Key: (1) language to be deleted (2) new language
Laws of Minnesota 1988 CHAPTER 480-H.F.No. 1877 An act relating to labor; regulating the labor-management committee grant program; amending Minnesota Statutes 1986, sections 179.81, subdivisions 2 and 4; 179.82; 179.83, subdivision 1; 179.84, subdivision 1; and 179.85; repealing Minnesota Statutes 1986, sections 179.83, subdivision 2; and 179.84, subdivision 2. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA: Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 1986, section 179.81, subdivision 2, is amended to read: Subd. 2. [AREA LABOR-MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE OR COMMITTEE.] "Area labor-management committee" or "committee" means a committee formed by and composed of multiple employers and multiple labor organizations within a geographic area or statewide employment sector, for the purpose of improving labor-management relations and enhancing economic development withinthea given geographic jurisdiction or sector through labor-management cooperation. Sec. 2. Minnesota Statutes 1986, section 179.81, subdivision 4, is amended to read: Subd. 4. [DIRECTORCOMMISSIONER.]"Director""Commissioner" means thedirectorcommissioner of the bureau of mediation services. Sec. 3. Minnesota Statutes 1986, section 179.82, is amended to read: 179.82 [GRANT PROGRAM CREATED; APPLICATIONS.] Subdivision 1. [CREATION.] An area labor-management committee grant program is created within the bureau to be administered by thedirectorcommissioner. Subd. 2. [APPLICATIONSRULES.](a) Applications for arealabor-management committee grants must be submitted to thebureau by October 15 of each year on a form developed by thedirectorApplications for area/statewide industry labor-management committee grants must be submitted to the bureau under rules adopted by the commissioner.(b) The application must include a description of the arealabor-management committee formed or to be formed consistentwith the purposes of the area labor-management grant program,including an identification of the committee members and a briefdescription of the committee's existing or proposed operatingprocedures. A copy of the committee bylaws or other writtenoperating procedures must be submitted.(c) The application must include a statement of thelabor-management problem or issue existing in the committee'sarea of jurisdiction. Grant applicants must document theproblem using as much relevant data as is reasonably available,and must discuss the full range of impacts that the problem orissue is having upon the area or upon industry within the area.(d) The application must include a statement of theapproach to be used by the committee in solving the problem ordealing with the issue identified in paragraph (c) and animplementation plan setting forth the major steps to be takenand objectives sought in dealing with the problem or issueidentified in paragraph (c), as well as a time table indicatingwhen those steps will be taken and those objectives reached.(e) The application must include a four-year financial plandetailing the amount of both state grant money and local,federal, and private sector money necessary for the applicant'sprogram. The plan must show the total amount of state fundingnecessary to carry out the committee's goals and objectives, andthe total money from other sources expected to be raised eachyear. The plan must be accompanied by a proposed committeebudget, covering the life of the plan, detailing how all money,including state grant money, is to be expended.Sec. 4. Minnesota Statutes 1986, section 179.83, subdivision 1, is amended to read: 179.83 [ACTION ON APPLICATION.] Subdivision 1. [STANDARD FOR APPROVAL.]After October 15of each yearFollowing an established calendar, thedirectorcommissioner shall review the applications. Grants must be awarded on a competitive basis based on the appropriateness of the proposal, the attainability of the goals, the evidence of interest in the proposal among representatives of labor and management in the area within the committee's jurisdiction, and the thoroughness of the financial plan presented. Successful applicants shall be notified of the award no later than December 1 of each year. Sec. 5. Minnesota Statutes 1986, section 179.84, subdivision 1, is amended to read: Subdivision 1. [REQUIREMENTS.] For each grant awarded thedirectorcommissioner shall: (1) require an approved work plan that establishes measurable goals and objectives for the committee within the committee's area of responsibility and that prohibits the committee from becoming involved in contract disputes, labor negotiations, or grievance procedures; (2) establish a technical assistance delivery area outside the geographic area or sector covered by the area labor-management committee; (3) require the area labor-management committee to establish an approved technical assistance work plan for its external technical assistance delivery area; and (4) annually review the operating performance of each area labor-management committee receiving state money under this program. Sec. 6. Minnesota Statutes 1986, section 179.85, is amended to read: 179.85 [FUNDING LIMITATIONS.] A new or existing area labor-management committee may apply for a maximum grant of$100,000$75,000 per year. A new or existing area labor-management committee may be awarded state grant money, and must provide money from other nonstate sources,in each of the four years covered by the financial planin the following ratio of state and nonstate money: in the first year, 90 percent state and 10 percent nonstate; in the second year, 80 percent state and 20 percent nonstate; in the third year and beyond, 50 percent state and 50 percent nonstate; and in thefourth year, 30 percent state and 70 percent nonstate. In a grant to an existing or proposed area labor-management committee,$10,000ten percent of the grant is designated and may only be used for technical assistance services withinthean external technical assistance delivery area, both as specified by thedirectorcommissioner under section 179.84. Sec. 7. [REPEALER.] Minnesota Statutes 1986, sections 179.83, subdivision 2; and 179.84, subdivision 2, are repealed. Sec. 8. [EFFECTIVE DATE.] This act is effective the day following final enactment. Approved April 12, 1988
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes