Key: (1) language to be deleted (2) new language
Laws of Minnesota 1988 CHAPTER 601-S.F.No. 2217 An act relating to Ramsey county; authorizing transfer of certain state lands in Ramsey county to the city of Mounds View; requiring Ramsey county and the city of Saint Paul to enter into a joint powers agreement before the county issues certain bonds; authorizing the county to assume certain debt. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA: Section 1. [CONVEYANCE OF STATE LAND TO CITY OF MOUNDS VIEW.] Notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes, sections 92.01 to 92.16, 92.45, or any other law, the commissioner of transportation shall convey the land described in this section to the city of Mounds View. The conveyance shall be by quitclaim deed without consideration in a form approved by the attorney general. The deed must contain a provision that requires the property to revert to the state if the property is not used by the city of Mounds View for a public purpose. The land to be conveyed is located in Ramsey county consisting of approximately 54.91 acres described as:South half of the Northeast quarter of Section 5, Township 30, Range 23, excepting the portion used for a road right-of-way. This property was acquired by the department of transportation for construction of a new portion of trunk highway No. 10 west of Interstate Highway 35W. The property is mostly wetland and floodplain and is not needed for highway purposes and is located within a conservancy, recreation, and protection district to implement the city's stormwater and conservancy management plans. Sec. 2. [JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT FOR THE RAMSEY COUNTY COURTHOUSE AND SAINT PAUL CITY HALL.] Before Ramsey county issues any general obligation bonds pursuant to state statute for the repair, restoration, expansion and modernization of the Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse, the city and county shall enter into joint powers agreements delineating the powers and responsibilities of each party respecting (i) the repair, restoration, expansion, and modernization of the city hall and county courthouse building; (ii) the normal repair and maintenance of the building, and the determination of proportionate square foot exclusive usage of the building by the county and the city; and (iii) the transfer of ownership or reversionary interests in Lake Owasso residence, the Ramsey county workhouse, Boys Totem Town, Woodview Detention Center, and St. Paul Ramsey Medical Center and any other property the city and county agree upon. Sec. 3. [ASSUMPTION OF DEBT.] Ramsey county is authorized to assume all remaining debt service on bonds issued by the city of St. Paul for construction of St. Paul-Ramsey Medical Center under Laws 1957, chapter 938, section 6. The obligation authorized to be assumed under this section is not subject to election requirements nor to the debt or tax levy limitations applicable to the county and shall not be considered in calculating amounts subject to any other debt or tax levy limitations. Any levies by the county for debt servicing payment for the retirement of these bonds shall be exempt from all tax levy limitations applicable to the county. Sec. 4. [EFFECTIVE DATE.] Sections 2 and 3 of this act are effective the day after filing of certificates of local approval by the governing body of the city of Saint Paul and by the Ramsey county board in compliance with Minnesota Statutes, section 645.021, subdivision 3. Approved April 21, 1988
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes