Key: (1) language to be deleted (2) new language
Laws of Minnesota 1987 CHAPTER 322-S.F.No. 587 An act relating to state and local government; adding certain emergency personnel to the list of people eligible for benefits from the peace officers benefit fund; Minneapolis police relief association service pensions and survivor benefits; amending Minnesota Statutes 1986, section 176B.01, subdivision 2; and Laws 1949, chapter 406, section 4, subdivisions 2 and 3, as amended, section 5, subdivisions 1 and 3, as amended, and section 6, subdivision 1, as amended; and Laws 1980, chapter 607, article 15, section 9. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA: Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 1986, section 176B.01, subdivision 2, is amended to read: Subd. 2. [PEACE OFFICER.] "Peace officer" means: (a) a police officer employed by the state of Minnesota or any governmental subdivision within the state to enforce the criminal laws; (b) a Minnesota state patrol officer; (c) a sheriff or full-time deputy sheriff with power of arrest by warrant; (d) a state conservation officer as defined in section 84.028, subdivision 3; (e) a person employed by the bureau of criminal apprehension as a police officer with power of arrest by warrant; (f) a correction officer employed at any correctional institution and charged with maintaining the safety, security, discipline and custody of inmates at such institutions; (g) a firefighter employed on a full-time basis by a fire department of any governmental subdivision of the state who is engaged in the hazards of firefighting or a regularly enrolled member of a volunteer fire department or member of an independent nonprofit firefighting corporation who is engaged in the hazards of fire fighting; (h) a good samaritan who complies with the request or direction of a peace officer to assist the officer;and(i) a reserve police officer or a reserve deputy sheriff acting under the supervision and authority of a political subdivision; and (j) a driver or attendant with a licensed basic or advanced life support transportation service who is engaged in providing emergency care. Sec. 2. Laws 1949, chapter 406, section 4, subdivisions 2 and 3, as amended by Laws 1953, chapter 127, section 4; Laws 1965, chapter 534, section 1; Laws 1967, chapter 825, section 1; Laws 1969, chapter 258, section 1; Laws 1973, chapter 272, section 1; Laws 1975, chapter 428, section 1; and Laws 1983, chapter 88, section 7, is amended to read: Sec. 7. [MINNEAPOLIS, CITY OF;POLICEMEN'SPOLICE PENSIONS.] Thepolicemen'spolice pension fund shall be used only for the payment of: (a) Service, disability or dependency pensions; (b) Salaries of the secretary of the association in an amount not to exceed 30 percent of the base salary of a top-grade patrolman and of the president of the association in an amount not to exceed ten percent of the base salary of a top-grade patrolman; (c) Expenses of officers and employees of the association in connection with the protection of the fund; (d) All expenses of operating and maintaining the association; (e) Hospital and medical insurance for pensioners who have completed 20 years or more of service or permanent disabilitants andwidowssurviving spouses of deceased active members, disabilitants, or service pensioners who have completed 20 years or more of service of one unit per month, such one unit to be added to the pension otherwise provided for herein; provided that a pensioner orwidowsurviving spouse may in writing authorize a deduction from their pension for an insurance plan adopted by the association; (f) Health and welfare benefits of one unit per month in addition to other benefits for members who retire after July 1, 1980 and have completed 20 years or more of service or members who are permanent disabilitants; and (g) Other expenses authorized by law. Sec. 3. Laws 1949, chapter 406, section 5, subdivision 1, as amended by Laws 1953, chapter 127, section 5, subdivision 1, Laws 1969, chapter 560, section 1, and Laws 1983, chapter 88, section 8, is amended to read: Subdivision 1. [PERSONSMINNEAPOLIS POLICE; PERSONS ENTITLED TO RECEIVE.] The association shall grant pensions payable from thepolicemen'spolice pension fund in monthly installments, in the manner and for the following purposes: (1) Any active memberof the age of 50 years or more,and any deferred pensioner whoperformshas performed duty as a member of the police department of the city for20five years or more, uponhiswritten application after retiring fromsuchduty, shalland reaching at least age 50 is entitled to be paid monthlyduring his lifetime afor life a service pension equal to32 units and an additional unit for each year of such servicein excess of 20 years, but after completion of the 25th year ofservice the member shall receive 40 units thereafter.(2) Any active member who performs duty as a member of thepolice department of the city for 20 years or more who retiresfrom such duty before he attains the age of 50 years, upon hiswritten application after reaching the age of 50 years shall bepaid monthly during his lifetime a pension equal to 32 units andan additional unit for each year of such service in excess of 20years, but after completion of the 25th year of service themember shall receive 40 units thereaftereight units. For full years of service beyond five years, the service pension increases to a maximum of 40 units, as follows: Sixth through 20th years ............ 1.6 units per year 21st through 24th years ............. 1.0 units per year 25th year ........................... 4.0 units. Fractional years of service may not be used in computing pensions.(3) To(2) Any active member whoshall, aftertenfive years' service butwithless than 20 years' service with the police department of the city,becomebecomes superannuated so as to be permanently unable to performhisassigned duties,thereshall be paid monthlyduring his lifetimefor life a pension equal to12two units fortenfive years of service and an additional two units for eachcompletedfull year ofsuchservice overtenfive years and less than 20 years.(4) To(3) Any active member not eligible for a service pension who, while a member of the police department of the city, becomes diseased or sustains an injury while in the service which permanently unfitshimthe member for the performance of police duties,thereshall be paid monthlyduringhis lifetimefor life a pension equal to 32 units while so disabled. Sec. 4. Laws 1949, chapter 406, section 5, subdivision 3, as amended by Laws 1953, chapter 127, section 5, subdivision 2, and Laws 1983, chapter 88, section 9, is amended to read: Subd. 2. [PAYMENTS, MEMBER SEPARATED FROM THE SERVICEMINNEAPOLIS POLICE; REFUNDS PROHIBITED.]If an active member ofthe police department of the city is separated from the serviceafter having completed not less than five years of service,under such circumstances that no pension benefits are payable tohim or to his widow or to his children, the association shallreturn to him the sum of $500, with an additional $100 for eachcompleted year of service in excess of five. In the event themember is reinstated to police duty all moneys paid him shall bereturned to the pension fund within six months from the date ofthe reinstatement. Failure to do so relieves the associationfrom any liability as to prior years of service credit as toreinstatement date. In case of the death of the member any suchsums shall be paid to his heirs, executors, or administratorsNo refund of contributions may be made upon separation from service; provided, however, that if an active member dies leaving no surviving spouse or children, the member's heirs, executors, or administrators are entitled to a refund of $100 for each completed year of service. Sec. 5. Laws 1949, chapter 406, section 6, subdivision 1, as amended by Laws 1953, chapter 127, section 6, and Laws 1967, chapter 820, section 1, is amended to read: Subdivision 1. [MINNEAPOLIS POLICE SURVIVOR BENEFITS; PERSONS TO WHOM GRANTED.] The association shall grant pensions or benefits payable from thepolicemen'spolice pension fund to any member or to anywidowsurviving spouse or to any child under 18 years of age or any member from the time and for the following purposes: When a service pensioner, disability pensioner, or deferred pensioner, or an active member of a relief association dies, leaving (1) awidowsurviving spouse, who washisa legally marriedwifespouse, residing withhimthe decedent, and who was married while or prior to the timehethe decedent was on the payroll of the police department; and who, in case the deceased member was a service or deferred pensioner, was legally married to the member at least one year beforehisretirement from the police department; or (2) a child or children, who were living while the deceased was on the payroll of the police department or born within nine months after the decedent was withdrawn fromsuchthe payroll, thewidowsurviving spouse and child, or children, shall be entitled to a pension, or pensions, as follows: (a) To thewidowsurviving spouse of a deceased active member or disabilitant, a pension of 18 units per month for life. If the surviving spouse remarries, the pension ceases as of the date of the remarriage. (b) To the surviving spouse of a deceased deferred or retired member, a pension of184.5 units per month forhernaturallife; but, plus an additional nine-tenths of one unit per month for every year of service of the decedent beyond five years to a maximum of 18 units. Ifshe remarrythe surviving spouse remarries, the pensionshall ceaseceases as of the date of the remarriage.(b)(c) To each child of a deceased active member or disabilitant, a pension of six units per month until the child reaches the age of 18 years; or in the case of a child in full-time attendance during the normal school year, in a school approved by the board of directors, until the child receives a bachelor's degree or attains the age of 22 years, whichever occurs first. (d) To each child of a deceased deferred or retired member, a pension of 1.5 units per month plus three-tenths of one unit per month for every year of service of the decedent beyond five years to a maximum of six units until the child reaches the age of 18 years; or, in the case of a child in full-time attendance during the normal school year in a school approved by the board of directors, until the child receives a bachelor's degree or attains the age of 22 years, whichever is first. The total pensions hereunder for thewidowsurviving spouse and children of a deceased member shall not exceed 32 units per month. Sec. 6. Laws 1980, chapter 607, article 15, section 9, is amended to read: Sec. 9. [MINNEAPOLIS POLICE AND FIRE; HEALTH AND WELFARE BENEFIT.] Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, any person who, after July 1, 1980, retires on a service pension with at least 20 years of service or a permanent disability benefit from the Minneapolis police relief association or the Minneapolis firefighters relief association shall be entitled on January 1, 1981, or upon the date of retirement, whichever occurs later, to receive a monthly health and welfare benefit unless the city of Minneapolis elects to retain the local relief association by the adoption of a municipal resolution pursuant to section 4, subdivision 1. The monthly health and welfare benefit shall be an amount equal to one unit as defined pursuant to Laws 1963, Chapter 315, Section 1, Subdivision 3, for the Minneapolis police relief association, or Minnesota Statutes, Section 69.45, for the Minneapolis firefighters relief association, whichever is applicable. The monthly health and welfare benefit shall be paid to the retired member unless the retired member designates in writing that the amount be paid to an insurance carrier to defray the cost of any health or welfare related insurance coverage. Sec. 7. [SAVINGS CLAUSE.] Nothing in sections 2 to 6 impairs or diminishes the benefits paid to members, spouses, or children of a member of the Minneapolis police relief association or the entitlement that members, spouses, or children had to benefits before the effective date of sections 2 to 6. Sec. 8. [EFFECTIVE DATES.] Sections 2 to 7 are effective upon approval by the Minneapolis council and compliance with Minnesota Statutes, section 645.021. Approved May 29, 1987
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes