Key: (1) language to be deleted (2) new language
Laws of Minnesota 1989 CHAPTER 306-H.F.No. 1181 An act relating to metropolitan government; providing standards for the development guide; regulating budget reporting; providing tax levy formulas; regulating standards and procedural requirements for determining metropolitan significance; providing for payment of environmental documents from right-of-way loans; amending Minnesota Statutes 1988, sections 473.145; 473.1623, subdivision 4, and by adding subdivisions; 473.167, subdivisions 2, 3, and 5; 473.173, subdivisions 3 and 4; and 473.249, subdivision 1; repealing Minnesota Statutes 1988, section 473.249, subdivision 3. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA: Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 1988, section 473.145, is amended to read: 473.145 [DEVELOPMENT GUIDE.] The metropolitan council shall prepare and adopt, after appropriate study and such public hearings as may be necessary, a comprehensive development guide for the metropolitan area. It shall consist of a compilation of policy statements, goals, standards, programs, and maps prescribing guides foranthe orderly andeconomiceconomical development, public and private, of the metropolitan area. The comprehensive development guide shall recognize and encompass physical, social, or economic needs of the metropolitan area and those future developments which will have an impact on the entire area including but not limited to such matters as land use, parks and open space land needs, the necessity for and location of airports, highways, transit facilities, public hospitals, libraries, schools, and other public buildings. Sec. 2. Minnesota Statutes 1988, section 473.1623, subdivision 4, is amended to read: Subd. 4. [FINANCIAL REPORTING; BUDGETING.](a)The advisory committee, with the assistance of the state auditor and the legislative auditor, shall develop uniform or consistent standards, formats, and procedures for the budgets and financial reports of the council and all metropolitan agencies. The council shall report to the legislature from time to time on progress made by the committee in improving the uniformity and quality of budgets and financial reports and on legislation that may be needed for this purpose.(b) The council and each metropolitan agency shall preparea summary budget for agency fiscal year 1988 and each yearthereafter. The advisory committee, with the assistance of thestate auditor and the legislative auditor, shall developguidelines and models for the summary budgets. The purpose ofthe summary budget is to increase public knowledge and agencyaccountability by providing citizens outside of the agency witha condensed, accessible, and graphic description of thefinancial affairs of the agency. The document should contain acoherent, effectively communicated, understandable statementof: financial trends and forecasts; budget policies and policychanges; agency financial assumptions, objectives and plans;revenue sources and expenditures by program category; personnelpolicies, decisions, and allocation; budgetary performancemeasures; and similar matters serving the purpose of thedocument.(c) The council and each metropolitan agency shall includein the annual budget:(1) a statement of the reserve or fund balance carriedforward at the end of the budget year, for at least the twopreceding fiscal years;(2) a comparison of budgeted and actual expenditures,reported by department and, if the agency has a program budget,by program, for at least the two preceding fiscal years; and(3) a listing of proposed or anticipated consultingcontracts or projects and the amount of each contract or project.Sec. 3. Minnesota Statutes 1988, section 473.1623, is amended by adding a subdivision to read: Subd. 4a. [SUMMARY BUDGET.] The council and each metropolitan agency shall prepare a summary budget for agency fiscal year 1988 and each year thereafter. The advisory committee, with the assistance of the state auditor and the legislative auditor, shall develop guidelines and models for the summary budgets. The purpose of the summary budget is to increase public knowledge and agency accountability by providing citizens outside of the agency with a condensed, accessible, and graphic description of the financial affairs of the agency. The document should contain a coherent, effectively communicated, understandable statement of: financial trends and forecasts; budget policies and policy changes; agency financial assumptions, objectives, and plans; revenue sources and expenditures by program category; personnel policies, decisions, and allocation; budgetary performance measures; and similar matters serving the purpose of the document. Sec. 4. Minnesota Statutes 1988, section 473.1623, is amended by adding a subdivision to read: Subd. 4b. [ANNUAL BUDGET.] The council and each metropolitan agency shall include in the annual budget: (1) a statement of the reserve or fund balance carried forward at the end of the budget year, for at least the two preceding fiscal years; (2) a comparison of budgeted and actual expenditures, reported by department and, if the agency has a program budget, by program, for at least the two preceding fiscal years; (3) a comparison of budgeted and actual revenues, reported by revenue source, for at least the two preceding fiscal years; and (4) a listing, by contract or project, of proposed or anticipated expenditures for consultants and professional, technical, and other similar services. Sec. 5. Minnesota Statutes 1988, section 473.167, subdivision 2, is amended to read: Subd. 2. [LOANS FOR ACQUISITION.] The council may make loans to counties, towns, and statutory and home rule charter cities within the metropolitan area for the purchase of property within the right-of-way of a state trunk highway shown on an official map adopted pursuant to section 394.361 or 462.359 or for the purchase of property within the proposed right-of-way of a principal or intermediate arterial highway designated by the council as a part of the metropolitan highway system plan and approved by the council pursuant to subdivision 1. The loans shall be made by the council, from the fund established pursuant to this subdivision, for purchases approved by the council. The loans shall bear no interest. The council shall make loans only: (1) to accelerate the acquisition of primarily undeveloped property when there is a reasonable probability that the property will increase in value before highway construction, and to update an expired environmental impact statement on a project for which the right-of-way is being purchased; or (2) to avert the imminent conversion or the granting of approvals which would allow the conversion of property to uses which would jeopardize its availability for highway construction. The council shall not make loans for the purchase of property at a price which exceeds the fair market value of the property or which includes the costs of relocating or moving persons or property. A private property owner may elect to receive the purchase price either in a lump sum or in not more than four annual installments without interest on the deferred installments. If the purchase agreement provides for installment payments, the council shall make the loan in installments corresponding to those in the purchase agreement. The recipient of an acquisition loan shall convey the property for the construction of the highway at the same price which the recipient paid for the property. The price may include the costs of preparing environmental documents that were required for the acquisition and that were paid for with money that the recipient received from the loan fund. Upon notification by the council that the plan to construct the highway has been abandoned or the anticipated location of the highway changed, the recipient shall sell the property at market value in accordance with the procedures required for the disposition of the property. All rents and other money received because of the recipient's ownership of the property and all proceeds from the conveyance or sale of the property shall be paid to the council. If a recipient is not permitted to include in the conveyance price the cost of preparing environmental documents that were required for the acquisition, then the recipient is not required to repay the council an amount equal to 40 percent of the money received from the loan fund and spent in preparing the environmental documents. The proceeds of the tax authorized by subdivision 3, all money paid to the council by recipients of loans, and all interest on the proceeds and payments shall be maintained as a separate fund. For administration of the loan program the council may expend from the fund each year an amount no greater than three percent of the amount of the authorized levy for that year. Sec. 6. Minnesota Statutes 1988, section 473.167, subdivision 3, is amended to read: Subd. 3. [TAX.] The council may levy a tax on all taxable property in the metropolitan area, as defined in section 473.121, to provide funds for loans made pursuant to subdivisions 2 and 2a. This tax for the right-of-way acquisition loan fund shall be certified by the council, levied, and collected in the manner provided by section 473.13. The tax shall be in addition to that authorized by section 473.249 and any other law and shall not affect the amount or rate of taxes which may be levied by the council or any metropolitan agency or local governmental unit. The amount of the levy shall be as determined and certified by the council, except as otherwise provided in this subdivision. The property tax levied by the metropolitan council for the right-of-way acquisition loan fund shall not exceed the following amount for the years specified: (a) for taxes payable in 1988, the product of 5/100 of one mill multiplied by the total assessed valuation of all taxable property located within the metropolitan area as adjusted by the provisions of Minnesota Statutes 1986, sections 272.64; 273.13, subdivision 7a; and 275.49; (b) for taxes payable in 1989, except as provided in section 473.249, subdivision 3, the product of (1) the metropolitan council's property tax levy limitation for the right-of-way acquisition loan fund for the taxes payable year 1988 determined under clause (a) multiplied by (2) an index for market valuation changes equal to the assessment year 1988 total market valuation of all taxable property located within the metropolitan area divided by the assessment year 1987 total market valuation of all taxable property located within the metropolitan area;and(c) for taxes payable in 1990, an amount not to exceed $2,700,000; and (d) for taxes payable in19901991 and subsequent years, the product of (1) the metropolitan council's property tax levy limitation for the right-of-way acquisition loan fund for theprevious yeartaxes payable in 1988 determinedpursuant to thissubdivisionunder clause (a) multiplied by (2) an index for market valuation changes equal to the total market valuation of all taxable property located within the metropolitan area for the current assessment year divided by the total market valuation of all taxable property located within the metropolitan area for theprevious1987 assessment year. For the purpose of determining the metropolitan council's property tax levy limitation for the right-of-way acquisition loan fund for the taxes payable year 1988 and subsequent years under this subdivision, "total market valuation" means the total market valuation of all taxable property within the metropolitan area without valuation adjustments for fiscal disparities (chapter 473F), tax increment financing (sections 469.174 to 469.179), and high voltage transmission lines (section 273.425). The property tax levied under this subdivision for taxes payable in 1988 and subsequent years shall not be levied at a rate higher than that determined by the metropolitan council to be sufficient, considering the other anticipated revenues of and disbursements from the right-of-way acquisition loan fund, to produce a balance in the loan fund at the end of the next calendar year equal to twice the amount of the property tax levy limitation for taxes payable in the next calendar year determined under this section. Sec. 7. Minnesota Statutes 1988, section 473.167, subdivision 5, is amended to read: Subd. 5. [LEVY INCREASE.] For the purpose of determining the levy limitation for taxes payable in 1989 under subdivision 3, the levy limitation for taxes payable in 1988 shall be multiplied by two.The levy limitation so determined for taxespayable in 1989 shall be the basis for determining levylimitations for taxes payable in 1990 and subsequent years undersubdivision 3.Sec. 8. Minnesota Statutes 1988, section 473.173, subdivision 3, is amended to read: Subd. 3. In developing the rules the council and the advisory metropolitan land use committee, as defined in section 473.852, shall give consideration to all factors deemed relevant including but not limited to the following: (1) The impact a proposed matter will have on the orderly,economiceconomical development, public and private, of the metropolitan area and its consistency with the metropolitan development guide; (2) The relationship a proposed matter will have to the policy statement goals, standards, programs and other applicable provisions of the development guide; (3) The impact a proposed matter will have on policy plans adopted by the council and on the implementation plans and functions performed and to be performed by a metropolitan agency that is subject to section 473.161; (4) Functions of municipal governments in respect to control of land use as provided for under the municipal planning act. Sec. 9. Minnesota Statutes 1988, section 473.173, subdivision 4, is amended to read: Subd. 4. The rules shall include, without limitation, provisions to effectuate and comply with the following powers and requirements: (1) No applicant shall be required to submit a proposed matter for review more than once unless it is materially altered. (1a) A public hearing shall be held prior to the final determination with regard to a proposed matter. (2) The council shall be empowered to suspend action on a proposed matter during the period of review and for a period not to exceed 12 months following the issuance of its final determination. In its final determination, the council may prescribe appropriate conditions with regard to a proposed matter which, if incorporated or complied with, would cause the council to remove the suspension. (3) The council's recommendation or determination concerning a proposed matter, including the determination as to its metropolitan significance, shall be issued within 90 days following its receipt of a proposal accompanied by adequate supporting information, unless all parties consent in writing to an extension. The council shall extend the time to complete the proceeding by an additional 30 days if the council determines that a fair hearing cannot be completed in the time allowed. To avoid duplication, the review may be suspended for not more than 90 days to await completion of review of a matter by another public agency. (4) The council shall be required to review a proposed matter upon request of an affected local governmental unit or metropolitan agency that is subject to section 473.161. The rules shall include a procedure for review of a proposed matter upon petition by a specified number of residents of the metropolitan area 18 years of age or older. (5) The council shall be empowered to review all proposed matters of metropolitan significance regardless of whether the council has received a request from an affected body to conduct that review. (6) The council shall review all proposed matters determined to be of metropolitan significance as to their consistency with and effect upon metropolitan system plans as defined in section 473.852 and their adverse effects on other local governmental units. (7) Previously approved policy plans and implementation plans and areas of operational authority of metropolitan agencies that are subject to section 473.161 shall not be subject to review under this section, except as specifically provided in section 473.171. (8) When announcing the scope of a significance review in the notice commencing the review, the council shall state with particularity, with respect to each issue identified in the scoping document, the policies, provisions, statements, or other elements in metropolitan development guide chapters or policy plans and any other criteria or standards that will be considered or relied on in assessing and determining the metropolitan significance of the proposed project. The statement may be amended by notice to all parties given at least seven days before the public hearing. The statement does not preclude council comment on the consistency of the proposed project with any plans or policies of the council. (9) Hearings must be conducted in accordance with the following procedures, unless waived in writing by the parties: (a) The parties have the right to counsel. (b) All testimony must be under oath. (c) A complete and accurate record of all proceedings must be maintained. (d) Any party or witness may be questioned by the hearing committee or judge, or by other parties. (e) The burden of proof that a matter is of metropolitan significance is on the council. (f) Decisions of the council on the metropolitan significance of a project must be based on a fair preponderance of the relevant evidence contained in the record and on written findings. Sec. 10. Minnesota Statutes 1988, section 473.249, subdivision 1, is amended to read: Subdivision 1. The metropolitan council may levy a tax on all taxable property in the metropolitan area defined in section 473.121 to provide funds for the purposes of sections 473.121 to 473.249 and for the purpose of carrying out other responsibilities of the council as provided by law. This tax for general purposes shall be levied and collected in the manner provided by section 473.13. The property tax levied by the metropolitan council for general purposes shall not exceed the following amount for the years specified: (a) for taxes payable in 1988, the product of 8/30 of one mill multiplied by the total assessed valuation of all taxable property located within the metropolitan area as adjusted by the provisions of Minnesota Statutes 1986, sections 272.64; 273.13, subdivision 7a; and 275.49; (b) for taxes payable in 1989, the product of (1) the metropolitan council's property tax levy limitation for general purposes for the taxes payable year 1988 determined under clause (a) multiplied by (2) an index for market valuation changes equal to the assessment year 1988 total market valuation of all taxable property located within the metropolitan area divided by the assessment year 1987 total market valuation of all taxable property located within the metropolitan area; and (c) for taxes payable in 1990 and subsequent years, the product of (1) the metropolitan council's property tax levy limitation for general purposes for the previous year determined under this subdivision multiplied by (2) the lesser of (i) an index for market valuation changes equal to the total market valuation of all taxable property located within the metropolitan area for the current assessment year divided by the total market valuation of all taxable property located within the metropolitan area for the previous assessment year; (ii) an index equal to the implicit price deflator for state and local government purchases of goods and services for the most recent month for which data are available divided by the implicit price deflator for state and local government purchases of goods and services for the same month of the previous year; or (iii) 103 percent. For the purpose of determining the metropolitan council's property tax levy limitation for general purposes for the taxes payable year 1988 and subsequent years under this subdivision, "total market valuation" means the total market valuation of all taxable property within the metropolitan area without valuation adjustments for fiscal disparities (chapter 473F), tax increment financing (sections 469.174 to 469.179), and high voltage transmission lines (section 273.425). Sec. 11. [APPLICATION.] This act applies in the counties of Anoka, Carver, Dakota, Hennepin, Ramsey, Scott, and Washington. Sec. 12. [REPEALER.] Minnesota Statutes 1988, section 473.249, subdivision 3, is repealed. Sec. 13. [EFFECTIVE DATE.] Sections 6, 7, 10, and 12 are effective for property taxes payable in 1990 and subsequent years. Presented to the governor May 30, 1989 Signed by the governor June 1, 1989, 11:42 p.m.
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes