Minnesotain the maintenance ofto maintain county extension workin agriculture and home economics. Sec. 2. [38.331] [DEFINITIONS.] Subdivision 1. [APPLICATION.] In sections 38.33 to 38.38, the definitions in this section apply. Subd. 2. [COUNTY EXTENSION WORK.] "County extension work" means educational programs and services provided by extension agents in the areas of agriculture, economic and human development, community leadership, and environment and natural resources. Subd. 3. [DIRECTOR OF EXTENSION.] "Director of extension" means the dean and director of the Minnesota extension service of the University of Minnesota. Sec. 3. Minnesota Statutes 1988, section 38.34, is amended to read: 38.34 [COUNTY BOARD, EXPENSESMAY PAY FOR EXTENSION WORK.]TheA board of county commissionersof the several countiesof this state are hereby authorized and empowered tomay incur expenses andto expendspend money for county extension workinagriculture and home economics,as provided in sections 38.33 to 38.38. Sec. 4. Minnesota Statutes 1988, section 38.35, is amended to read: 38.35 [STATE APPROPRIATIONS, HOWEXPENDEDSPENT.]All moneysMoney appropriated by the statefor the purposeof aiding in the maintenanceto maintain and pay expenses of county extension workin agriculture and home economicsshallmust beexpendedspent under the direction of thedeandirector ofthe Institute of Agriculture of the Universityof Minnesota, or the dean's delegated representativeextension, who, acting with the county extension committee,is herebyempowered toshall carry outthe provisions ofsections 38.33 to 38.38. Sec. 5. Minnesota Statutes 1988, section 38.36, is amended to read: 38.36 [COUNTY EXTENSION COMMITTEE.] Subdivision 1. [COMMITTEE COMPOSITION.]There shall beprovided in eachA county must have an extension committee,consisting of. The committee must have nine members, of whom. Twoshall bemembersof the board ofmust be county commissioners, including the chair and one other memberofappointed by the county boardselected by the board,. The county auditor, andor the auditor's designee must be a member. If the county has no office of auditor, the county board shall appoint a member from the county administration. Sixadditionalmembersto be selected andmust be appointed at large by the county board as provided in this section.In 1970 and each yearthereafter,The county boardof county commissionersattheirits annual meeting shallselect andappointon an at large basisfor a term of three yearsthatthe numberof the countyextension committee as isof members required to fill the memberships on that committee expiring at that time. Subd. 2. [BUDGET RECOMMENDATIONS.] In cooperation with thedeandirector ofthe Institute of Agriculture of the Universityof Minnesotaextension, or thedean's delegatedrepresentativedirector's designee, the county extension committee, each year,on or before the second Monday of Julyin accordance with county budgetary deadlines, shall prepare a budget showing the total funds available and needed,and shall recommend to the county boardof county commissionersthe amount of county funds necessaryfor the maintenanceto maintain, support, and pay the expenses ofthecounty extension workinagriculture and home economicsduring the following year. A copy ofsuchthe budgetshallmust be presentedby the countyauditorto the county boardof county commissioners. Subd. 3. [COUNTY APPROPRIATIONS, HOW SPENT.]It shall bethe duty ofThe county boardof county commissioners at itsregular meeting in July or January, as the case may be, toshall consider the recommended county share of money necessaryfor themaintenanceto maintain, support, and pay the expenses of county extension workin agriculture and home economicsduring the following year. For these purposes, the county boardof countycommissionersmay appropriate money annually fromtheits general revenue fund and may include thesameamount of the county's share in the annual levy of county taxes or may make a special levy for county extension purposes or both. Theamountofmoneysoset aside and appropriated by the county boardofcounty commissioners for any countyfor these purposesshallconstitute a fund to be known asis the county extension fund,which shall. Money from the fund may be paid out by orders of thedeandirector ofthe Institute of Agriculture of theUniversity of Minnesotaextension, or thedean's delegatedrepresentative, for salaries of the agents employed, theiremployeesdirector's designee, to pay a part of the compensation of the agents employed, to pay directly the compensation of county support employees, and to pay other expenses incident tothe work of such agents in improving agriculture and homeeconomics and improving and bettering the marketing of farmproducts within the appropriation availablecounty extension work.NoAn orderfor the application of these funds for thepurposes named shallto pay money from the fund must not be issued until the expenditureshall havehas been audited and signed by the county auditor or other appropriate county official.In the event there is an unexpendedA balanceofin the county extension fund at the end ofanya year, this balanceshallmust be carried over or reappropriated. Sec. 6. Minnesota Statutes 1988, section 38.37, is amended to read: 38.37 [COUNTY EXTENSION COMMITTEE; PROGRAM, COUNTY AGENTS.] The county extension committee shall, annually,formulateplan a program of county extension workin agriculture and homeeconomicsin cooperation with theagriculturalMinnesota extensiondivisionservice of the University of Minnesota and the United States Department of Agriculture.For the purpose ofputting thisTo run the programinto operation it shall be theduty of, the county extension committee, acting with thedeandirector ofthe Institute of Agriculture of the University ofMinnesotaextension, or thedean's delegated representative, andin accordance with county and university personneladministration procedures to employ adirector's designee, shall recommend for employment suitable and qualifiedperson orpersonsfor such workto be known ascountyextension agents. The extension agents must be employed according to university personnel procedures and must be university employees. The extension agents shall provide educational programs and services to enhance the quality and productivity of county extension work. Sec. 7. Minnesota Statutes 1988, section 38.38, is amended to read: 38.38 [COUNTYEXTENSION COMMITTEE;DUTIESDUTY, OFFICERS, PAY.]The duties of the members ofThe county extension committee, in addition to those hereinbefore specified,shallbetoencouragethe cooperation ofall individuals and organizations to cooperate to make profitable use of extension activities. It shall elect its own chair and vice-chair, who shall serve for one year.The county extension agent shall giveaid and advice to all residents of the county when called upon,when the object is to improve the science, art and business ofagriculture and home economics and subjects related thereto.The county auditorshall act as, the auditor's designee, or the appointee from the county administration is the secretary ofsuchthe county extension committee, and. The secretary shall keep a record of all its proceedings,and shall forward copies of all resolutions of the county board appropriating fundsby the county commissionersto thedeandirector oftheInstitute of Agriculture of the University ofMinnesotaextension.The members of the county extensioncommittee other than members of the board of countycommissioners shall be reimbursed for expenses or may receive aper diem allowance in accordance with section 375.47.County commissioners who are members of the committee may receive a per diempursuant tounder section 375.055, subdivision 1, and may be reimbursed for their necessary expenses, including mileageinaccordance withunder section 471.665. Other committee members may be reimbursed for expenses or may receive a per diem allowance under section 375.47. Sec. 8. [EFFECTIVE DATE.] Sections 1 to 7 are effective July 1, 1990. Presented to the governor March 28, 1990 Signed by the governor March 29, 1990, 10:32 p.m.
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes