Key: (1) language to be deleted (2) new language
Laws of Minnesota 1988 CHAPTER 476-H.F.No. 1534 An act relating to education; changing licensing requirements for registered barbers and registered apprentice barbers; amending Minnesota Statutes 1986, sections 154.05; 154.07; 154.09; and 154.18. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA: Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 1986, section 154.05, is amended to read: 154.05 [WHO MAY RECEIVE CERTIFICATES.] A person is qualified to receive a certificate of registration to practice barbering: (1) Who is qualified under the provisions of section 154.06; (2) Who is at least 18 years of age; (3) Who is of good moral character and temperate habits and free from any contagious or infectious disease; and (4) Who has practiced as a registered apprentice for a period of1512 months under the immediate personal supervision of a registered barber; and (5) Who has passed a satisfactory examination conducted by the board of barber examiners to determine fitness to practice barbering. An applicant for a certificate of registration to practice as a registered barber who fails to pass a satisfactory examination conducted by the board must continue to practice as an apprentice for an additionalsixtwo months before being again entitled to take the examination for a registered barber. Sec. 2. Minnesota Statutes 1986, section 154.07, is amended to read: 154.07 [QUALIFICATION OF STUDENTS INBARBER SCHOOLS; REQUIREMENTS.] Subdivision 1. [ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS; COURSE OF INSTRUCTION.] No school of barbering shall be approved by the board of barber examiners unless it requires, as a prerequisite to admission thereto, ten grades of an approved school or its equivalent, as determined by an examination conducted by the state board of education, which shall issue a certificate that the student has passed the required examination, and unless it requires, as a prerequisite to graduation, a course of instruction of not less than 1,500 hours, to be completed within 15 months, of not more than eight hours in any one working day; such course of instruction to include the following subjects: scientific fundamentals for barbering, hygiene, practical study of the hair, skin, muscles, and nerves, structure of the head, face, and neck, elementary chemistry relating to sterilization and antiseptics; diseases of the skin, hair, glands, massaging and manipulating the muscles of the face and neck, haircutting, shaving, and trimming the beard; bleaching, tinting and dyeing the hair, and the chemical straightening ofthehairof males. Subd. 2. [ADDING SCHOOLS.] In considering the establishment of additional schools in the state, the board of barber examiners shall consider the following:(a)(1) the total needs for barbers throughout the state;(b)(2) the number who are being graduated from the barber schools and available for employment throughout the state;(c)(3) the ability of the community to support the proposed school to insure adequate practice for its students; and(d)(4) the economic effect of the proposed barber school on the local barber shops in the local community. The state board of barber examiners shall conduct a hearing for each proposed additional school and notify the Minnesota state department of jobs and training of each such hearing. Subd. 3. [COSTS; NUMBER OF INSTRUCTORS; HOURS.] It shall be permissible for barber schoolsand barber collegesteaching the occupation of barbering to make a reasonable charge for materials used and services rendered by students for work done in such schools or colleges by students and there shall be one instructor to every1517 students or minor fraction in excess thereof.Barber colleges and schools shall open at 8:00 a.m.and close at 5:00 p.m.Subd. 4. [BUILDING REQUIREMENTS.] Each barber schoolorcollegeshall be conducted and operated in one building, or in connecting buildings, and no barber schoolor collegeshall have any department or branch in a building completely separated or removed from the remainder of the barber schoolor college. Subd. 5. [OWNER'S REQUIREMENTS.] Any person may own and operate a barbercollegeschool who has hadtensix years' continuous experience as a barber, provided such person shall first secure from the board an annual permit to do so, keep the same prominently displayed, and before commencing business, file with the secretary of state a bond to the state approved by the attorney general in the sum of $1,000, conditioned upon the faithful compliance of the barber school with all the provisions herein, and to pay all judgments that may be obtained against the school, or the owners thereof, on account of fraud, misrepresentation, or deceit practiced by them or their agents; provided, that all barber schoolsor collegesshall keep prominently displayed a substantial sign as barber schoolorcollege. All barber schools upon receiving students shall immediately apply to the board for student permits upon blanks for that purpose furnished by the board. Subd. 6. [OPERATION BY AVTI OR STATE INSTITUTION.] A public area vocational technical school or a state institution may operate a barber school provided it has in its employment a qualified instructor holding a current certificate of registration as a barber instructor and provided that it shall secure from the board of barber examiners an annual permit without payment of fees prescribed by this chapter to do so and shall do so in accordance with the provisions of this chapter and the rules of the board of barber examiners for barber schools but without the requirement to file a performance bond with the secretary of state. Sec. 3. Minnesota Statutes 1986, section 154.09, is amended to read: 154.09 [EXAMINATIONS, CONDUCT AND SCOPE.] The board of barber examiners shall conduct examinations of applicants for certificates of registration to practice as registered barbers and registered apprentices not more thanfoursix times each year, at such time and place as the board may determine. An affidavit shall be filed with the board by the proprietor of a barbercollege or barberschool that the student has completed 1,500 hours in a duly approved barber schoolorbarber collegein the state. The examination of applicants for certificates of registration as registered barbers and registered apprentices shall include both a practical demonstration and a written and oral test and embrace the subjects usually taught in schools of barbering approved by the board. The examination for registered apprentices must also include a practical demonstration. Sec. 4. Minnesota Statutes 1986, section 154.18, is amended to read: 154.18 [FEES.] The fees collected, as required in this chapter, chapter 214, and the rules of the board of barber examiners, shall be paid in advance to the secretary of the board of barber examiners. The secretary shall deposit the fees in the state treasury, to be disbursed by the secretary on the order of the chair in payment of expenses lawfully incurred by the board.The fees to be paid the board of barber examiners requiredby this chapter, as amended, are:(1) for examining applicant and issuing certificate ofregistration as a registered barber, $30;(2) for renewing certificate of registration as aregistered barber, $10;(3) for restoring certificate of registration as aregistered barber within one year of expiration, $15; provided,however, no such restoration fee is required of barbers age 70or over;(4) for examining applicant and issuing a certificate ofregistration as a registered apprentice, $17;(5) for renewing a certificate of registration as aregistered apprentice, $7;(6) for restoring a certificate of registration as aregistered apprentice, within one year of expiration, $10;(7) for examining applicant for a teacher's certificate,$25;(8) for issuing a certificate of registration as aregistered teacher, $25;(9) for renewing a certificate of registration as aregistered teacher, $25;(10) for restoring a certificate of shop registrationwithin 30 days after expiration date, $10; provided, however, nosuch restoration fee is required of those age 70 or over and whooperates a barbershop as part of the barber's residence;(11) for issuing a certificate of registration as anapproved barber school, $100;(12) for renewing a certificate of registration as anapproved barber school, $100;(13) for issuing a student permit, $5.The fees prescribed above for the renewal of certificatesof registration as a registered barber and registered apprenticeinclude the assessment made for the Unfair Trade Practice Actand shall be effective for the renewal of the 1968 licenses.The fee to be paid for issuing an initial certificate ofshop registration shall be $25 and for renewing a certificate ofshop registration of a shop within a community on or before June30 of each year, $5.Every barber shop in business on May 20, 1967 shall havethe right to continue until June 30, 1967, without the paymentof any fees or any other act and shall thereafter apply forrenewal of a certificate of shop registration in accordance withthe provisions of this chapter, as amended.Approved April 12, 1988
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes